In a few years, humans have defeated the disease of old age, and the corrupted rich have encoded humans to be budgeted with a special "time clock." People pay in "time" coins for buying goods and luxuries, so that the rich can live forever and the rest negotiate their eternal life. A young and energetic man who, as a surprise, received a fortune of time, embarks on a fascinating journey to the provinces of the rich, a place he has never had access to.He finds himself in close pursuit with the slaughtered time police, who make sure that the poor of the time do not invade the rich provinces. Police known as the "Guardians of the Time"

ActorsJustin TimberlakeAmanda SeyfredCillian MurphyOlivia WildAlex Pettipper
Director Andrew Nicole
Screenplay:Andrew Nicoll
Production:Mark Abraham, Eric Newman, Andrew Nicole
Cinematography: Roger Decins
Editing:Zack Steenberg
Suspense/Action Sci-Fi Genre
Length109 minutes
Place / Year  USA / 2011


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