Manual instructions for use and general information chlorine dioxide MMS CD CDS DMSO
Protocols and method of use or dosage.
הצטרף לקבוצת הטלגרם הגדולה בישראל – “מ.מ.ס ישראל” | ||||
MMS CDS ISRAEL Chlorine Dioxide |
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רכישת ממס אונליין | ||
Disclaimer of Warranties and Disclaimer of MMS Instructions
This article should not be considered any medical recommendation. The information is published as general information for the surfing public.
We recommend that you read the entire information below before attempting to use MMS products.
MMS is not a drug or a drug. It is used to produce chlorine dioxide, a proven pathogen-killing mineral widely used in the hygiene and water treatment industries.
The human body is 60-70% water. When MMS is used in the body, it eliminates toxins, and in addition oxidizes foreign bacteria, viruses, etc.; Almost the same as when the immune system is healthy.
Purchasing MMS MMS CDS Online
Product names may vary with different suppliers, below is a comparison of the common names used:
- MMS = Magical mineral solution = MMS1=WPS1= Water purification solution 1.
- MMS2= Miracle Mineral Solution 2 =WPS2= Water Purification Tincture 2.
- Tablets MMS1 = WPS1 tablets = Hydrozone Sodium Chlorite tablets. Here are the main differences in the product;
- MMS( WPS1) is a sodium chloride liquid that needs activation to produce chlorine dioxide.The MMS kit (WPS1) is the most popular product and includes the operator.
- CDSis a liquid, consisting of chlorine dioxide gas in distilled water; And it’s ready to use.Both of the above products require dilution before drinking, and both products use chlorine dioxide.
- MMS1(WPS1) tablets can be used instead of MMS, and are consumed with a chlorine glass bi-production of water.
- MMS2(WPS2) capsules consume with a glass of water that produces hypochloric acid; The same oxidant that your immune system produces.
- As you can see on the success stories page, MMS has managed to bring relief from a wide range of health problems.
The standards of the Health Rehabilitation Journey are set out below.
The Church of Health and Healing in the Second Genesis is not religious; and believes that controlling our health is a ‘given right from God’ to be seen as a ‘sacrament (protocol) or ‘sacred right’ that each of us must enjoy freely. Restoring health is like a journey, and the length of our journey will depend on the particular illness we are dealing with, and other lifestyle factors that may affect our health. The following are the protocols or ‘sacrament protocol’ offered for follow-up, which were developed as a result of years of successful health rehabilitation from 90% of the diseases known to man. The starting procedure is very important, and monitoring this ‘sacrament (protocol)’ can often be the determining factor for successful health rehabilitation.
For brief health problems, such as influenza; We could go straight to the ‘Protocol’ 1000, because in such cases, we would often get the flu naturally before we even finished the initial procedure.
By Jim Humble (the man who discovered the M.M.S.):
This breakthrough can save your life, or the life of a loved one. In 1996, while sending gold mining in South America, I discovered that chlorine dioxide quickly cured malaria. Since then, it has been shown to restore partial or complete health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a variety of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, Lyme disease, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s. , HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, high cholesterol, acid reflux, kidney or liver disease, pain, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus problems, eye diseases, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, dental problems, prostate problems (high PSA), erectile dysfunction and the list goes on. This is certainly not a comprehensive list. I know it sounds too good to be true, but based on feedback I’ve received over the last 20 years, I think it’s safe to say that MMS has the potential to overcome most diseases known to humanity.
It is important to note that MMS does not cure diseases. MMS is an oxidant, it kills pathogens and destroys toxins. When these are reduced or eliminated in the body, then the body can function properly and thus recover. I often say, “The body heals the body.” MMS helps to straighten things out so that the body can do just that.
I’ve done a lot of things in my lifetime – from a kid in a forest in Alabama, to a marine life, to a nutritional and alternative health enthusiast, to aerospace, to an electronics researcher, to an inventor (of many things), to gold mining. When I realized I had found “real gold” when I discovered MMS, from that point on I devoted all my time and efforts to helping others recover their health and bring this technology to the world. My mission is to bring this knowledge of health recovery to humanity. All the profits from the sale of my books go to this task.
‘Health Recovery Journey’, (full guidance for each of the following steps is provided below).
1/ Start procedure – Duration: 4 days – Product required – MMS kit (or CDS) 10% of people have usually restored their health already here.
2/ Sacrament (protocol) 1000 – Duration: 1 week – Product required – MMS kit (or CDS or MMS1 tablets) 50% of people usually regain their health here. (For general detox we would do 3 weeks at Sacramenment (protocol) 1000 and stop here).
3/ Sacrament (protocol) 1000+ – Duration: 1 week – Product required – MMS kit (or CDS or MMS1 tablets) + DMSO 60% of people will often regain their health here.
4/ Sacrament (protocol) 2000 – Duration: Until the restoration of health (some diseases may take several months) – Product required – MMS kit (or CDS or MMS1 tablets) + DMSO + MMS2 90% of people usually achieve health rehabilitation.(Once in protocol 1000, steps 3/ and 4/ consist of both adding another product to the existing protocol).
DMSO and then MMS2 supplementation should be considered if we do not see positive results after a few weeks.
If the aforementioned ‘protocol’ is not successful, sometimes it may be because we are doing something that prevents MMS from restoring our health.We strongly recommend reading: MMS: 29 Reasons Why MMS Doesn’t Restore Our Health, to see if we might be doing something that’s preventing MMS from working successfully.Although CDS has worked successfully on a wide range of health issues, and even has some advantages in some applications compared to MMS, an MMS kit with a 5% hydrochloric acid activator is still the best option for general health restoration.For example, CDS does not seem to work on malaria; And yet MMS has been successfully used in thousands of malaria cases.
If taking CDS internally, and it does not seem to restore our health in two or three weeks, we should consider switching to an MMS kit. An MMS kit that uses a 5% HCl operator only has a slight extra taste from the CDS anyway.
DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) is not a drug or medicine; It is a natural liquid byproduct from wood processing, and has been used as a commercial solvent since 1953. It has many useful functions as a carrier; And additional features include analgesic and anti-bacterial in itself.
When used in conjunction with MMS, as a carrier, DMSO will carry the activated MMS (chlorine dioxide) through the cell walls, into tumors, into bones, teeth, and other places where the MMS may not penetrate alone.(DMSO is sometimes used by the pharmaceutical industry for the same purpose as a carrier).
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Here are the complete guidelines for each step of our ‘health recovery journey’.
First, important key points about using MMS:
- – Keep out of reach of children.
- – Use plenty of water to immediately wash off MMS not activated from eyes or skin.
- – Do not use at full power.
- – Do not exceed recommended applications.
Other important points:
– Turn on MMS and then dilute with water before drinking.
– Store the MMS bottle in a closed, non-transparent container (can be stored in any dark place like in a cupboard). Prolonged exposure to sunlight can quickly destroy its effectiveness.
