Thank you letters sent to Ilan Aviv from workshop participants and from people who read articles he wrote. The workshops took place in Israel at an awareness and awakening center that Ilan held in Tel Aviv.


From: *Dana*
Subject: To Ilan :) :) :) :) :)
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Hi Ilan!!! I wanted to dedicate this message to a blessing. blessing to you Sitting here in my house in front of the computer, all kinds of things bring me pain, but there is also joy here, the dispersal of oblivion/darkness and smiling to myself like a princess… …and you spread light here unconsciously helping me to expose myself in front of a traveling mirror to you here And there between words, like a miracle worker from afar, something much deeper passes through the page here, something quite crazy, something delightful, something magical, something that does not know the word publication… I feel as if every word is an essence, and in fact there is no such thing at all, a mistake, an emotion arises in me , turning in all directions, thanking you now for thrills and butterflies. Dana.

By: Aviv Ilan
Subject: touching the heart
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Thank you so much, thank you for the love, thank you for the honesty, I am glad that I will soon get to know the being who writes these words :)
A hug from the heart of Ilan Aviv

From: *Shani*
Subject: To Ilan the caller :)
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Hello Ilan! Thank you for the last two days when your home was our home, just like that. Really thanks for the whole process we went through there. For me the workshop was intense for better and for worse… there was a lot of truth there, energies (vibrations) that do not allow being in a lie, so sometimes I experienced great happiness and laughter, and sometimes confusion and pain… I need to digest, let it seep in, be. I thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, and also to your guides who seem to have invested in us… May we have a pleasant day with lots of love for help. Hug Shani.

From: *Dana*
Subject: exciting, exciting, exciting…. really… from the soul :)

By: Aviv Ilan
Subject: To Shani
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Hi Shani, I was happy to see the figure standing behind the lovely scriptures in the web, a soft heart for you and tears of joy even when you’re sad, you can see the heartwarming smile inside you, happy to be the person you’ve chosen, to remind you of who you already are, be strong and courageous, dear woman, the road is lined with angels, I’m always here if You will need a hug
Ilan Aviv

By: Rinat
Subject: Dear Ilan
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Thank you thank you thank you thank you for two days of a wonderful workshop. Thanks to the wonderful people who were there and shared the experience with us. Thanks to the guides and entities and of course thanks to the entire universe if I missed someone :)
I apologize in advance. good night see you on wednesday Have a wonderful week.

By: Shira
Subject: Pure souls
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Thank you dear Rinat and all the pure souls who were in the workshop – in this dimension and in other dimensions. I wish the work of light would now continue with increased acceleration. Kisses to everyone

By: Ariela
Subject: Big love
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Hi Ilan
Dear men
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here
Thank you for the help and giving without limits and conditions
I feel how my body is slowly completing itself
And it’s a wonderful feeling of renewal.

It is a bit difficult to move on to the material things, but there is no choice
So , A huge hug

By: Daniel
Subject: Big love
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Ilan, my dear!
Have you noticed what path you’ve taken in the past few months? I have to tell you that today you appear in the group as an even more amazing leader than before, connected, safe, flowing, loving, searching, giving space, generous… Did I forget something? A lot, a lot has changed, just so you know.
The very next level of all these, because you were like that before too, but you didn’t always express yourself like that.
Well done!!!! Thank you for your openness to development and being an example to us :)
I really, really enjoy the group and it’s getting stronger!

And here is something related to the conversation about a piece that was yesterday:

There are many ways to create something, by visualizing or with the power of gratitude, with sending love, also with total expectation. When I say expectancy it is as in something you know so well that it is going to happen that you can feel it as if it has already happened as in it is already a part of you. Before we can shift into that type of probable reality we must first develop an awareness of the possibility of it. Over time gradually as we begin to believe in that possibility we begin to build an expectation of it. When the expectation reaches one hundred percent then it becomes so. The difficult part is reaching that full expectation without having proof already in our grasp. But the proof of its reality does not appear until we have reached that one hundred percent expectation level. That’s the irony of it. We think that we must first prove something at least to ourselves before we can believe it. But reality is created the o! ther way around it’s the minute we can prove something to ourselves regardless of what it might be it is because we already believe it.
A Weekend With ‘a’ Drunken Leprechaun
“Finding Your Joy”
by Klaus J Joehle
Lovingly, Daniel

By: Shir
Subject: Thank you so much 
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Ilan Shalom
Thank you very much for an interesting, fun and deep workshop
I enjoyed it very much
And I wish you all the best in the world

Ilan, I would love to receive from you the meditation you did on the first day of both smelling and holding the flower and the meeting with the guide
I would also love to receive the preparatory meditation for working in pairs

Thanks in advance

Yesterday I came back with a big hi that I’m still in
And thanks again, you’re amazing

Best regards, I will understand

By: Talya
Subject: Amazing !!! 
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Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful workshop that I was lucky enough to be a part of Last Fridays and Saturdays.

