chlorine dioxide

Red Cross MMS Study in Uganda – What THEY Don’t Want YOU to Know

In 2012, a new era for MMS (Chlorine dioxide) began when a collaborative study with the Red Cross in Uganda was initiated. The goal was to test the impact of MMS on patients' health, particularly whether it could cure malaria. The study involved treating patients with MMS at a clinic in Luka for four days. The results were astonishing as most subjects tested negative for malaria after treatment, showing MMS's potential as a natural remedy. [Read more...]

By |2024-08-09T11:30:38+05:30July 30th, 2023|Health, MMS CDS|1 Comment

Chlorine Deoxide MMS – the wonder drug Chlorine dioxide

Chlorine Dioxide MMS is a simple compound of a substance called chlorine dioxide (chlorine dioxide) that received the name MMS because of its healing properties (Miracle Mineral Solution). Join The Telegram MMS Israel Group MMS CDS ISRAEL Chlorine Dioxide ממס ישראל This information is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment, and is submitted by the site's editorial staff as essential information for readers only!! MMS is known for its healing abilities all [Read more...]

By |2022-12-28T12:27:19+05:30April 26th, 2020|Health, MMS CDS|0 Comments

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המעוניינים לחיות את חייהם במלואם, לאוהבים את החיים שרוצים לחיות לנצח בגופם האנושי. אנו רואים את החיים כדבר המופלא, היפה והטוב ביותר שיש ביקום, ובוחרים להישאר בחיים בשיתופיות ובחיות מלאה. כמונו יש עוד רבים ברחבי העולם, ומדי יום מצטרפים אנשים נוספים שגילו את תשוקתם הבסיסית והבלתי מתפשרת = לחיות!

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