CDS should be stored in the refrigerator, but MMS is allowed at room temperature.
– MMS can stain clothes.If MMS touches your hands, rinse with water, do not wipe your hands on your clothes.
– MMS may cause nausea, vomiting or diarrhea if taken too early.This is usually a sign that the MMS is working, but faster than your organs are able to process and filter the diseased material that has been destroyed; And that your body uses other means to remove the diseased substance or toxins that have been destroyed from your body.If you experience any of the above side effects, reduce the dose, but do not stop taking it.Follow the instructions below carefully to reduce, or preferably avoid these possible negative effects.
Caution: If you are taking prescription medications, pleasenote.A strengthened immune system may recognize them as the toxins they are, and try to neutralize them and hence their effects.Try to wait at least an hour between taking MMS and each medication you are taking.
how to use MMS;
A/- For maintenance purposes, the goal is to take 6 drops MMS once a day, (or 2 ml of CDS).
– For a particular disease, the goal is to take 3 drops of MMS activated every hour for 8 to 10 hours a day, (or 1 ml of CDS).It is known as sacrament (protocol) 1000 or protocol 1000.
In any of the situations, always start with no more than 1 drop for your first dose, and preferably follow the ‘Start Procedure’ below.
c/ – If taking MMS for maintenance, increase the dose by a drop per day, until you reach a dose of 6 drops (in this situation, it is best to take this dose at least 1 hour after dinner, before going to bed).If you reach 4 drops and react; Then reduce the dosage back the next day to 3 drops.If you are okay, take it back up to 4 drops, then 5, etc., until you reach 6 drops per day.If you cannot reach 6 drops, just stay on the dosage rate that you can comfortably tolerate.
– If taking MMS for a particular disease, your goal should be to take 3 drops of MMS activated per hour, for 8 to 10 hours a day.Start with the start procedure (see below), or in a life-threatening position start with a maximum drop per hour.If you don’t have a negative reaction, increase to 2 drops per hour for dosages the next day.If life-threatening, or if the condition limits increasing the dose rate slowly, you can increase the number of drops for each subsequent hourly dose and not every day, but only if there are no negative effects.Repeat this procedure of increasing one drop per serving until you have reached the desired dosage rate.
At any point if you have a negative reaction, reduce a drop or two with subsequent packets until the response stops.If you reduce to 2 drops and the feeling of nausea or diarrhea does not go away, reduce to 1 drop or even 1/2.Then start going up as soon as you feel better.For 1/2 drop, turn on 1 drop, add your water and then just drink half of it.If you cannot reach 3 drops per hour, just stick with the dose you can tolerate.One or two drops per hour will still work but may take longer.
Once you have reached the desired dose rate, keep it up, reducing the number of drops whenever you have an adverse reaction.Some things can be overcome within a few hours (such as malaria), some within a few days, some within a few weeks (such as herpes), and some within a few months (such as some cancers).For stubborn diseases like HIV and some types of cancer, people reached 10 drops per hour.In this case, continue taking a few drops that you can suspend without causing nausea or diarrhea.
For most diseases, when the problem intensifies, reduce the maintenance dose of 6 drops per day.
D/ How to Run MMS
–Use of hydrochloric acid 5%. (or 4% to 10%); Or 50% citric acid actuator: with the above actuators, you must use the same number of drops of MMS and actuator activator. If taking a serving of 3 drops, put 3 drops of MMS in the corner of a clean dry glass, then add 3 drops of 5% hydrochloric acid (or 50% citric acid) and shake the glass tilted. Wait 20 to 30 seconds for the solution to turn yellow/brown. Then add water or juice for drinking (about 1/4 to 1/2 cup). Water is the best option, and if water is used, distilled water is the best, otherwise any clean water will fit. It may have an unpleasant taste for some people, which is reduced if you use juice instead, (although not the healthiest choice, sprite lemonade is also good for masking the taste).
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MMS CDS ISRAEL Chlorine Dioxide ממס ישראל |
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What not to consume in conjunction with MMS CDS?
Do not use juice with vitamin C. Pure grape juice, tomato juice, cranberry juice or apple juice is ok (not orange). Water is the best option if you can. Check when buying for this purpose, as most fruit drinks now have extra vitamin C. Vitamin C will neutralize MMS; Like coffee, tea, alcohol, chocolate, + other antioxidants. Drink the MMS immediately after adding water or juice.
Another method that eliminates the taste of taking MMS, is to put your mixture (30 seconds enabled) in a capsule (an empty pill), ingest the pill capsule with a glass of water. You may need a syringe to do this. With this method, add an equal number of water droplets after activation; For instance, if you take 3 drops of MMS, and 3 drops of 5% HCl activator; After the 20 seconds, add 3 drops of water, then put the mixture in a pill capsule for immediate ingestion with a glass of water. (Do not leave the solution inside the capsule for more than a few minutes because the capsule will melt or soften).
– Use of 10% citric acid, or freshly squeezed lemon juice:
With these alternative operators, you must use 5 drops of activator for each MMS droplet.Stir in a glass as described above, but in this case wait 3 minutes for activation.
If you just can’t stand the MMS taste, you can switch to CDS that has fewer taste issues.MMS1 tablets are another option.There is also a protocol for anointing the skin with the MMS blend, which is absorbed through the skin into the body.This protocol is described later on this page and is referred to as protocol 3000.
If work or other responsibilities do not conveniently allow you to prepare MMS hourly, you can pre-mix your dosages for that day. For example; If you are about 3 drops per hour for 8 hours a day (24 drops in total), start the day by starting in a glass, 24 drops of MMS with 24 drops of 5% hydrochloric acid solution. After 20 to 30 seconds, add it to about 1 liter of water in a sip bottle or similar dish, (glass – not metal). Mark the side of the bottle to 8 equal parts, then simply drink 1 part per hour.
MMS validity
If your MMS is getting old then you can’t be sure if it still works; It can be tested by turning on and looking at it turning yellow/brown. It should also spread a strong chlorine smell. If it doesn’t change color and there is no smell, your MMS or carrier may need to be replaced. You can also use chlorine dioxide test strips to test MMS.
A non-powered MMS can last for several years as long as it is kept in a cool and dark place (this is a substance that comes separated into 2 vials before activation).
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1/ Start procedure – Duration: 4 days – Product required – MMS (or CDS) kit.
This start procedure should always be done before making 1000, 1000+ or 2000 protocols. It has been found that this procedure is very necessary for beginners and very sick people. Some people never reach protocol 1000 and “their health has been restored”. Go slowly and do not rush. Go back and start over if there is any discomfort that can not be tolerated. You do not want to get sick anymore by releasing toxins into your blood. Let the body eliminate these toxins slowly through the digestive tract, lymphatic system or through the skin where 80% of the toxins are emitted. Good sweating for detoxification.
On the first day of the start procedure take 1/4 drop of MMS1 activated every hour for 8 hours. Follow these instructions.
