Only Two forces in the universe that create all reality.
The force of expansion and giving versus the force of contraction and attraction.
In our human world these forces appear as male and female – man and woman.
From the infinite to the dual, the universe is split within itself to maintain a relationship, to sustain what we know as life on earth.
When we are connected to our male or female nature, we have been given the right to participate in the game of life as part of the universe playing within itself.
In the gap between the male and female power all life exists, while they are attracted to each other but never collide.
To create a state of tension between them, resistance to human nature must be exercised to allow life to exist.
The weakening of man is caused by his surrender to his human nature when he could not withstand the tension between the poles, which is reflected in the human world as a sexual encounter created by the uncontrollable culture, which creates the matrix in which humans live.
Animalistic human nature pulls the species into repeated conflict that splits the male and female power in the world and distances man from the universe.
In nature, the poles appear as the force of light and darkness that are at a maximum distance and maintain a state of “pairing” between them. Pairing mode maintains the harmony in the universe and is the most important point of communication that has been forgotten by the human race.
In order to bring the state of harmonious pairing into human life, the species must remember their original form of consciousness and agree to participate in the game of the universe that keeps the distance between them, with a communication point of which we call love.
To be in a state of love we must keep the tension, keep the “distance” between us and not give in to human nature that pulls us into collision with the other person.
When we agree to accept the individual that we are in its entirety and understand that it is necessary for the existence of love between two people, we turn our attention to inner work instead of trying to change the other.
The relationship between the species is necessary for the existence of life on earth, whether at the animal level or at the conscious level of man as a thinking being.
On the animal level, communication between the sexes will create more humans and distance humanity from the universe, in contrast to the connection of consciousness between the sexes that will enable the creation of love in the world.
Writer: Ilan Aviv
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