1 00:00:40,350 --> 00:00:44,940 At the end of two thousand and twelve when part of humanity awaited the end of the world 2 00:00:45,180 --> 00:00:49,690 we had the good fortune to be able to initiate a new era for MMS (Chlorine dioxide). 3 00:00:50,190 --> 00:00:51,030 Coincidence 4 00:00:51,150 --> 00:00:52,290 or perhaps luck 5 00:00:52,500 --> 00:00:55,950 allowed as a collaborative study with the red cross in Uganda 6 00:00:56,250 --> 00:00:57,960 where we were allowed to administer MMS to 7 00:00:57,960 --> 00:01:01,660 patients at a clinic in Luka for four days. 8 00:01:01,870 --> 00:01:05,520 The red cross was interested to find out if MMS had 9 00:01:05,550 --> 00:01:08,590 any positive impact on the health of their people 10 00:01:08,700 --> 00:01:09,780 and in particular 11 00:01:10,020 --> 00:01:13,090 they wanted to find out if it could cure malaria. 12 00:01:13,532 --> 00:01:17,070 This pilot project involved weeks of intensive planning 13 00:01:17,070 --> 00:01:20,410 including many details for each step in the process. 14 00:01:20,730 --> 00:01:24,610 Organizing something in Africa requires a lot of creativity 15 00:01:24,720 --> 00:01:27,580 while being prepared for just about anything. 16 00:01:27,630 --> 00:01:28,350 For example 17 00:01:28,500 --> 00:01:31,530 we didn't know how many patients would participate in the study 18 00:01:31,770 --> 00:01:34,090 so we could leave nothing to chance. 19 00:01:34,350 --> 00:01:38,760 Here you see the many people with health problems who arrived on the very first day 20 00:01:39,030 --> 00:01:40,480 awaiting treatment. 21 00:01:42,570 --> 00:01:44,430 Before test subjects were treated 22 00:01:44,700 --> 00:01:46,020 their name and other data 23 00:01:46,260 --> 00:01:50,590 were carefully documented on paper and also logged on the computer. 24 00:01:51,510 --> 00:01:56,160 They done received an initial examination by the doctor to determine their symptoms 25 00:01:56,370 --> 00:01:59,590 and record the diagnosis on their patient form. 26 00:02:35,310 --> 00:02:38,670 Each subject was given a malaria test that quickly reveal 27 00:02:38,910 --> 00:02:41,380 whether they were infected with the disease. 28 00:02:41,520 --> 00:02:43,320 Each malaria test was numbered 29 00:02:43,530 --> 00:02:47,080 and that number was recorded on the subject patient form. 30 00:02:56,340 --> 00:02:57,930 If the indicator was blank 31 00:02:58,110 --> 00:03:00,960 than the test subject was not infected with malaria 32 00:03:01,260 --> 00:03:01,830 however 33 00:03:02,010 --> 00:03:03,900 if the indicator showed a red line 34 00:03:04,020 --> 00:03:04,950 as shown here. 35 00:03:05,340 --> 00:03:08,739 Than the subject was indeed suffering from malaria. 36 00:03:20,520 --> 00:03:23,190 In this example you see to red lines 37 00:03:23,490 --> 00:03:27,862 this means the test subject is suffering from two different strains malaria. 38 00:03:28,050 --> 00:03:31,920 This is rather common especially considering 39 00:03:31,920 --> 00:03:32,920 there are five different varieties of malaria. 40 00:03:35,520 --> 00:03:38,730 Based on the number of people waiting their turn to enter the lab 41 00:03:38,910 --> 00:03:42,490 we can visually see how many were suffering from malaria. 42 00:03:43,260 --> 00:03:47,970 Those subjects who test positive for malaria are sent to the lab where they receive a 43 00:03:47,972 --> 00:03:53,070 second blood tests to count the number of malaria parasites under the microscope 44 00:03:53,310 --> 00:03:56,590 and thereby determined how sick the patient is. 45 00:04:29,910 --> 00:04:32,390 The lab kept a separate record book that will 46 00:04:32,390 --> 00:04:35,090 be used to evaluate the subsequent results. 