Note: In the case of a very sick person, start the starting procedure even with less than the 1/4 dose of the drop suggested above.For a very sick person start with 1/8 decrease every hour for 8 hours (for 1 day), then follow the start procedure, and then start with protocol 1000.
Step 1. Use an empty, clean, dry drinking glass. Tilt the cup slightly to the side and drip one drop of MMS so that the drop goes to the corner of the bottom of the cup. Drop one drop of an actuator onto the MMS drop. Shake the cup slightly to mix the drops.
Step 2. Wait 20 to 30 seconds and then use a glass to measure 1/2 cup of water to put in a glass; It’s 4 ounces.Make sure that the activated droplets are mixed with water.
Step 3. Then pour one ounce of water into a second glass and drink it. It’s 1/4 of the liquid now in the glass; You can take it as is, or you can add some extra water to the ounce before you take it.
Step 4. Pour the extra 3 ounces into the sewage. You will not use them. You must prepare a new drink every hour. Any MMS beverage should be prepared within 30 seconds before taking it, and be sure never to wait more than 60 seconds before taking it. (When using CDS or CDH, because 1 ml equals 3 drops of MMS and 1 ml contains 20 drops, then 2 drops will equate to about 1/4 drop in MMS. So use 2 drops of CDS for this section).
The second and third days of the start procedure take 1/2 drop of MMS1 every hour for 8 hours a day.
Step 5. Follow steps 1 and 2 as above every hour. Then this time pour 2 ounces and drink them. That’s the same as 1/2 of the liquid you now have in your glass. This, of course, gives you 1/2 drop.
On the fourth day of the start procedure take 3/4 drop of MMS1 every hour for 8 hours.
Step 6. Follow the same steps 1 and 2 as above. In this case it will be easiest to pour 1 ounce of liquid and drink the rest which are 3 ounces of liquid. In other words, you drink 3/4 of the 1/2 cup of water you prepare in steps 1 and 2. At the end of day 4, you have completed the procedure for starting and preparing for protocol 1000. You need to start protocol 1000 the next day. Starting from one drop point.
2/ Sacrament (protocol) 1000 – Duration: 1 week – Required product – MMS kit (or CDS or MMS1 tablets).
Sacrament (protocol) 1000 consists of taking 3 drops of MMS activated per hour, for 8 hours a day.Follow the points A through E in the “How to use MMS” section above.If you are using CDS, take 1 ml of CDS per hour.If you are using MMS1 tablets, take one tablet per hour following the MMS Tablet Instructions below.
(Once in protocol 1000, steps 3/ and 4/ consist of both adding another product to the existing protocol).
3/ Sacrament (protocol) 1000+ – Duration: Week – Product Required – MMS Kit (or CDS or MMS1 tablets) + DMSO.
Sacrament (protocol) 1000+ consists of adding DMSO to the dosage, to help carry the chlorine dioxide deeper into the body.
– DMSO will eventually eliminate chlorine dioxide, so it must be added to the chlorine dioxide dose just before application or consumption.
– Pure DMSO freezes at 18°C. If it is frozen, defrost by placing the bottle in hot water or in a warm room. Dilution of DMSO up to 70% by adding purified water will prevent it from freezing. – 24 hours before using the downstream sacrament, you should test DMSO tolerance. Rub 1 drop of DMSO on the forearm and wait 24 hours. If you experience any pain in your liver, do not use these sacrament (DMSO sea protocol).
Taking DMSO internally with MMS.
Use only 1 drop of DMSO to get started, and walk slowly to the desired dosage rate as outlined below.
Sacrament (Protocol) Health 1000+ MMS + DMSO:
Run your MMS in a clean dry glass in the usual way, then add your drinking water and add an equal number of DMSO drops, that is, if you are on an MMS order of 3 drops, add 3 drops of DMSO into the glass just before drinking.
CDS: Same as above with the addition of 10 drops of DMSO added per 1 cc/ml of CDS.
Important: If you have mixed a MMS or CDS bottle to take every hour throughout the day, do not add the DMSO to your bottle. When you’re ready for your hourly serving, pour it into a glass and then add the DMSO just before drinking. If you add the DMSO to the bottle, it will completely disable MMS for the rest of the day.
We know that some people only take a few drops of DMSO as described above, and also know of people who consume it in full teaspoon, but as with MMS/CDS, we suggest that you work slowly. As with MMS/CDS, it’s about establishing your tolerance level, and for most people they can handle much more than a few drops.
4/ Sacrament (Protocol) 2000
– Duration: Until the restoration of health (some diseases may take several months)
– Product required – MMS kit (or CDS or MMS1 tablets) + DMSO + MMS2.
After you experience Sacrament (protocol) 1000+ like above, you will now add MMS2 tablets. The goal is to take 3 tablets daily, halfway between your MMS1 doses.
MMS2 capsules containing calcium acid or Ca (CLO) 2, which is widely used in the water treatment and hygiene industries. When it comes into contact with water, calcium hypochlorite it is immediately transformed into hypochloric acid or HOCl.
Hypochloric acid is an acid that the human immune system naturally produces and uses to kill pathogens of all kinds throughout the body, and many other things that sometimes need to be destroyed. This acid is probably the most important acid that the body produces to maintain health. When used correctly, MMS2 simply provides the body with a boost of hypochloric acid when needed, to fight bacteria or diseases. It oxidizes foreign bacteria, viruses, toxins, etc.; Almost like in a healthy immune system.
Sacrament Procedure (Protocol) – MMS2 capsules
– Take 1 capsule at a time, and up to 3 capsules per day. For your first capsule, it is best to empty up to 3/4 of the contents to check your tolerance. If there are no problems, for your second capsule empty 1/2. And slowly switch to a full capsule, unless you have an adverse reaction, stay in the amount you can tolerate. Never start with a child in a full capsule, always start at about 1/4 full. Both 1/4 and 1/2 full capsules are also available from the supplier’s website.
Important: Do not try to ingest MMS2 powder unless it is in a capsule.
Drink at least one large glass of water filled with your MMS2 capsule. Then always drink at least one full glass of water with each subsequent capsule taken that day (two glasses with each capsule even better if you can handle it).
Since the hypochloric acid will destroy a sick substance in your body, your body will have to in turn eliminate this destroyed substance. If this process occurs too quickly, MMS2 may cause nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. As strange as it sounds, it is good (especially in the case of cancer), do not stop taking it. This is usually a sign that MMS2 is working, and that your body is removing the destroyed toxins or sick substance from your body.
