We must separate our supersensory ability to receive messages coming from other people and the ability to communicate with other dimensions.

The ability to pick up emotions from other people is an energetic sensing of the energetic field they are transmitting at that moment.
This is a continuous absorption of subconscious information transmitted to the environment and absorbed only by the sensitive among us.

The ability to receive the thoughts of others is a telepathic ability and sensitivity to the frequency they transmit in the same situation they are in.
A person who is open to telepathic reception will randomly pick up the thoughts of others, if he is not tuned to a certain frequency or to one person.
It is not possible to receive the thoughts of all human beings, only those who transmit at a frequency similar to ours or slightly different from it.
Sometimes the broadcast disturbs the rest of the receiver and sounds like disturbing background noise, the noise sounds like a large crowd whispering and muttering.

Channeling is connecting to a high guidance frequency and receiving messages from the high guidance of our soul, this is a certain frequency and it does come telepathically, but the source is different, it does not come from humans, the operator is the upper guidance, the higher parts of man.

Feeling the emotions of others is indeed identifying with them and in fact, the thought or emotion that is absorbed, taps a place inside that recognizes this emotion and reacts as if the situation is happening now.

This can be seen as a trigger that presses a place within us that requests change and it must be understood that we can regulate the entry of this information to us and even block it.
It is like being selective when someone tells us a story that we are not interested in receiving or listening to.

People who open up to channeling sometimes get excited about these new abilities, and without realizing it, put into them the thoughts of others, even if they are low and amplify their fears.

Remember that our body is the home of our consciousness – please do not let guests into our home that we are not interested in their presence.

We must learn and make a separation between our thoughts and feelings and the feelings and thoughts of others so that we can help them get out of the tangle (only if we recognize that they need it) and so that we do not get into an energetic tangle that is not ours.

A person who falls into a deep pit, indeed cries out for help and prefers to pull us into it so that he does not feel alone, but the real help will come if we stay above and direct him to the exit and not if we jump into it as well.

post Scriptum
The background noises discussed here caused many people to be hospitalized in psychiatric wards, after turning to psychiatry, because conventional medicine was not (and still is not) ripe to understand non-scientific phenomena and associated the esoteric phenomena with mental illnesses, deviations and behavioral disorders.
The irony is that over the years, psychiatrists, doctors, psychologists and other conventional medical professionals, who faced the question “am I going crazy” and after extensive tests, discovered that they were completely normal except for those strange background voices that were heard.
I hope that the real movement of the spirit has begun there as well and that the day is near when they will join us without fear because we will “go crazy” :-)
The fear of going crazy is one of man’s greatest fears and this fact is also known in the world of conventional medicine,
And as I believe, if you discover fear within you…go into it!!!
I recommend to all those who are afraid to go crazy, to find a safe place to go crazy every now and then

Every person needs a sane place where he can get out of his mind… 

Good day people


Writer: Ilan Aviv