47 00:04:37,800 --> 00:04:40,350 Test subjects who did not suffer from malaria 48 00:04:40,500 --> 00:04:42,720 in other words the malaria test was negative 49 00:04:42,930 --> 00:04:45,150 went to the nurse who performed a second 50 00:04:45,270 --> 00:04:46,720 thorough examination. 51 00:05:05,250 --> 00:05:06,570 Once the nurse was finished 52 00:05:06,780 --> 00:05:09,000 the test subjects were sent to a table 53 00:05:09,150 --> 00:05:10,140 where the MMS 54 00:05:10,350 --> 00:05:12,150 also known as water disinfectant 55 00:05:12,300 --> 00:05:13,600 was administered. 56 00:05:59,610 --> 00:06:03,490 Each test subject was given the appropriate MMS dose. 57 00:06:04,111 --> 00:06:07,780 Adults with malaria received eighteen drops of MMS. 58 00:06:07,920 --> 00:06:10,530 Adults who were malaria negative received 59 00:06:10,650 --> 00:06:12,250 only eight drops. 60 00:06:12,330 --> 00:06:15,360 Children with malaria received eight drops as well. 61 00:06:15,900 --> 00:06:20,320 And children who were malaria negative received only six drops. 62 00:06:20,550 --> 00:06:23,580 All babies with or without malaria received 63 00:06:23,730 --> 00:06:25,240 two drops. 64 00:06:25,500 --> 00:06:30,430 The MMS was activated with a thirty five percent citric acid solution. 65 00:06:30,600 --> 00:06:32,790 After twenty seconds of activation time. 66 00:06:33,121 --> 00:06:36,310 A half cup of water was added to the solution. 67 00:06:36,390 --> 00:06:40,570 Naturally babies received less because they can't drink as much. 68 00:06:46,128 --> 00:06:51,828 - Subtitles by Ilan Aviv / People4ever.com - 69 00:07:01,380 --> 00:07:02,070 At the end 70 00:07:02,310 --> 00:07:04,740 everyone received a bottle of mineral water 71 00:07:04,980 --> 00:07:08,200 to help flush out the pathogens after treatment. 72 00:07:12,710 --> 00:07:17,270 Test subjects who received malaria treatment had 73 00:07:17,270 --> 00:07:19,890 to return the next day for a second blood test 74 00:07:20,130 --> 00:07:23,800 to determine if the MMS treatment had worked or not. 75 00:07:24,870 --> 00:07:29,550 Here we see a photo from the second day showing the patients documentation after the 76 00:07:29,550 --> 00:07:32,460 subject received the second blood test confirming 77 00:07:32,730 --> 00:07:35,430 they no longer had malaria parasites in the blood 78 00:07:35,700 --> 00:07:36,420 in other words 79 00:07:36,570 --> 00:07:37,440 they were healthy 80 00:07:37,590 --> 00:07:39,490 and no longer had malaria. 81 00:07:40,170 --> 00:07:42,940 The lab workers sign the patients documentation 82 00:07:43,080 --> 00:07:45,610 confirming that the malaria was cured. 83 00:08:13,290 --> 00:08:15,720 Clinic was located in the Luca district 84 00:08:15,960 --> 00:08:21,070 a row rural area about three quarters of an hour's drive from the nearest large city. 85 00:08:21,507 --> 00:08:23,940 The red cross selected this clinic because they had 86 00:08:23,940 --> 00:08:27,630 previously done research in the same location involving health 87 00:08:27,840 --> 00:08:30,700 and how it relates to local water quality. 88 00:08:30,780 --> 00:08:33,210 They wanted to add the results of this study 89 00:08:33,323 --> 00:08:36,123 with the research they already had done. 90 00:08:36,840 --> 00:08:39,620 The red cross located the test subject through 91 00:08:39,620 --> 00:08:42,320 advertising on to local radio stations. 