Looking for a relationship?
A search is a declaration to the universe that a person lacks something specific, thereby challenging this lack and beginning the path of change and correction of desires.
The search basis relay on the understanding that there is something hidden from ones eyes and he must discover the reason for the concealment and muster the courage to remove or move from this concealment.
When a person searches, he cannot find, and this is because of identification with the search (and here I am talking about any type of search and not only about a relationship, even though it is the most difficult search of all because there a person will find the image that he lost, a relationship search is an essential search) and because of a lack of knowledge about how to be exit.
Those who seek do not find, but on the other hand,
those who do not seek do not find either.
I have heard many times people who announce that they have given up on the search and then wait for their partner to show up just like that, sometimes they wait for years and there is no show or even an approach.
Obviously the situation described here is absurd and unsolvable, but the truth is that there is a way out.
The answer is in an intermediate state between searching and not searching and can exist in such a way that a person searching will relax from the search for episodes and deal with the feeling he is looking for and focus only on the emotional and spiritual value he wishes to obtain from that search.
After he understood the real goal, he could turn to the ways he chose to achieve the same experience but in a different way from the obvious search and thus advance the thing itself.
If we are talking about a relationship, a person will be able to search for the feeling of completeness within himself and in order to achieve it, he will turn to his consciousness and perform the work of getting closer to himself within himself, while forming a complete acceptance of his current situation.
I sharpen the word “acceptance” and emphasize that without acceptance of the place where we are in the search, we will not be able to move towards what is found.
As long as a person has not accepted the place where he is, he will not be able to step to the next place because the foot that is floating in the air to the next step is supported by the foot that is in the previous step and is therefore necessary for the step.
I believe that most people who search are focused on the physical object they are looking for and thus sin against the real search and remain in it because their soul did not achieve what it wanted in their pursuit of an adequate intellectual solution without consulting the higher parts that seek perfection and acceptance.
There has been a lot of talk recently about relationships in the new era and we must truly understand that the rules of the game have changed and I would be happy to expand on this a little bit from the information I received recently.
It can be said that in the times we live in, the circle of singles and free people is indeed growing.
This does not mean that fewer connections are happening on earth, the truth is that the opposite is true, more people are making real connections because this is the trend of the spirit and the higher truth.
The thing is that in our past, the higher truth was not as visible as it is today and people tended to make many compromises in a relationship, while obeying strict social rules and society’s many expectations of the individual.
In those times, family status was a basic condition for accepting a person as a homogeneous part of society and singles were defined as a temporary status or as exceptions to be hidden or ostracized from the “normal” and institutionalized society.
In these times, people did not ask themselves the real questions and tended to be satisfied with the comfort offered by the relationship and the society’s acceptance of them.
Today we are more aware and the questions, the knowledge and the understandings, enter our consciousness in many ways, some of which are telepathic and some of which are from reading books, publications and studying social awareness, so it is easier for us to look inside and yet the pain is greater because it is much more difficult to ignore the truth presented before our eyes.
Many people who realize that their relationships do not serve their spiritual and developmental growth, abandon and move to a single life and open up to the real search leaving behind many remnants and often, a lot of pain.
An important part of awareness is the place from which a person comes, therefore this place must be sorted out and the pain and lack of clarity cleared in order to move forward in a good way, otherwise the person will be forced to retrace his steps if he has forgotten unresolved parts of his past.
I have often heard of great frustration and fear surrounding people who understand that the wave of change has begun and encourage themselves and others to hold tighter to the tent pole in order not to be swept away by a passing “trend” that may turn out to be a mass lie.
I will hold the hand of the brave to choose their choices in their lives, even when they know that they will cause pain to others and this is so that we can sustain a world built from the high truth of our souls that allows real growth even for those close to our hearts.
Real pain does not prevent (stop) growth, but on the contrary, it allows a person to understand its source and seek an answer within himself to stop it, thus forcing a person to turn to his soul (the nobler) and understand the cause and not the result.
This very turn to the Almighty brings the person closer to the source and reminds him of where he came from and where he is and what he must do.
to mend his ways.
If we experience our true pain, it will pass and a new place will be made to contain love in its place.
The pain itself is not the thing that hinders our growth, but the fear of experiencing that pain is what hinders us from moving forward and becoming who we are now.
The search for the opposite part of our soul is basic and essential and we cannot give it up as long as we make our way in the world.
There exists within us such a deep knowledge of the separation that was made in us that we yearn for completion in every moment of our lives, and we must understand
Because the parts must be embroidered inside before looking outside.
Some tools for doing this:
Since the feeling we are looking for in a relationship is completeness, we must seek out the actions in our lives that make us feel a greater sense of completeness.
If we investigate deeply we will find that by giving we connect to higher parts of ourselves and thus feel more complete and from this we must discover the actions we would like to perform in giving to others.
This action of the basic search for the things we like to do is actually the search for our purpose in life.
This vocation can be found by internally scanning the things we like to do the most and discovering the things we are talented at.
Talent is a clear sign of a person’s destiny in this world and varies from person to person so that everyone can find their destiny in life.
A connection to a vocation can give the seeker a stable ground on the way of the search and a significant approach to a marital connection because a connection to the missing part is essentially similar both in occupation and in the family, and from this it is possible to understand the reason why most people deal most of the time with relationship/sexuality and livelihood.
The spiritual journey is the direction our higher self chose to turn to in order to create transcendence in us, but we must walk the path ourselves and overcome our desires while strengthening the power of overcoming passions.
It is important to understand that the seeker must act while searching and not be static because he will not find if he continues to sit on the fence, at the same time he must understand that after he has invested the appropriate amount of energy and his intention and request to the universe, he must stop the search and turn to other things that do him good and thus allow For abundance to enter his life, to move from a pusher to a recipient.
It’s like pushing a cart and then letting it roll due to the force of inertia, because if we keep pushing it we will enslave it and become its slaves instead of it serving us.
We will remember that the search is not the goal, it is only a means to get there.
After we are on the high road and we already have a relationship and a livelihood, we can release our old fear of survival and move forward to delegation, this is the stage where the noble matures and shines his light on other parts of creation.
I will summarize the matter by saying that a person’s occupation/earnings are directly related to the relationship in which he is, and this is because the connection to destiny and the creation of abundance is his getting closer to the source just as getting closer to the opposite sex dictates getting closer between the opposites.
Approaching is any action we do that involves giving/influencing others or ourselves.
Human nature is to want to get momentary pleasures without making an effort and this is how we always work to achieve the maximum pleasure with the minimum investment of energy/effort.
In order to engage in giving, we must overcome this desire to receive and give to another, when the action appears on the surface as an unnecessary action that is not necessarily worthwhile.
The act of giving fills us with a higher light and gives us eternal pleasure, even if at that moment we do not enjoy or even suffer a little.
So what are we actually looking for? Is this something familiar? Where do we want to go?
To return home, that the journey will end and we can once again feel the same perfection that has already darkened within us.
Maybe we are looking for a way to overcome all those desires within us that distance us from the good/the source.
Dear relationship and love seekers, do yourself good deeds and connect with your soul’s destiny and at this time,
Abandon the search for the other side, you will be surprised by the things that this action will bring you and the search will continue and even intensify,
And this depends on the deep understanding of each of us regarding his place in the world.
Wishing all of us a very enjoyable and temporary search.
Good luck with the connection
Writer: Ilan Aviv
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