It was amazing. You go through everything comfortably, calmly, with supreme fun.
I learned a lot about myself and wonderful people in the group.

An experience that enriched me and calmed me down.

Thank you for existing.
I will ask for the addresses of the participating members, as well as the meditation that raises the person to the heights
Love, Talya

By: Talya
Subject: To dear Ilan
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I wanted to thank you again for the meeting yesterday,
And especially to ask you to thank on my behalf all the wonderful beings that were there,
who gave a patronage of light and love, which I still feel now and they warm my heart…
You were incredibly accurate and you definitely helped me sort things out in my head.
And from the head it actually all starts… :)
I would love to receive information about the next channeling workshop!
and meanwhile,
I wish you days of light,
days of peace,
Days full of love…

By: Rotem
Subject: RE: Communication session
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Dear Ilan
It was an amazing workshop.
thanks for everything!!
You are truly a special and loving being, you managed to help me reconnect to the optimistic place.

Are there any details about this weekend’s workshop ‘healing and healing with beings’?
Regarding the Monday meetings: starting next week (probably) I will be able to join. I will talk to you later.

Have a bright day

By: Rona
Subject: To Ilan from my heart
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Hi Ilan
Again, a million thanks for the amazing workshop I had this weekend.
No less thanks to sweet Hila for the support, her amazing testimony, the love she radiates.
Today I called the patient. Amazing, they really spoke to me…
I would very much like to receive the meditations as you promised – by email. So I remind you.
Lots of love and thanks.
love very much

By: Reut
Subject: Regarding: Channeling meeting
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Hi Ilan
I am still wrapped in the workshop and the love that prevailed there yesterday
As I already said yesterday, the workshop was very powerful for me
it opened my heart which had been closed for a long time due to the daily difficulties I have been experiencing recently
I even got my period yesterday which hasn’t visited me in a few months :-) Q
Which means I released a big block
I so enjoy this feeling of an open heart witch i almost forgot exist.

Because I currently do not have the financial possibility to continue coming to meetings and workshops
I wanted to ask your advice how I can try and preserve the feeling on my own and not let the heart close slowly again?

Have a lovely day
You are a special person
and inspiring a great feeling throughout the workshop

By: Ayala
Subject: what a lesson !!!
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Hi Ilan,
I am still experiencing the profound effects of last weekend’s workshop.
I see that this happens with the others as well, according to the comments on the forum.
I want to tell you what happened to me. (You deserve first place).
First of all, I did not share with you in the workshop the fact that in the first meeting with the guide I discovered not one but five arranged guides In the formation of the letter V, with the senior guide standing in front at the apex and the other four behind him in this formation.
By the way, I’ve been seeing this structure for two months in the meditations I do, when I practice the body of light.
In any case, with the end of the workshop, on the way home to Haifa, the joy and love began to disappear, and in their place I felt sadness and deep pain in my heart.
The words I heard when they communicated for me in a circle still echoed in my head and suddenly I felt a heavy weight fall on me and a feeling of despair.
I thought that after two years of strenuous awareness work, when I lifted myself from such painful places, I already know what a term On the desktop and what else I need to work on. And after this evening, I suddenly had a “huge pile” of extra work added to me!
What despair! What about everything I’ve achieved so far? Does it have no weight?
With this feeling I went to bed and woke up with a headache and a strong feeling of weight on me. I didn’t feel like going to work (but it’s good that I went), and I put on brown clothes (to ground) and put a small rose quartz stone in my pocket (I never walk with stones in my pocket) and set off.
The tears flowed freely all morning and only at noon did I start to recover. As the hours passed, I began to see things in proportion, to discover that maybe the demon is not so bad. In the evening, when I was about to go home, I suddenly saw the picture clearly, that actually I was just drawn to the drama and thanks to the work of awareness I quickly return to my focus and inner center!
In fact, the “trick” is simply a different angle of view to what I already know about myself, and these are things that are in “my work plan” anyway. From that moment I heard (really heard) how my 5 instructors burst out laughing, laughing and laughing at me and amused at how I was attracted to the drama,
And I took everything so seriously. Since then, they’ve been laughing all the time, especially about how they arranged your workshop for me as a communication partner.
Now I laugh along with them, and lovingly tell them: wait wait, we will meet again!!
I am happy to share my story with you. Thanks for listening !
sending a loving hug,

By: Ravit
Subject: It was goood talking to you
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Hello Ilan!