Never get to the point where you are sick. If you notice that it makes you feel sicker than you already are, always reduce MMS2 intake (and MMS1 if you use as well). If you feel worse, it is caused by the killing of the disease so quickly that it produces too much poison than the body manages to eliminate. Go slower. Can be reduced to 1 capsule per day, or even reset if MMS2 seems to have made you feel worse; But you will start again very soon. In this situation (or in the case of a child), use the full capsules of 1/4 or 1/2 depending on your tolerance. If you experience a burning sensation in the heart; Taking a sip of water for a few minutes after taking the MMS2 capsule often helps. If you experience nausea, it is worth overcoming it by sitting and sipping water; And usually will pass after a few minutes. If this happens, if you don’t have MMS1, you can still use MMS2.Research has shown that if you only have MMS2, it will often do the job on its own.
Some used it at the rate of one capsule every hour.Increase the amount if you can, decrease if you feel worse.
You can use it with any medicine.The drug does not harm MMS2, and MMS2 does not harm the drug any more than your immune system will harm.
– For the healing of wounds and other skin problems. MMS2 kills the pathogens and bacteria on a wound without damaging the damaged tissues. Just empty a capsule with a quarter cup of water and use it on the wound. Alcohol, iodine and all other disinfectants cause some damage to the wound, causing increased healing time to the damaged cells; But because MMS2 kills the pathogens and does not cause any harm, it brings about faster healing.
– If you should choose to use MMS2 on your farm animals for any reason, be sure to insist that he drink a large amount of water immediately before and after consuming MMS2, to ensure that the MMS2 does indeed turn into hypochloric acid in the stomach. .
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CDS – Chlorine dioxide solution
What is CDS: – CDS is not a drug or a drug. Chlorine dioxide is a proven pathogen, widely used in the hygiene, food and water treatment industries.
The human body is 60 – 70% water. When used in the body, CDS oxidizes foreign bacteria, viruses, etc.; Almost like in a healthy immune system.
How it is made: – As you may know, a bottle of MMS (magical mineral solution; or WPS1) consists of a sodium chloride solution. It is mixed with an activator to form a chlorine dioxide solution, which is then diluted and consumed according to MMS protocols. Chlorine dioxide is the active factor against diseases and pathogens.
To make CDS, the MMS is mixed in the usual way, and the chlorine dioxide gas, which comes from the mixture, is pushed through distilled water, which captures the chlorine dioxide gas. For maximum shelf life, the CDS should be kept refrigerated, otherwise after a few months it may end up going outside and losing power. If it loses strength, it can still be used, but you will have to use more as the solution becomes weaker, (yellow – good, bright – bad).
The exit of gases will also increase as the air space of the bottle increases. If you plan to use the bottle for a long period of time, it may be helpful to put what is not used into smaller glass bottles without any air gap, (will mainly apply when up to half a bottle or less).
CDS has several advantages over MMS:
1) The bad taste is gone.There remains a slight taste, but anyone can handle it, making it ideal for children.CDS is indicated for toothaches and sore throats, which include holding it in the mouth.
2) Once you have a CDS bottle ready, it is ready to use. No more mixing two tinctures.
3) Intravenous injection of undiluted CDS has been successfully tested on humans and cows, but please do not try this way!
Restriction: Although CDS has worked on many forms of serious illness, for some diseases, MMS is still the best option for internal administration. For example, CDS does not work on malaria; And yet MMS has been successfully used in thousands of malaria cases.
If you are taking CDS internally, and it does not seem to restore your health in two or three weeks, you should consider switching to an MMS kit, or going up to the 2000 protocol, (which is the addition of MMS2 capsules).
In addition to internal administration, CDS is also ideal for the following uses: – Water purification – Antiseptic spray – Protocols of the mouth, eyes, ears and nose – Bath protocols – Skin protocols – Douche protocol – Enema protocol – Protocol 3000
Note: – CDS must be diluted before drinking. It should be added to at least a quarter of a glass of water or juice for drinking. (The minimum dilution rate should be at least 25 beverage parts to one CDS part).
(Do not use orange juice or fruit juices plus vitamin C, as high vitamin C will neutralize chlorine dioxide; such as coffee, alcohol, chocolate, + other antioxidants).
How to use: No matter which option you use below, always start with a dosage of 1/4 ml. (Dropper half full in most cases = 1 ml). If you have not had a negative reaction when it comes time to take your next dose, increase to 1/2 ml for your next dose. Repeat this procedure of increasing 1/4 ml per serving until you have reached the desired dosage level. At any time if you have an adverse reaction, reduce until the response stops.
1/ For maintenance purposes, take 2 ml of CDS once daily.
2/ To restore health, aim to take 1 ml per hour for 8 to 10 hours per day, (1 ml of CDS is equivalent to 3 drops of MMS).
Unlike MMS, CDS is unlikely to cause nausea, but it’s always good to use the same ‘upload’ method as MMS. Cancer can require this procedure for several months. Higher doses may speed up the process, but only if there is no nausea or other side effects. Some people reach up to 6 ml per hour for a serious illness, or any dosage rate they can tolerate.
For the method of 1 ml per hour, you can prepare in the morning a bottle of water of 1 liter (preferably glass), add 10 ml CDS per day; Then drink 1/10 every hour. For most diseases, when the problem fully intensifies, reduce the maintenance dose to 2 ml per day.
Use the CDS for the following conditions:
Babies – Start with 1/4 ml and work up to 1/2 ml per hour maximum (up to 8 hours per day). Children (and pets) – Start with 1/4 ml and work up to a maximum of 1 ml per 25 kg of body weight.
Allergies – Gargling with a solution of 2 ml CDS added to 1/4 cup of water. You can also swallow this mixture after gargling.
Dental and gum problems – add 2 ml of CDS to a quarter cup of water – brush and rinse with it.
Skin Spray – Take an empty 2-ounce spray bottle and add 7 ml of CDS to 2 ounces of water (preferably distilled water, but any clean water will work). This CDS bottle will remain powered on for several days, after which you need to prepare a new batch. This mixture can be sprayed on skin cancer and most other skin problems about every hour (no need to rinse when mixing in this way). CDS can be used without dilution for warts and some other serious skin conditions, including skin cancer.
Sore throat or toothache – Add 4 ml of CDS to half a glass of water. Take a sip and hold in your mouth. After a few minutes he swallowed it bit by bit; Then take another sip. Try to continue like this for half an hour, eventually consuming the half cup for the half hour. Alternatively, this mixture can be sprayed on the back of the throat every few minutes for sore throats.
Adding DMSO to the mixture will be beneficial for toothache.
Water purification – use 1 ml per liter of water – leave on for 2 hours.
Warnings: Do not drink at full force. Do not exceed recommended applications. Keep out of reach of children. Refrigerate.
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MMS CDS ISRAEL Chlorine Dioxide ממס ישראל |
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MMS1 tablets MMS1 tablets (Clo2) chlorine dioxide:
A size 1 tablet is equal to 1 drop of activated MMS. (This tablet can be used to purify 5 liters of water).
A 2-sized tablet is equal to three drops of activated MMS. (This tablet can be used to purify 15 liters of water).
