
What is a commune?/ International Communes Table

It is not easy to answer this question in English, and it is even more difficult to answer it in Hebrew. As is well known, in the national kibbutz the word "commune" refers to the clothing warehouse, and in youth movement circles it refers to a number of counselors who live together temporarily. Ibn Shushan's dictionary defines the word "commune" as "a group of people living a life of full sharing of their property and [Read more...]

By |2022-12-05T14:54:45+05:30November 4th, 2019|Community, Together|0 Comments

Interview with Jim and Bernie – Eternal Life and a Community of People Together

To stay alive, we have to go through the environmental and internal negativity of staying here forever. It is important to be around people who think positively about the continuity of life. Change the mind set related to aging, because the usual way of thinking of people requires aging with all its negative effects. Death is a level of intelligence that is present in the body, which we inherited from our ancestors, and now we [Read more...]

By |2024-01-22T13:09:59+05:30March 23rd, 2019|Eternal life, Community, Together|0 Comments

Being Forever – love thoughts outside the box

From being locked in time, people try to understand eternity, like looking out of a box and understanding the "no box," like a fish trying to understand the water it swims in and realizing that there is such a thing as air. All observation is from a pattern of thinking to a place where there is no thinking, where there is an experiential "being" that cannot be understood or seen. To be without time in [Read more...]

By |2024-03-30T22:00:41+05:30September 27th, 2015|Eternal life, People-writing, Ilan Aviv, Awakening, Together|0 Comments

The solution to all addictions – scientific research – we need each other

Scientific research carried out on rats reveals a surprising truth about the true cause of our addictions. In the study, an isolated mouse was placed in a cage and given the option of drinking water - or water with heroin. The mouse selected the heroin and acted as an addict. In the next experiment, several mice were placed together and given the exact same choice, and to the surprise of the researchers, they preferred to [Read more...]

By |2016-03-26T01:07:03+05:30March 26th, 2016|Uncategorized, Together|0 Comments

What makes us happier in life? The longest study in history

For 75 years, research has been conducted regarding the question "What makes us happy and healthy throughout life? And if you think it's fame and money, you're not aloneโ€”and you're wrong! The psychiatrist Robert Waldinger established an unprecedented approach to information about true happiness and satisfaction in life, based on the longest and most in-depth study in human history to the study of adult life, which followed the lives of 724 men, from youth to [Read more...]

By |2016-01-24T12:01:53+05:30January 24th, 2016|Uncategorized, life, Together|0 Comments

We Are Here – A Song for Life

Out of my choice to live, I want to ask you why you are here? And that's what I want this song to do, to start a whole conversation to answer the question: Why are you here? So I ask you to ask all your acquaintances the question, and you will be surprised by the answers. Because when you ask people why they are here, they give amazing and surprising answers. I think this dialogue [Read more...]

By |2015-10-05T18:17:33+05:30October 5th, 2015|Uncategorized, Eternal life, Together|0 Comments

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ืคื•ืกื˜ื™ื ืื—ืจื•ื ื™ื

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