92 00:08:42,630 --> 00:08:46,510 People were asked to come to the clinic in lucca for an examination. 93 00:08:47,250 --> 00:08:51,300 Each successive day over the four days study period brought more people. 94 00:08:51,690 --> 00:08:56,200 The original goal was to treat two hundred malaria suffers with MMS. 95 00:09:15,000 --> 00:09:16,500 At the end of the fourth day 96 00:09:16,620 --> 00:09:19,800 we had treated a total of seven hundred and eighty one people 97 00:09:20,010 --> 00:09:20,580 however 98 00:09:20,790 --> 00:09:23,620 only one hundred and fifty four had malaria. 99 00:09:23,730 --> 00:09:26,970 Of the hundred and fifty four that tested positive for malaria 100 00:09:27,240 --> 00:09:29,910 one hundred and forty three where malaria free 101 00:09:30,120 --> 00:09:33,761 twenty four hours after having risk save the MMS treatment. 102 00:09:48,090 --> 00:09:52,800 The eleventh subjects that still tested positive for malaria on the follow up day 103 00:09:53,040 --> 00:09:56,190 had either not taken the complete treatment dose of MMS 104 00:09:56,490 --> 00:09:57,720 or spit it out 105 00:09:57,960 --> 00:10:01,360 so the dose was too low to kill the malaria parasite. 106 00:10:01,710 --> 00:10:04,560 These subjects were given a second dose of mmm. 107 00:10:05,121 --> 00:10:06,766 Carefully watched to ensure 108 00:10:06,946 --> 00:10:09,056 they took the complete does. 109 00:10:09,166 --> 00:10:11,146 A subsequent follow up tests showed 110 00:10:11,386 --> 00:10:14,366 that they too were now malaria free. 111 00:11:27,690 --> 00:11:28,366 i'm really 112 00:11:28,559 --> 00:11:30,091 very very happy. 113 00:11:30,256 --> 00:11:32,476 Because this lady that has Just come here 114 00:11:32,796 --> 00:11:34,069 that she was extremely 115 00:11:34,126 --> 00:11:35,818 Bad look yesterday. 116 00:11:36,066 --> 00:11:36,556 And. 117 00:11:36,916 --> 00:11:38,126 We give her the 118 00:11:38,176 --> 00:11:40,306 Wate purification only 119 00:11:40,330 --> 00:11:42,330 The purified water 120 00:11:42,796 --> 00:11:44,056 But i'm very surprised a 121 00:11:44,255 --> 00:11:44,955 as camera. 122 00:11:45,346 --> 00:11:45,856 Very. 123 00:11:46,216 --> 00:11:46,666 Normal. 124 00:11:47,177 --> 00:11:49,766 Jumping and she's a protecting our services. 125 00:11:49,846 --> 00:11:50,806 And he has said 126 00:11:50,926 --> 00:11:51,436 i wish. 127 00:11:51,766 --> 00:11:53,866 The same continues for other people. 128 00:11:54,436 --> 00:11:54,575 And 129 00:11:54,649 --> 00:11:55,785 She wishes us so well 130 00:11:56,386 --> 00:11:57,106 And succsess 131 00:11:57,452 --> 00:11:58,126 in our lives. 132 00:11:58,636 --> 00:12:00,266 So I am happy for that. 133 00:13:00,404 --> 00:13:02,706 The senior doctor provides us with comprehensive 134 00:13:02,806 --> 00:13:05,406 results at the completion of the project. 135 00:13:06,230 --> 00:13:09,246 One hundred seventy one patients 136 00:13:09,266 --> 00:13:11,166 Tested. 137 00:13:11,476 --> 00:13:12,586 One hundred and a fifty four. 138 00:13:12,916 --> 00:13:14,127 Have Maria. 139 00:13:14,896 --> 00:13:16,036 One hundred and forty three 140 00:13:16,314 --> 00:13:17,314 Are okay. 141 00:13:17,693 --> 00:13:18,134 Elven. 142 00:13:18,436 --> 00:13:19,066 Not okay. 143 00:13:19,426 --> 00:13:21,626 Due to to few drops. 144 00:13:28,036 --> 00:13:30,186 So are you happy with the results doctor? 145 00:13:30,210 --> 00:13:32,210 Very happy. 146 00:13:41,926 --> 00:13:45,716 Here are some photos highlighting our project with the red cross. 