Sleep mode

is the state in which you have become a reaction to the reality you created when you were not aware, the result of your sleep that has led you to be automatic and responsive to what is happening, instead of controlling your life and directing it to where you want to go.
– To wake up you have to give up sleep. You will not be able to both continue to sleep and wake up.

The basic process of awakening is to see the sleep, to see the programmings that make up the dormant human psyche. When you see the mechanism consciously and fully, and realize that this is exactly the software that creates so much suffering for us, then we can choose to stop protecting the software, we neutralize the warhead from the coma bomb.

The release will begin with the question,

what do I have to protect? What can you really take away from me? And if you tell me I’m bad, do I have to protect myself? Obviously, I’m bad. And if you tell me that I’m really good, will I believe you? Of course I’m good. Am I ugly? Yes. I am both beautiful and ugly, I am both together. Full awareness of the uncompromising defense mechanism will free the person from continuing to provide energy to this selfish mechanism that protects only himself, robbing the energy of life and vitality,
Suddenly you see how many years have passed since you started deceiving yourself with lies…

Sleep is made up

of the existence of previously accepted internal agreements, agreements and unwritten decisions that keep the human sleep state stable, otherwise a spontaneous awakening will happen out of the desire of the person to grow and develop, out of the intense need of each person to be free. The first stage is the sleep awareness phase, the stage in which the person recognizes that he is asleep. This is a necessary stage for the process, otherwise the person will be trapped in the illusion that “everything is fine” with his current state and awakening will not be able to happen. After the stage of recognition will come the next stage in which we want to reveal the agreements that were received when we were in sleep, a stage in which we dig into our past and see the direct effects that our past has on our present, on our lives.

In our old state,

when we were under fear, we signed agreements with ourselves that include many excuses that explain the human state of sleep as an ideal state for existence. Awareness of the previous agreements still does not solve every problem and does not advance us in the long-awaited direction, but it is a necessary step as a ground for the creation of new agreements that we are about to make soon.

But in order to make new agreements, we must violate the old ones, and this is where the journey of devotion begins.
Who is willing to give up old agreements that still serve him and give him security? Who is willing to give up a milking cow when they want to drink milk? Who among us would be willing to take action that goes against his disposition and seems to go against him? New agreements that come from a conscious state of the human being will require us to give up the old ones, there will be an immediate price to these new choices that will force us to re-choose our way of life and create what really matters to us, beyond the conditioning of the environment and memories of the past.

Why do people sleep?

There is fun in being asleep, you can do everything you want, you don’t have to make an effort, just follow our desires and desires, go with the herd – with the flow, you don’t have to make an effort to think because someone else thinks for me the others will make the change while I take care of a comfortable life, free of challenges and great failures.


How is it that we accept suffering and do not make an effort to live a life free of suffering? Why do we suffer? Suffering is marketed as an integral part of life. From an early age we learn that life is hard and that we have to accept the suffering involved in living, that’s what there is, we have no other choice. We excuse ourselves the reasons why we do not enjoy life, why the colors are not bright and beautiful.

Obsessive identification

With our problems brings with it a quantity of suffering that will occupy us throughout our lives trying to solve those illusory problems. But problems do not need a solution, they need understanding.
Observing empathy can bring with it liberation from the need to solve the problem and from the need to eliminate the hostile element that has infiltrated our system. The complete understanding that in the essence of every difficulty that comes into our lives is a miraculous opportunity for liberation and learning, will free us from the obsessive preoccupation with uncompromising war against invaders from the outside world.

Author: Ilan Aviv – Student of the Universe