The Sleeping Man
I know how I have to live!! My future is already clear and pre-planned and I live a safe life. In a few more years I will be a successful person and then I will be happy. Life is a daily struggle and you have to be strong, I’m not that complete with my life but there’s nothing perfect in life. The most important thing in life is to get married and have children, maximum if it doesn’t work out then we will get divorced and I will have a next generation. I am already saving for retirement, a prudent and practical person. When I feel busy I take a vacation, it is very important what others think of me. I’m up to date with what’s going on in the news, how good it is to keep everyone updated on what’s really going on. There are bad people in the world, you have to survive. A man is a wolf to another man. This world exists to serve me and I have to get a lot of things done before it’s over, there’s no time. All in all, I am a good person and it is important for me to feel good about myself. I am always right and the others are wrong, always distancing myself from those who do not agree with me. If people make me feel bad I just leave theme. That’s who I am and you’ll have to accept it!
If you’re looking for a way to wake up,
look for a different way than the one you’re following/ Ilan Aviv
The Awakening one
Is this who I really am? Am I living the life I want? What is real? Why am I different from everyone else? Is something wrong with me? Who am I anyway, what do I want? Who is it that thinks these thoughts? Is there really anything bigger than me? Where did all these questions suddenly come from? Suddenly my whole life seems like one big illusion!! I thought I knew what was right for me, that I was right in my way, and that I was so right that I was left alone. I discovered that I live in a smelly box and I feel like I’m going crazy, I’m trapped, it’s not good for me. Everyone around asks me why I’m not like everyone else and tells me how I should be and that I’ll get back to myself, that I’ll find a partner and build a family. What do they know what is right for me?! Want to wake up from this hallucination.
How is it that to this day I have not seen how beautiful the colors of the sunset are and where everyone is in a hurry?
My eyes open and I want to know what I’m hiding from myself at all costs. How come I haven’t seen all this until now. I’m open to change my self what ever it’ll cost. I’m curious, I want only the truth!
The Awake Man
Oops.. Ooooh my goodness. When did all this happen?! I see my lies and the box in which I live. Not judging, accepting me as I am. There is no good and evil but only what is, living the moment and doing what really matters. Feeling life and loving to live, feeling strongly and not letting emotions lead my life. Listening to people and learning from every moment, appreciating what exists and being thankful for everything there is. Crowds of people in the world are walking around in their sleep and can’t see that I’m here. Hey my brother, do you want to discover something together? Do you want to see how delusional and lethargic human beings we are? Do you want to choose your life anew? Don’t get angry with me friend, I’m just like you โ no better than you, worse and just as good as you. Freed from the injustice of the masses, looking for people who want to wake up, see the lies and find out the truth. My mind is quite now, but I remember how much I suffered when I was asleep. Now it’s clear that waking up is a matter of a moment, a matter of decision. You can do it now if you want. It is not to achieve more, but to give up something you gained.
Complete with who I am, I am part of something bigger than me and serving it. I am the source of all my feelings and actions. There is no one else to blame, I am fully responsible and choose my life.
The Enlightened Man
I woke up and chose the light, my eyes open, I am free from who I thought I was. I’m part of something bigger than myself. Present.
I see the goodness and holiness in people and in life. We are all one, one humanity and all the parts are mysteriously connected to each other. My heart is open to people and all that exists. Every encounter with a person is a valuable gift. I am here for the sake of others, I am a channel of giving and I love human beings wherever they are.
A light shines on my old brothers who fell in love with their sleep. I don’t know anymore.
Author: Ilan Aviv
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