Guests meetings
People Forever – Tamil Nadu – India

Taking a step to get to know each other – introductory meetings

Open meetings are held once a week in Auroville, and in each meeting we discuss together a key topic that relates to the main idea of creating a community and then open the conversation to questions, get to know each other and share. Each session is a fascinating lesson for life and an amazing way to get closer to people and strengthen each other, in the unique way in which each person sees fit to give of himself to others during the encounter.

Devotion – Intimate Relationships Training – People Forever India

The introductory sessions are free of charge and served to you with love. You can bring vegan refreshments to the meeting and if possible as healthy as possible ~ the meeting is limited to 12 participants. Pre-registration is required.
~Please do not bring dogs, parrots, cats and dinosaurs to the encounters~

– All Are Welcome –

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  People forever – Imdia  

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