Innovative MMS Tabs chlorine dioxide tablets use revolutionary technology that enables the most effective disinfection benefits of chlorine dioxide in a simple-to-use tablet form. The tablets are individually wrapped in blister foil and specially designed to gradually release the concentrations and strengths of chlorine dioxide gas when added to water. Creating chlorine dioxide gas with these tablets is simple since in their dry form, the tablets are not reactive but only produce chlorine dioxide when exposed to water or added to water. To activate the tablets simply take the tablet orally with a glass of water and within seconds they work to produce a solution of active chlorine dioxide in the stomach. The resulting solution is effective for microbiological oxidation.
Note: Please understand that MMS1 tablets are intended for oral consumption and only produce chlorine dioxide when dissolved with water in the stomach. So always take the tablet with plenty of water.
Caution: Moisture-sensitive tablets. After opening, do not leave tablets outside the container or box. Place in a zipper bag or a suitable sealed container. Keep out of reach of children.
Tablet removal: The tablets are protected with a layer of plastic and foil. If you have difficulty pushing the tablets out, use a sharp knife to break the tip of the foil, and then push out the tablet. If a tablet breaks down into a powder before use, do not throw away the powder – pour the powder into an empty glass and half fill with water, then drink the solution, (or put the powder in an empty capsule).
How to use: Prepare half a glass of water; Do not put the tablet in your mouth and only then the water. Do not mix the tablet in the mouth; The tablet will only start working from your saliva and will have a bad taste and may cause irritation in the soft tissue of the mouth (to avoid this we strongly recommend putting the tablet in an empty capsule).
Place the tablet on top of your tongue, and then swallow quickly with half a glass of water.
Do not take with fruit juice. Avoid vitamin C, tea, coffee and other antioxidants for an hour on both sides of taking the tablet.
Instructions for use MMS1 tablets:
Size 1 or Size 2. Dosage: A person can typically tolerate a larger dose of MMS with the tablets, compared to MMS, if you experience little nausea.
If you need to take 3 or more tablets at a time, the best way is to put the tablets in an empty capsule; Then swallow the capsule with a full glass of water. When using MMS1 tablets you need to decide how severe your health condition is before starting with the different dosages listed below.
This Protocol 1 is intended for minor diseases. It is basically taking one tablet every hour with a glass of water, for 8 hours a day, for 3 weeks or until you feel better. Some people cannot start taking a full tablet and should start with only 1/2 tablet. It is determined by how sick they are in the first place. If someone feels very sick, start with only 1/2 tablet, but then start taking more if you feel you can. The general rule is, if you feel that the tablets make you feel worse, take less and if they do not make you feel worse then take a little more next time, but no more than one dip every hour for this protocol. (Caution: If you start by taking 1/2 tablet, be sure to store the remaining 1/2 tablet in the foil packaging. Any moisture in the air will begin to melt the tablet). You must not make yourself sicker than you already are: do not make yourself nauseous, or pain, or diarrhea. When you notice any of these symptoms appear take less. Try not to stop taking the tablets, just take less. You can even take one tablet every three hours. Pain, diarrhea, nausea and other discomfort cause a loss of energy, which in turn causes slower healing and slower recovery. Some people tend to get worse for a few days while the body goes through a period of detoxification and the effect of hexasinger. Many people show dramatic improvement overnight, while others may last for weeks or even months. It depends on how long you have been suffering from the condition and the extent and severity of it. Be patient.
This protocol 2is intended for more serious diseases.It is basically taking 2 or 3 tablets every hour with a glass of water.
This Protocol 3 for all serious diseases.It is the same as protocol 2 but with MMS2 capsules added to the protocol.
Dosages are as follows, (follow the procedure in protocol 1 above to determine your tolerable dosage rate):
In the first hour take your MMS1 tablet dosage.(This can be between 1 and 4 tablets)
In the second hour take your MMS2 tablet dosage.(usually 1 capsule)
3 hour Repeat step 1.
4 hour Repeat step 2. Continue like this for ten hours a day.So you will take MMS1 tablets five times each day, plus MMS2 capsules five times each day.
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Use MMS for the following conditions: (We strongly recommend that you read Jim’s book for the many other ways MMS can be used).
Infants, children (and pets) – Take up to 1 drop per 11 kg of body weight, then return to a maintenance dose of 1/2 drop per 11 kg.
Allergies – Gargling with a solution of 6 drops that is activated in the usual way, and add to 1/4 cup of water.
Dental and gum problems – 6 drops MMS are activated in the usual way, and add 1/4 cup of water – brush and rinse with it. Do not leave in your mouth for more than 60 seconds. Rinse with water. (also whitens teeth). Add DMSO if working on an abrasive tooth. Burns (+ bee stings and insect bites) – Spray each MMS burn at full intensity (no operator added) directly from a small spray bottle. Do not add an operator at all. If you do not have a spray bottle available, apply MMS directly to the burn, making sure the area is soaked with MMS. Wait up to five minutes, but no more, before rinsing with water. If you fail to rinse, the burn will continue to hurt. On the other hand, if you wash within 5 minutes the burn will heal 1/4 of the normal time required. This includes all these terrible skin and flesh burns. The pain should stop immediately or drop to almost zero within a few minutes. If the area still hurts, in about an hour the area should be sprayed again and wait 5 minutes before rinsing. For bites and bites, avoid applying to all the skin around the bite, so there is no need to rinse. If washed within 5 minutes the burn will heal within 1/4 of the normal time required. This includes all these terrible skin and flesh burns. The pain should stop immediately or drop to almost zero within a few minutes. If the area still hurts, in about an hour the area should be sprayed again and wait 5 minutes before rinsing. For bites and bites, avoid applying to all the skin around the bite, so there is no need to rinse. If washed within 5 minutes the burn will heal in 1/4 of the time normally required. This includes all these terrible skin and flesh burns. The pain should stop immediately or drop to almost zero within a few minutes. If the area still hurts, in about an hour the area should be sprayed again and wait 5 minutes before rinsing. For bites and bites, avoid applying to all the skin around the bite, so there is no need to rinse.
Sunburn – Sunburns should be treated in the same way as burns.Spray the red area, wait 1 to 5 minutes and rinse with water.If the area still hurts, in about an hour the area should be sprayed again and wait 5 minutes before rinsing.Remember, don’t allow MMS to stay in place; It must be washed.The pain should disappear within a few minutes.Usually two doses will overcome most sunburns, but in rare cases if the discomfort does not go away, you can use a third dose.Be sure to wash it.Note that MMS is alkaline, and the burns need the basics of MMS to neutralize the acidity residing in the burned areas.
This is part of the reason why burns heal quickly after MMS problems – NB; Once the actuator (HCl, citric acid, lemon juice, etc.) is added to MMS, it can no longer burn the skin and is safe to use for other skin problems.Take an empty 2-ounce spray bottle (see supplier website) and add 20 drops of MMS to 20 drops of 5% hydrochloric acid solution.Wait 20 seconds, and then fill the bottle with water (preferably distilled water, but any clean water will succeed).This MMS bottle will remain turned on for several days (due to the extremely strong mixture); After that you need to prepare a fresh batch.This mixture can be sprayed on skin cancer and most other skin problems about every hour (no need to rinse when mixing in this way).