147 00:13:53,056 --> 00:13:57,256 At the beginning of the twentieth century while modern medicine was being organized 148 00:13:57,436 --> 00:13:59,326 a simultaneous effort was afoot 149 00:13:59,536 --> 00:14:03,206 to denigrate and ridicule alternative healing methods. 150 00:14:03,256 --> 00:14:07,916 Any natural alternative to modern medicine was automatically called quackery. 151 00:14:08,056 --> 00:14:10,636 Even today after almost one hundred years 152 00:14:10,786 --> 00:14:12,016 mainstream medicine 153 00:14:12,166 --> 00:14:14,656 whereas some practices could be defined as criminal 154 00:14:14,896 --> 00:14:18,416 has yet to find a truce with natural healing methods. 155 00:14:18,646 --> 00:14:19,456 Fortunately 156 00:14:19,606 --> 00:14:21,286 not everyone is intimidated 157 00:14:21,466 --> 00:14:25,466 and there are those who will stick their neck out for the public good. 158 00:14:25,607 --> 00:14:29,926 Jim Humble has served as a good example with his discovery of MMS 159 00:14:30,196 --> 00:14:31,996 a natural water purifier fire 160 00:14:32,176 --> 00:14:35,936 that has demonstrated to have many beneficial health effects. 161 00:14:36,556 --> 00:14:41,896 For over ten years the public welfare organization has been waging war on MMS 162 00:14:42,106 --> 00:14:44,326 by putting scientists in the public light 163 00:14:44,506 --> 00:14:48,236 and having them lie about the so called dangerous of MMS. 164 00:14:50,716 --> 00:14:55,996 This video now serves as one more piece of proof in the effectiveness of MMS in 165 00:14:55,996 --> 00:14:58,856 fighting one of the world's most deadly diseases. 166 00:14:59,026 --> 00:15:03,976 The doctors at this African clinic were not being influenced 167 00:15:03,976 --> 00:15:05,416 by organized medicine or the pharmaceutical industry 168 00:15:05,656 --> 00:15:08,786 and had no preconceived notions or prejudices. 169 00:15:09,256 --> 00:15:12,856 The had no idea if these water purification drops would do anything 170 00:15:13,186 --> 00:15:17,146 but on the second day when the results from the subsequent malaria tests on the 171 00:15:17,147 --> 00:15:19,126 majority of subjects were negative. 172 00:15:19,516 --> 00:15:22,016 The doctors were shocked and speechless. 173 00:15:22,366 --> 00:15:24,766 They had never seen anything like this before. 174 00:15:25,126 --> 00:15:25,996 Up until then 175 00:15:26,176 --> 00:15:28,696 malaria was an incurable disease for them 176 00:15:29,086 --> 00:15:30,046 but that's not all. 177 00:15:30,436 --> 00:15:32,916 The doctors were even more surprised to find 178 00:15:33,016 --> 00:15:33,646 that test subject suffering from other diseases 179 00:15:35,656 --> 00:15:37,306 which until then would not heal 180 00:15:37,516 --> 00:15:39,326 also became healthy. 181 00:15:39,858 --> 00:15:44,026 Since the organized pharmaceutical medical industry does not try to heal people 182 00:15:44,236 --> 00:15:46,726 but rather focuses on covering up symptoms. 183 00:15:47,086 --> 00:15:49,996 They have turned into an evil syndicate that is 184 00:15:50,096 --> 00:15:52,916 causing unnecessary suffering against all of humanity 185 00:15:53,056 --> 00:15:54,406 and should be called to account 186 00:15:54,646 --> 00:15:57,866 at the international court of justice at the hague. 187 00:15:58,225 --> 00:16:00,435 Now that may seem harsh but consider the 188 00:16:00,556 --> 00:16:02,906 millions of sick people all around the world. 