For all of us who are challenged about their weight, happy to share with you a few things I discovered.
That way you can maintain a healthy weight without losing your mind.
For the set of rules I found I called W4H2
These are the initials of: Why, What, With, When, How, How much
Here’s the explanation:


WHY do you eat?

Why are you eating?
Are you really hungry or are you actually thirsty? Maybe you need a hug and not food?
Maybe you just need to rest?
Many times we go to the refrigerator because we are missing something. Like something that nibbles and doesn’t rest. Sometimes it’s a conversation you have to make up with a close person, and sometimes we’re just tired and need to go to sleep, and in order to wake up we’re looking for food that will give us energy.
Now is the time to put our minds into action and find out if we really need food right now.
It’s always good to get a hug in front of the fridge..
Many times we won’t even get to him and stay in a hug.

*WHAT* do you eat?

The quality of the material we put in our mouths can affect weight in the extreme. And I’m not talking about a comparison between chocolate and lettuce – that’s probably obvious to all of us.
I’m talking about the distinction between weak food that doesn’t nourish the body and real food that gives us energy.
…Food = energy…
Everything that grows and reaches our table as it is (without cooking), and certainly if it is organic, contains an amount of energy that gives us strength.
Even if we need the cooked food in the meal, it is worth making sure that there is also a delicious and nutritious salad with which to start the meal.
Plant-based food, especially seasonal fruits and vegetables, will give our body all the energy it needs.
And if you want something sweet at the end, it’s always best to chop with tamar or other dry fruit, and leave the carbs and cakes for another time rather than for mealtime.
It’s important to drink water during the day, because our hunger and thirst mechanism can sometimes get confused and give us a false sense of it.

WITH who you eat?

Strange as it may sound, the people we eat with can have a huge impact on our weight.
For example, if we are at work and eating next to people who are in a hurry to finish and go back to work, while talking loudly and addressing us with questions, it can affect the body’s chewing and food absorption time and completely alter the metabolism and digestive quality of the food.
It’s good to eat with people with good energy who respect the fact that we eat now, and also that we don’t put unnecessary temptations on the table.
It is usually when you see delicious food that stimulates the lust, and it is worth getting to know the automatic way in which a desire to eat arises even when there is no real hunger.
Moreover, we are social beings who like to eat when others eat (especially if they offer us food).
I often start eating with friends even when I’m not hungry.
It is perfectly permissible to eat quietly on the side even if everyone giggles during the meal, unless you are with people who can be relatively quiet during the meal.

WHEN you eat?

I’ve noticed that the hours I eat have a huge impact on our body weight and how we feel in general.
For example, if I eat in the morning then I get hungry throughout the day, and the amount of food I consume increases by about 1.5 times. When I get up and drink water in the morning, and put off the first meal for 3 hours ahead, I’m seven by noon with a small amount of food.
As for eating before bed-I found that all the times I ate before bed I woke up in the morning with unexplained hunger. It was interesting because when I didn’t eat before bed I got up seven and even full.
After researching the matter, I discovered that my digestive system worked overtime at night, and the feeling of hunger in the morning was merely the work of the digestive system failing to finish the food of the night before.
After drinking water and waiting for an hour, the hunger disappeared and reached satiety for a few hours. My body continued the digestion process and I didn’t lack energy at all.
As for Seder-it is recommended to start the day with fruit only and without fat, and in the afternoon eat the salty meal with fat.
And anyway, cut down on fat as much as possible, because there’s enough fat in the food we eat anyway.
You should eat your last meal 3 hours before going to bed and reduce your fat.

HOW do you eat?

How do you eat? Rushing to finish and get on with the day’s chores or giving yourself the time to chew properly?
Slow chewing allows our body to absorb food well and break it down effectively.
Our digestive process begins in the mouth rather than in the stomach, where saliva is secreted that breaks down the sugars and makes preparation for the digestion of the stomach.
Chewing itself is an action that causes the stomach juices to be excreted, and the whole process is good for it to be slow so that the food gives the body what it really needs to get from it.
Slow chewing also allows the stomach to send the satiety signal to the brain in time. Our satiety mechanism transmits the satiety signal to the brain as long as the stomach is full, so it is important to chew and swallow slowly in order to be full and stop in time.
Someone once said you should never reach full satisfaction. Always stop a little before we are seventy – to get a normal body weight and a healthy life.
Quiet environment:
It is important to ensure that the eating environment is quiet and calm. Give yourself those 10-15 minutes as a time to meditate and think. Just relax and enjoy this time, even if we’re not really social during the meal.
That’s okay, because when we’re done eating, we’ll go back to our friends when we’re healthier, lighter and happier.

HOW MUCH do you eat?

the issue of amounts:
We eat more than we need!
It begins with the mother encouraging her child to finish the plate, and it continues with filling the plate with twice as much food and finishing it so as not to throw.
And here I was allowed to throw away a sacred cow:” Food is allowed to be thrown away, ” especially if it’s on a plate and we’re not hungry.
A dear woman once said to me, “Eat, it’s a shame to throw away, “and I replied, “My body is not a garbage can.”
It’s always better that the excess food goes in the bin and not into the body!!
It turns out that our bodies can handle (even unhealthy) food in small quantities, but can’t handle (even healthy) food in large quantities. We just don’t have any mechanism in the body that can handle excess food, and it just rots and misses in the body.
The way to eat the right amount of food is to start eating small meals during the day. Even if it means eating once every two hours at first, great, as long as the quantities in each meal remain small. In this way, our stomach will return to its normal size and we will reach a point where we no longer need large amounts of food.
“The eyes want to eat” is an old saying that describes a situation where we see a large amount of food on the plate and want to finish it. It’s an age-old impulse that seems to have been left in us from a historical period when we didn’t have accessible food every day and had to eat the amount we found to avoid going hungry the next day.
But those times have passed and today we have a refrigerator full of food, so whenever we get hungry we can eat to full fullness.
**And with all my recommendations, it is important for me to emphasize that it is not necessary to stay hungry, but to use intelligence to eat correctly and stay healthy and happy.

Remember to hug and touch the people you love.,
They may be the best recipe for your healthy, beautiful body.