Skin cancer and some other stubborn conditions should also be sprayed with DMSO. Use DMSO as a skin spray.
Whatever DMSO comes into contact with, it will be pulled into your skin; Therefore, do not apply DMSO with a rubber glove.A glass spray bottle is best (as on the supplier’s website), otherwise you can use a cotton swab or your finger to pat it on the area concerned.Do not contaminate your original DMSO bottle by dipping a cotton swab into the bottle, on your skin, and then back into the bottle.Pour the small amount you are going to use and then apply to the skin.This is not a problem if using a spray bottle.
DMSO can usually be sprayed at full power (99%) directly on the skin.Irrigation of up to 70% is ideal as it prevents your spray bottle from freezing; (Pure DMSO freezes below 18°C).This may cause temporary itching, which can be soothing with a natural soothing cream if necessary like aloe vera.Be careful what you use, since DMSO will take it into your body.You can dilute the DMSO up to 70% or even less by adding purified water if the itching is too severe.
When used in conjunction with MMS, first spray the MMS-activated skin spray on the affected area, then spray the DMSO on top, meaning you will have 2 spray bottles. This can be applied at a frequency of once an hour if desired.
Water Purification – MMS can be used for water purification when traveling abroad.Use at least 1 drop (not turned on) per 4 liters of water – the rest for 24 hours.For faster purification, use 1 drop of activated MMS per 4 liters of water – the rest for 2 hours.When traveling with 125ml MMS bottles, always pack them in a suitcase with your clothes; Do not try to take it as hand luggage or it will most likely be confiscated.Bathing – Turn on a teaspoon or more of MMS and add to the bath water.Being the largest organ in your body, your skin will absorb it.
Bubbling – an infection should be killed in the staf after one or two treatments. Run 5 or 6 drops and in a container wide enough to cover the contamination. Do not add water. Position your body so that the container is on the lower surface of a body part – so that the liquid does not leak out. Immediately hold the container (which will produce chlorine dioxide gas) against the body part for no more than 5 minutes. Ten minutes will cause you a severe burn. Wait 4 hours before applying a second treatment.
Inhaled Lung Therapy – Directly treating your lungs by inhaling chlorine dioxide gas has the advantage that the MMS that reaches your lungs is a hundred times stronger than what you would get through the bloodstream from drinking it.Caution: Your lungs do not have nerve pain, and you can damage them without feeling it by over-breathing chlorine dioxide gas.Never use more than 2 activated drops for inhalation.Turn on 2 drops of MMS in the cup, cover it and wait 20 seconds.Then remove the lid, lift the cup to the nose and take one breath through the nose; As soon as you feel that it is biting, hold your breath.Then take one breath through the mouth.This may cause you to cough; You need to get the substance out of your lungs, and coughing does it.Repeat this procedure two or three times a day.
There are many other sacraments (protocol) that can be used with MMS products.For the full Health Rehabilitation workbook covering the rest of the protocols click here.
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Reasons why MMS does not restore your health
Sometimes we have people who write to us and ask why they have not ‘restored their health’ from a certain disease when they read testimonies of others who have the same disease with complete health rehabilitation with tests done before and after the end of the protocols.Are these testimonies true?How can we make statements like, MMS recovers health from 95% or more of the world’s diseases, when some of the diseases that have been ‘restored’ are still struggling with their diseases?These are legitimate questions and we want to address them in this article.First of all, they are all like a Petri dish, if you will, with each one dealing with their own unique pathogens, circumstances, and issues.What does it mean to cure 95% of the diseases in the world?Well, no one knows exactly how many diseases there are on the planet.And more is often found.Are they all organic or biological, or inorganic like Morgellon’s disease?
We have “restored health” to 95% of the world’s most recognized diseases.This statement says that of the diseases known in this world we have seen health completely restored.But this does not mean that 90-95% of people who took MMS have seen their health restored!
The problem is not that MMS does not kill 95% or more of the pathogens in the world, but that the person taking the protocols is not doing something right, or that there is another factor stopping his health from ‘recovering’. This is what I want to focus on in this article. A lot of factors and variables must be taken into account here. Admittedly, this is not an exhaustive list, but one that came as a result of treating people around the world. We must consider the following:
1. Are the protocols followed?
Probably the no. 1 reason why people are not entirely successful in ‘restoring their health’.The MMS protocols were developed by trial and error.
At first Jim Humble, did not know exactly how long MMS is activated or chlorine dioxide lasts in the body.We now know that it can last up to one hour in the body.We understand that although a few individual doses during the day can kill pathogens, it is much more effective at removing the body from pathogens if the dose is consistently taken every hour for 8-10 hours a day.The continuous hourly bombardment of active MMS or chlorine dioxide in the body against the pathogens can boost the results enormously!The person should be consistent and dedicated to his hour dose.We know that it is inconvenient at work or on the go, but with the development of the 1000 protocol in a daily bottle it is much easier.You can now prepare the entire day dose in a 1 liter or 1 liter bottle and carry it with you all day.therefore
Note: you must remember to keep it out of the sun so as not to neutralize its power. A good idea is to set your phone’s alarm to turn on every hour as a reminder. So, do your protocols consistently if you want good results!
2. Dose
The basic MMS protocol is 3 drops and 1 hour for 8 hours.It is called protocol 1000 and can be taken with MMS1, (MMS enabled), or CDS.Although this protocol is done for 3 weeks to “restore health” to most health problems, many times we have to “increase” the doses to get better and faster results.This is especially true with herpes, diabetes, HIV and stage 4 cancer.”Overcoming” is adding 1-2 drops per hour as soon as the body tolerates MMS well.By staying in the “standard” 3 drops per hour may take more than 3 weeks, so the 1000 protocol for 3 weeks may not “restore health”.”Overcome”!
3. Disabling
Another reason why people do not succeed is that they neutralize the doses. During the daily protocol, it is necessary to cancel things that will neutralize or weaken the solution such as: vitamin C, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, antioxidants, too many things at once, medicines
Note: If you add DMSO to your protocol, i.e. 1000+ protocol, you must add the DMSO separately every hour by pouring your hourly portion into a glass and then add your DMSO, wait 3 minutes and then drink.
Example: We got one guy who took MMS for two years without good results.I asked him what else he ingested during the day and he said, only 3,000 milligrams of vitamin C!Well, no wonder it hasn’t had good results, it neutralizes dosages.
Note: if you want to drink coffee or tea then do it for breakfast and then wait an hour before starting your daily dose.We have people who take moringa 1-2 hours after the daily protocol because it contains 47 antioxidants and by the time they start the next day’s protocols it is outside the body.
