The concept “awakening” brings up the question: “What is it anyway?โ€
a difficult to answer in words.

I would say, a form of taking full responsibility for our feelings and thoughts, while Exiting the victim state of mind to a responsible one.

some people say: “You make me feel like that..”,ย  and I don’t understand how they don’t laugh when they say that.

How can you allow others to control you in that way, and also blame them for doing that?

People sometimes ask me, “How do I know if I’m awake?โ€

It reminds me of the scene in the movie Matrix where Neo went to the Oracle, who told him:

โ€œBeing the one is like being in love.”
No one can tell you that you are in love.
You just know it…
All of you, down to your bonesโ€

If you are questioning your vigilance, then you are sleeping my dear. extremely sleepy.

Moreover, being awake is a matter of decision. It’s a total decision that goes through all your body cells and being. a thorough decision you’ve never made in your life before.

Is it sounds too simple to you? .. Yes it is.

Is the day when once gets up on his feet and decides “the movie is over”.
Once declare to himself: “Enough, I’m done with lie’s, I just want the truth”.

Only then once begin to learn reality directly, because up to that point all knowledge and learning came to him by others, and he absorbed a conditional knowledge that was based on the opinions of others about the world. not from his direct experience of reality.

A person who runs in automatic cycles cannot learn reality, because he does not change.

Like fattening the geese with pushing food into their stomachs.

If you wake up one day, be prepared to find out that this is what was done to you.

Television, news, and movies, are certainly significant channels for feeding your mind with stories, but deeper and more significant are the beliefs of the family in which we grew up and the people around you today.

Allow me to put on the altar the most marketed fundamental belief on the planet, called “reincarnation”.

I’m really not here to tell you if it exists or not, but just to enlighten you on two things. One, I want to help you differentiate between your reality and your beliefs/thoughts.

Two, I want to help you understand that this belief was planted in your consciousness at a very young age, which means that it is not a conclusion you came to by your own.

So again.. how committed are you to telling yourself the truth?

Because if you go there, you will find that from a very young age you were sold by the greatest bestseller story of all time on this planet.

To question the story, is to shake the world of the child who trusts his parents to tell him the truth. This can make you very angry with them if you’ll get it, and you may be filled with resentment, until you have to forgive them because they, like you, were deceived when they didn’t hade the ability to differentiate between reality and thought.

I don’t know about you, but when everyone points in a certain direction, I know it’s a mistake.

Why? Because the crowd is sleeping, it is lost.

“If you want to find yourself, don’t follow the lost.”


Writer: Ilan Aviv