I was very happy to talk with you last night. It’s been a long time since I could talk to any person who gave me the feeling that he understood what I was going through. I will do my best to come meet you. There is no doubt that I have a very serious problem (if you can call it that) with trust. I think it begins and ends mainly with my trust in myself, and my objective ability to make a choice, because I’ve been wrong so many times that I have the “devil” on my shoulder telling me all the time – you’re falling into the trap again. I have many conflicts and many doubts. I am aware of the work I have to do, the problem is that I don’t know where to start and how, so it is so important that I meet you. I will do everything to make it happen, within my abilities. I don’t feel confident enough for it to be “in spite of everything” if you get what I mean.

My sister speaks highly of you, and from my acquaintance with her, there are not many people she speaks highly of, and there is no doubt that this gives me a little confidence.
I thank you with great love for the desire, and reaching out.
We will talk later. 

By: Hila
Subject: Light and love
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Hello to Ilan Aviv…

I came to you through an invitation I received (by e-mail…).
through there; I found the link to the source of your article.
Now I’m about halfway through the article… and I can’t hold back anymore… and I just stopped in the middle to write to you.
While I’m reading, all kinds of questions come to me, – questions that I already know. Questions of such uncertainty…
“Maybe it’s just in my head”… After all, everything starts and ends in the head…

As you can understand – I had a deep sympathy with you. A higher percentage of the totality of the things you talked about.
The spiritual path has accompanied me since forever or so……… and today I am 21 years old.
If I’ve been writing since forever. You can say from the age of 9 maybe. 9, 11, 15-14, 16-17, 18
At the age of 18 I went and got a tattoo of a purple feather in the middle of my back…between the shoulder blades.
As if like an inevitable initiation ceremony spring. But it can sound like I don’t know how. But as if I was attracted to it and I had to.
It’s really just a point. At the age of 20, I got a tattoo of a brown horse on my arm-shoulder, symbolizing the joy of loving the land.
(Because I may have a tendency to be more spiritual than earthly..)
It’s not a matter of enthusiasm for a tattoo – it’s more to show you a little who I am.
(I had to tattoo myself – as if not to forget – to always remember.)
Anyway – you’ve got me pretty excited here…
Because it’s like you brought me verification of things… from this little doubt, there..
But leave the doubts and matters..
As soon as I came across the first time you said “tube” there is I had to respond to you.
About a year ago. I was so enlightened… that I used to say sometimes that I was a tube at all…
And there were those who did not understand and joked. But you just reminded me.
I was all light, I felt that I was in the groove of my destiny. …unity …Romania…etc…..
Also around the age of 17-18 I had enlightenment in meditation…
Actually, I had no experience in meditation at all. I just wanted to finally get into it.
And it wasn’t just a relaxation meditation.. it was more upward suction for expanded vision.. (the colors… the light… the tubes…)
Which is basically what meditation is supposed to be. No…?
At some point, I cried and promised to pass on – for the light and the love, the fruitfulness…etc…..
For all those who forgot… …
I always knew I needed some kind of earthly guide/teacher. Once I even saw in my mind’s eye some old Chinese man in a big and ancient building with lots of rooms… like my teacher. Style for life…
I understand. and sees
But still . More than happy to have come across you. Because you went through so many stages. And you understand more. And your vision is wider. Surely it is not by chance that you are suddenly there. And I’m going to continue reading what you wrote.
I really hope you come back and answer.
You might even be able to help and strengthen the dying sunrise every now and then…
light and love,

By: Rona
Subject: Regeneration
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Dear Ilan

With the spring festival spread
I would like to thank you
For the wonderful contribution you made to my life in the last year
You taught me to connect with the angels and myself
And most importantly to start opening my heart

A big hug for a happy holiday

By: Maor
Subject: Thanks
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Ilan Shalom.
I want to say thank you again for the wonderful workshop that was at the weekend.
Beyond studying,  for the songs,  dances and hugs, I would like to say
Thank you for helping me remember home and that there is a reall love.

with love


By: Michal
Subject: Subject: Communication workshop
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I wanted to thank you for the wonderful tools you gave us in the workshop. For the openness of your and Uzi’s hearts and the opening of our hearts to the vast experiences of compassion and love that surround us all.
I wanted to ask you to send me the meditations we did in the workshop.
Yesterday morning I was already able to communicate by writing. Today it got a little harder to connect. One of the messages I received yesterday that my guides are there for me not to answer these questions but to help me raise my energetic frequency. They said that all the answers are in my heart, I just need to connect with my heart without fear and then I will find all the answers. I’m a little confused by the message. Is it possible that this message did not come from communication and was due to the mind’s explanation of the situation that I am not receiving answers? I know the guides are there and everywhere, I’m sure I’m able to be a clean conduit for communication, but is this already happening? Am I really calling?

