- Useful links and websites dealing with CDS MMS online
הצטרף לקבוצת הטלגרם הגדולה בישראל – “מ.מ.ס ישראל” MMS CDS ISRAEL Chlorine Dioxide
רכישת ממס אונליין - Join the Telegram Israel solvent group
- https://t.me/joinchat/vLijvTCADRk4YzJk
- Andreas Kalkar’s website – a lot of detailed information
- Treatment of COVID-19 using MMS chlorine dioxide
- Jim Humble’s Website – The Man Who Discovered MMS
- MMS website with a lot of information and arranged in Hebrew
- MMS Therapy for Dogs
- Information and shares about healing animals and people using MMS
- Interview with scientist Maria Jose on the benefits of curing COVID-19 using CDS chlorine dioxide
- Videos
- Andreas Styrofoam in a lecture on “Forbidden Health” and the use of MMS
- The difference between MMS and chlorine
- Preparation of a solution of MMS and DMSO
- CDS Preparation – Detailed Information
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