Important: Learn how to use the high salt dioxide test strips and check all the liquids used to see if the chlorine dioxide is weakened or completely eliminated.It is essential to keep chlorine dioxide working at its optimal potential consistently.It is best to take with distilled water, especially with the taste factor almost eliminated with CDS or the activation of MMS with 5% HCL,(hydrochloric acid).HCL is produced by the body and used in the stomach.
4. Potency of Dosages (Strength)
There are two things I want to mention here.First of all, is MMS, CDS, DMSO, MMS2 the right strengths?If not, then you will not have the same results.The protocols are based on a certain concentration of strength such as, MMS is 22.4% tincture, MMS 2 is 65-75%, DMSO can be found anywhere between 70-99%, the protocols using CDS were developed on the basis of 3,000 ppm not 6,000 , 12,000 etc!We had people who came to us and checked the intensity of their MMS solution and it was 10-15% which is weak with some samples not even turned on!So, make sure you’re getting your products from people we recommend because we’ve already tested them.
We are not saying that all sellers sell weak products, but we can only recommend those that we know produce their products correctly.Therefore, be careful what you buy because you want the right potency.Your health you are trying to rehabilitate and not theirs!
Note: Powerful CDS such as 6,000 ppm or more can be explosive!There’s no need to hold a cds more than 3,000 pages per minute, so don’t buy it with pages per minute higher.It won’t ‘restore your health’ faster anyway!The hourly dose after dilution is around 50 ppm.You can swallow it up to 100 ppm without discomfort, but when you cost more then it irritates the throat and mucus membranes and can be uncomfortable.
“If you start with the wrong intensity, you can end with a different result or no result.”
5. Time (how long to take the protocols)
The standard protocol dosing time frame is 3 weeks.After the 3 weeks, if your health does not come back from any disease you are trying to eliminate from your body then just keep going until you are!
Especially with diseases like herpes, stage 4 cancer, debilitating diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure.
Note: If someone has had a disease for a long time, it will usually take longer to eradicate it from the body.Keep it up until you succeed!6. Different host reception
Everyone reacts differently for a variety of reasons such as:
A. Parasitic touches in. Liver problems C. Lung problems D. Body toxicity, meaning the body is full of toxins and in need of detoxification. When one is in this position, you need to walk very slowly. The. Compromised immune system. Everyone has different problems that he faces, so the absorption of chlorine dioxide in the body is different.
Note: Do not think that everyone reacts the same and adjust accordingly, i.e. reduce the dose as needed or increase if possible.While one person may be able to “overcome” up to 10 drops per hour, others struggle with 5 drops per hour.So, adjust accordingly, but don’t stop!
7. Multiple complications or diseases
We had people who came to us for “health rehabilitation” with breast cancer, leukemia, diabetes at the same time.Now, when dealing with multiple diseases, the protocols should be taken religiously while “overcoming” and plan to do the protocols for more than 3 weeks, more like months to restore health completely.
Remember: the longer a person has for illness or multiple illnesses, the longer it takes to exterminate them from the body.
8. Previous treatments
People came to us “on their last leg” and underwent multiple chemotherapy treatments, radiation and surgeries that make it difficult to “restore health” due to a weak immune system, removal of the spleen and/or lymphatic system as well as a cut and seared circulatory system to inhibit blood flow.
When a person tries to “regain health” and has these situations to deal with he or she needs to understand that it may take much longer to wean off pathogens and “restore health”.
9. diet
To build the immune system, the body must be given the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.The body assimilates these essentials in the best possible way in their natural state.Organic, non-GMO, hormone-free, preservative-free or processed foods.
We recommend building up the immune system foods such as: A.Raw milk in.Raw butter C.Raw cheese D.Fresh organic beef liver, chicken liver and red meat with the extra fat.Red meat.The.Raw honey f.Moringa leaf (rich in antioxidants) for use only after daily protocols.M.Fresh organic fruits and vegetables.Raw juices are great!
Note: If a person follows the protocols and adheres to an unhealthy diet, the results may be affected.
10. Parasitic touches
We started getting people to do parasite cleaning and we saw better and faster results when the parasites are eliminated from the body.Everyone in this world has parasites that they face throughout their lives, but if the body’s immune system is strong, they are kept under control.But, when the body of a person is infected with parasites it must be treated to “restore health” completely.
Note: everyone should do parasite cleaning once or twice a year to maintain the cleanliness of the body especially, those who work in the areas where they live and reproduce ie work with animals, sewage and other such areas.
11. Pressure on the immune system, (weak or non-existent).
Stress is a “killer” to the immune system if the body.Work, home, finances, relationships, and just living in this world can cause a lot of stress if you allow it.With a weakened immune system the body does not have the ability to kill its internal pathogens and help “restore health”.
Note: Try to live a stress-free life as much as possible while trying to overcome any health problems.
12. Attitude (you need an attitude of gratitude)!
A positive attitude when trying to heal the body is essential.Be grateful for life itself and the joys it brings.
Note: Try to keep people and negative situations away from your self when trying to “restore health”.
13. Blood test (false positives and honest errors i.e. completely untrue)
We had people who tested positive for HPV and we never had an outbreak and we had people who tested negative and had outbreaks.Are these tests reliable?We spend more time asking than people we are “restoring their health”, how do you feel?We want them to tell us the differences in their bodies if any exist and see if they gain weight, wounds heal, skin rashes and irritations have disappeared and a general, restored sense of well-being.These things are positive indications for restoring health even if the tests are not suitable.
Note: Many times it takes months for people to get the results that they are what and maybe never, but “how do they feel?”
In.Autoimmune deficiency
The HIV test is a test that looks for evidence of the presence of 47 autoimmune defects.It has been shown that many pregnant women test positive for HIV when in reality they are later tested negative.People who received tetanus injections also tested positive for HIV when they were later tested negative.It is known that this also happens for people who have been vaccinated against yellow fever.
Note: Be careful if you believe in HIV testing
14. Surgical destruction
It is difficult for the body to remove toxins from the body when the body system that controls the removal such as those mentioned below is eliminated or damaged.Here are some key components of the body’s immune system:
A.Detachment of the immune system (lymph nodes) C.The colon was removed D.Kidneys removed e.Lung partially or completely removed f.Brain surgery (removal of brain material and cut and narrow veins) G.
Infections removed in the spleen Infections such as MRSA – Staph infections, are common results of surgeries around the world and the present of this bacterium in the body hinders the restoration of health until its removal.
15. Leftovers
Vaccines have been shown that vaccines cause many diseases such as autism, paralysis, partial or complete, stroke, neurological disorders.
A.Heavy metals – mercury, aluminum and others in.Toxins – formaldehyde, alcohol C.Diseases – The creator of the polio vaccine admitted that up to 50 diseases such as cancer and diabetes were added to the polio vaccine.
Note: If someone has received several vaccines, health rehabilitation may interfere.
