What is the time? Is the universe eternal? And why would a person want to run out? Like the molecules of matter that make up the human body and the entire physical dimension, human beings were created eternal and with an evolving and unlimited existential awareness. The time teacher, the clock, is designed to place the sun’s position points in the sky and be a basic tool for coordinating with other people who have agreed to act according to the division of the sun’s movement into hours, minutes and seconds. The cycle of seasons was divided into 12 months in order to establish a wise and prosperous commercial relationship, to coordinate the transfer of grain between farmers and traders, to the markets.
Time is cyclical – infinite – eternal If you look at the analog time teacher – the clock, you will see that once every 12 hours the dials repeat themselves in perfect circular fashion, and if it succeeds, your clock will repeat itself forever. This is also how the sun rises and sets in a cyclical and infinite way, so the earth rotates on its axis and so does the sun shine on the earth – without beginning and without end.
As a person with a psychologically constructed environment, you may find a particularly difficult challenge to absorb the piece of information that shows you the infinity of time, because you have become accustomed to believing that your time is finite, that your existence is finite. When a person with a basic belief eventually comes to examine the infinite universe, he will usually project his faith on the universe and look for clues to its finality, seeing everything as part of a process. If we study the nature of the universe, we find that it has no physical boundary, and that each molecule of matter moves in infinite circularity – we will find that we have no clue as to when the molecule was formed, and we will not find any molecule that disappears from the physical dimension. We will have to declare to ourselves that molecules of matter are eternal!
The human body Many scientific studies have proven that the human body regenerates itself perfectly, and up to a certain point behaves as an eternal body. At some point (and not clear to science) the body begins to lose its vitality and the renewal of the body’s cells is impaired. We call this process ‘the disease of aging’.
Consciousness When we examine the structure of human consciousness and the structure of thinking, we find that it is in constant development of learning, with the process accompanied by a constant desire to learn new things and a desire to share knowledge with others. When these desires are channeled correctly, we will find an intelligent and prosperous human society in which individuals share knowledge and resources on an egalitarian basis.
The relationship between consciousness and body In the same way that we look older when we go through a difficult time in our lives, so consciousness affects the body immediately and absolutely. Since the body is basically programmed to be the code of life, it will always strive to balance itself back towards full health and vitality, to a state that we recognize as young and healthy. Mood swings, beliefs and negative thinking will affect the body and cause the aging disease to strengthen itself and erupt even if it appeared at unexpected stages on the timeline. Unconscious beliefs and perceptions of reality will affect a person’s physical form, with fundamental beliefs being a major factor in a person’s health and functioning.
Prisoners’ Experiment We heard a story about an experiment that was carried out with a number of death row inmates who agreed to volunteer for the study. The condemned were offered the privilege of passing the experiment successfully and being saved from the death penalty. They were told that they would make a cut on their hand and suggested that they try to stop the bleeding thinking or maybe they would get lucky and the blood would clot, and thus their lives would be saved. In the first stage of the experiment, the first prisoner was brought into the room blindfolded and unable to see what was happening in the room. Using dry ice that they passed on to him, they created in his brain an image of a cut from a sharp knife, and placed next to him a bucket of water that dripped on the floor and simulated the noise of the drops of blood that was supposed to drip from his hand. What do you think happened?! Within a few minutes, the prisoner went into a state of death and ended his life from cardiac arrest. The same happened to the other prisoner who underwent the same experiment. The prison authorities ordered the experiment to be stopped immediately.
Even though this experiment is shocking in nature (and we debated a lot whether to put it on the pages of the site), it proves the direct connection of a person’s faith to his life. does it ring the bell for you?
Choose life – live in light A person who loves life and the people around him will want to continue to exist forever. Suffering is an unconscious invention of man to uphold the basic belief of perishability. Since the mind acts in the form of crisscrossing over the dimension of time, it is obliged to fulfill for man the perception of his inner reality and beliefs, and thus suffering is born – life in sleep. When a person chooses life in an absolute and unchanging way, when he worries about saying goodbye to death forever and turns his gaze to the light of eternity, he will make sure to make his life the paradise he dreams of. Because if he does not do so, he will continue to suffer forever, and this is not something that anyone would want to do! When we choose to stay, we make sure to clean the house and live with nature in harmony, because we know that every piece of toxic waste that we throw into the ground, will come one day and return into our bodies. A person who lives forever must take full responsibility for his existence and the environment in which he lives, and therefore will always want to live in light and harmony with the rest of human beings.
~~~~~~~~ Author: Ilan Avivexplores consciousness and trains for a vibrant lifecontact@people4ever.com