I would be very happy to receive an answer to these questions.


With love from Michal


By: Arik
Subject: Impressions from the channeling workshop
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Hi Ilan!
I am still full of experiences, thoughts and talks about the amazing workshop.
I was so happy to meet you and Uzi and all the participants (who seemed like you chose each of them carefully).
Those close to me claim that I came back different. that I am more peaceful and loving. I really hope they are right.
I would love to receive an email from you about the guided imagery and everyone’s addresses and phone numbers.
And of course I would love to stay in touch and know if and when more workshops will be held.
Lots of light and love.

By: Alona
Subject: sends my blessing
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Dear Ilan
A morning of seeds of light around you forever,
Be always in a good mood :)
Regarding the workshops,,, I leave it to the universe to promote it
It will come sometime and it will be the best there is

I can tell you something from the depths of my soul,
You are a very special person.



By: Melina
Subject: Dearest Ilan
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Dear Ilan,
Thanks again for trusting me
You are the second person on earth who believes in me like this after my first true teacher, may his memory be blessed.
With God’s help I will try to give the love of the universe
The infinite flowing through me.
With love, energies can be refined

I love you to no end
And thank you for coming into my life
And you showed me what innocent and simple love is

By the way blue is my favorite color :))


By: Tal
Subject: thank’s from my heart
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Hello Ilan
The things you wrote resonated deeply with me, they are simply understandable to me. I entered or perhaps it is more correct to say, I opened up to the spiritual world with a strong and relative power in a short time and I still walk around some of the time and think in my heart if I have lost my mind and soon they will put a lunatic’s coat on me. I was told that I was tuned into channeling and that I should start practicing it in writing against a certain entity and only after reading what you wrote do I begin to understand what they meant. Until now I just didn’t understand how they suddenly start communicating. I made one attempt that I think was partially successful, meaning it was a mixture of the guidance and a little of myself. Anyway, I took note of your comment that communication can sometimes make human communication difficult. And thank you again for sharing and thus also helping me.

By:  Rotem
Subject: Hello to Ilan Aviv!
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Hello Ilan and Happy Holidays:
I finally read some of your communications this morning
And I identify with most of the material you received in communication through your guides. It’s material that is similar to what I receive, only that with you it is already arranged in a certain order and more clearly while mine is still not so arranged.
I have connected with various parts of what you have received and simply wanted to say thanks


By:  Dafna
Subject: RE – eyewitness and hearing testimony – three days of love in the Dead Sea
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Hello everyone true friends
Last weekend I was at the “Camel Effect” (awareness workshop in the Dead Sea)
I came back full of faith that all my friends that I really love, deserve more
Those of you who know me know what a person goes through in his journeys in life (me and each of you)
There is another way – warm, family, hugging and loving that really wants to show
To you what it is to give and receive love unconditionally and regardless of who we are.
There are no business or missionary motives here, there is only truth in it.
And maybe truth is a word that is a bit threatening to each and every one,
Are you ready to go with your truth?
If we fear the unconscious because we have never dared to find out what our truth is,
So we are normal. Most of us are like that.
I dared and went on this journey, believe me it’s worth it, I love myself and my friends
And it makes life happy.
And I decided that I needed to do something more than go alone on my journey, I needed to encourage those close to me
The ones I really love and I would like them to be better at least to come to the first km
which is wonderful and non-binding and to decide for themselves, in front of the truth of each and every one if it is worthwhile.
Believe me, life doesn’t turn upside down and you don’t leave your job or family as a result of this experience,
We return with a lot of energy and strength to continue and hear about another angle of view.
I would be even more happy if you send this email to those you really like and invite them to join you For the next meeting of the camel effect (workshop in the Dead Sea), I will be there.
If anyone wants to ask, listen to consult and perhaps allay concerns, I invite you to call me
And I would love to share my being.
With huge love
Yours – Dafna