16. Non-biological materials
High amounts of asbestos in the body can interfere with the restoration of health, in particular.Inside the lungs.
Morgellons disease is a disease that provokes many wonders because there are worm-like strains that come out through the skin and eyes and when examined under a microscope you see the names of pharmaceutical companies!This is not a natural disease.
Note: There may be many more non-biological pathogens in the world that we must take into account when trying to “restore health”.
17. Familial pressure
Family and friends can really discourage a person from taking the protocols correctly by being negative about what is taken, as well as doubting whether it will work at all.A husband who does not support women and vice versa cannot deter one from continuing and therefore not reaching the rehabilitation of health.
Note: Support from family and friends when trying to rehabilitate his health is very important and its absence may reduce the results of protocols.
18. Psychosomatic factors
Psychosomatic disorders are real to the person who has them but they do not really exist which means that the person believes that he has a disease that really does not exist!
Psychosomatic diseases exist and must be taken into account when trying to “restore health”.
Note: If a person has been in the protocols for some time without any results at all, then this should be taken into account, especially if the person has psychological problems.
19. Environmental toxicity (pollution)
We all know that our world is polluted to some extent, evidenced by the pollution that is visible in the skies of the cities of the world.We also have pollution in the following areas that we have to deal with on a daily basis.
A.Workplace – chemicals and toxins used in the workplace in.Household chemicals – household chemicals and toxins used in home C.Environmental – radiation, microwaves, radium, etc. d.Chemical paths – aluminum and barium are sprayed around the world.Water supply – sewage, chemicals and toxins in the water we drink, example: fluoride
Note: If trying to “restore health” and are constantly in contact with high amounts of toxins, the body’s immune system is busy trying to cope with the removal of these toxins and the healing is more difficult and perhaps the “cause” of the disease they are trying to eliminate!
20. Permanent damage (accidental, congenital or surgical malformations)
All organs and systems of the body need to be in a normal state in order for the body to work in its optimal shape and if there is a permanent injury to one or more of the body’s functions then the restoration of health interferes or is not possible.That is, if someone is paralyzed due to damage to the spinal cord, the ability to move certain parts of the body may never be restored.If the following parts of the body are permanently damaged then it may be possible to restore function but many times it is not.
A.Brain damage b.Nervous System C.Circular system D.Appendix, spleen e.Permanent damage through surgery and.Liver C.Lev H.Digestive system, (stomach, intestines and colon).
Note: we saw some who were told they had permanent damage and we saw it the other way around!It is possible to know only by adhering to the protocols correctly, so try the protocols to see if it is possible to reverse your condition and “restore health”.
21. Organ toxicity
If the organs of the body are very toxic then these organs should be cleaned slowly which will take more time in “restoring health”.A slow detoxification of the following organs should be performed to eliminate the poisoning of the body by not being able to eliminate the toxins quickly enough due to dysfunction.
A.Liver – (sclerosis, liver cancer, hepatitis) B.Kidneys – (on dialysis, kidney stones, infection) c.Gallbladder – (bile stones, infection) D.Colon – (clogged colon, cancer) e.Lung – (cigarette smoking is full of toxins and is ineffective when trying to restore health to the lungs, but possible)
Note: Although these are situations that may interfere with the effectiveness of chlorine dioxide, we have overcome these situations while “restoring health” to people. . Remember that everyone reacts differently, so do the protocols correctly and don’t stop!These are things to consider if you’re not seeing good results.It can just take longer.
22. Mushrooms
MMS is very good at “restoring health” with the presence of fungi, but there are some that it can not eliminate.If the fungus is present throughout the body and is located in an area where you have other problems, such as diabetic-related infections in the legs and feet, the restoration of health may be slower.
Note: A good way to check for the presence of a fungus that MMS is unable to defeat, you can apply MMS activated spray to the area and if it burns (as if on fire) then the fungus may not respond to treatments.
Solution: Mix Aztec clay (bentonite clay), with petrolatum or olive oil and spread on the affected area and wrap it for the night while sleeping. If the fungus is on the feet then the mixture should be applied to the affected areas, wrapped in plastic cellophane and put a sock on it and then go to bed for the night. It works really well!
23. Repaste
You can get your “health” back completely by using the protocols and then become reinfected with the same disease. If a person has a venereal disease and his partner has not followed the protocols or has not “restored health” completely, then the disease can be passed back to the partner again.
Just because a person has “restored health” does not mean that he cannot infect himself again.If you continue with your lifestyle or exposure to a certain disease again after “restoring their health” then re-infection can definitely occur.
Note: To avoid re-infection of a particular disease, a lifestyle change should be made to prevent further exposure.
Example: If one has cancer and works with a lot of radiation constantly then they will have to be really immersed in eliminating the exposure or simply switching jobs.
Example: If a person has several sexual partners, it is necessary to take care to protect his self or only one partner to avoid the risk of re-infection as long as the partner is free of the disease.If you have not waited until the person’s health is restored.Condoms do not necessarily protect against STDs.
Make sure you’re clearing the areas where the other person is contacted with MMS1 or CDS.Carry an MMS1 or CDS spray bottle with you to clean yourself.
24. Lack of funds for the future
Although the protocols we use are relatively cheap, there are those in this world who cannot even afford this amount.If the product runs out then the protocol is stopped and the health does not return despite feeling much better and relieved of the symptoms, but not the health problem completely.
Note: If you are starting the protocols, make sure that you can finish until the status is restored.Solution: Family and friends will usually help if you let them know you might need assistance.Try to plan this ahead of time before the product runs out.
25. Self-deception
People can deceive themselves into thinking that they are okay when in fact they are still sick.Accept reality and take personal responsibility for your health and continue until all symptoms disappear, no matter how long it takes.
Note: Even after restoring health, continue with the “maintenance doses” and follow a proper diet to keep your immune system strong.
Yes, again this may be a change in lifestyle!
26. Adjusting dosages
Although mentioned above, it is important to note how to adjust the dosage.If a person is really sick then you must walk slowly, which means that if the person has stage 4 cancer in the liver or lungs then we start with one drop an hour.if
There is some negative reaction, we reduce the dose to half a drop per hour.This applies to all the so-called terminal illnesses.After reducing stay at this dose until you feel better go up.Increase dosages slowly!Don’t stop!
If a person adds the DSMO hourly, i.e. the 1000+ protocol, and has the Rexheimer response, then stop adding the DMSO for about a day and then try adding it again.
Note: The reaction of herxheimer or oxidative stress is when the body has so many toxins that are introduced into the blood that the body cannot eliminate them quickly enough and therefore has flu-like symptoms, (joint and muscle pain, fatigue) . When this happens to reduce the dose, you may even start over.
The same when taking the 2000 protocol which is the addition of calcium hypochlorite. If you add the MMS2,(calcium hypochlorite), and feel that you can’t stand it then stop for a few days and then try again
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