189 00:16:03,196 --> 00:16:05,726 The pharmaceutical industry has anchored their 190 00:16:05,826 --> 00:16:08,636 claws of influence into every country on the planet. 191 00:16:08,746 --> 00:16:10,196 Without exception. 192 00:16:10,486 --> 00:16:15,016 Wherever you look you will find a fight against natural remedies and the destruction 193 00:16:15,016 --> 00:16:18,686 of ancient medical knowledge over a period of a few years. 194 00:16:18,946 --> 00:16:22,486 The reason for this is that you cannot patent natural healing methods 195 00:16:22,606 --> 00:16:26,336 and you can't earn millions of dollars with medicinal herbs. 196 00:16:26,626 --> 00:16:29,716 But even worse at those who mindlessly for follow the syndicate. 197 00:16:30,076 --> 00:16:33,146 They do nothing to verify the information they distribute. 198 00:16:33,196 --> 00:16:35,416 They have never done any research have their own 199 00:16:35,597 --> 00:16:37,726 and really have no idea of the truth 200 00:16:38,026 --> 00:16:40,946 they just want to have a good life and a good career. 201 00:16:41,139 --> 00:16:45,489 Unfortunately there are many of these followers that 202 00:16:45,526 --> 00:16:47,206 are simply being pulled along into their eventual demise 203 00:16:47,386 --> 00:16:48,316 since they too 204 00:16:48,466 --> 00:16:50,312 will avenge uli get sick. 205 00:16:50,506 --> 00:16:52,666 Despite the suffering from many diseases 206 00:16:52,906 --> 00:16:54,616 the majority of humanity is 207 00:16:54,766 --> 00:16:55,276 asleep 208 00:16:55,569 --> 00:16:58,577 while putting their faith in misinformed doctors. 209 00:16:58,726 --> 00:16:59,266 Today 210 00:16:59,481 --> 00:17:01,701 only those who have the strength and courage 211 00:17:01,726 --> 00:17:04,216 to take responsibility for their own health 212 00:17:04,426 --> 00:17:05,266 will in the end 213 00:17:05,476 --> 00:17:05,866 live 214 00:17:05,986 --> 00:17:07,436 a healthy life. 215 00:17:07,486 --> 00:17:09,506 We are thrilled that we had the opportunity to 216 00:17:09,606 --> 00:17:12,236 work together with the red cross on this project. 217 00:17:12,586 --> 00:17:14,806 The red cross is a serious organization 218 00:17:14,986 --> 00:17:18,926 and their employees and volunteers care about their fellow man. 219 00:17:18,976 --> 00:17:22,366 This is an important video in that it can no longer be claimed. 220 00:17:22,666 --> 00:17:26,116 That Jim humbled MMS discovery is simply a dangerous bleach 221 00:17:26,296 --> 00:17:27,826 and has no place in medicine. 222 00:17:28,306 --> 00:17:28,936 Clearly 223 00:17:29,176 --> 00:17:32,416 it it is an important tool in the world white fight against malaria 224 00:17:32,566 --> 00:17:33,976 including other diseases 225 00:17:34,126 --> 00:17:35,446 it has been shown to work on. 226 00:17:35,896 --> 00:17:39,766 We can only hope that those who have allowed themselves to be misguided 227 00:17:39,886 --> 00:17:42,596 will wake up and rethink their beliefs. 228 00:17:42,826 --> 00:17:46,066 My thanks as always goes to the man who gave my life 229 00:17:46,216 --> 00:17:47,116 a new direction 230 00:17:47,326 --> 00:17:48,766 he gave me opportunity 231 00:17:48,886 --> 00:17:51,266 to do something important for mankind. 232 00:17:51,526 --> 00:17:52,186 Therefore 233 00:17:52,336 --> 00:17:54,196 this video is dedicated to him 234 00:17:54,399 --> 00:17:55,479 and i can only hope 235 00:17:55,666 --> 00:17:57,166 that it provides some support 236 00:17:57,376 --> 00:17:58,636 to his important mission. 237 00:17:59,146 --> 00:18:00,536 Thank you Jim.