Eternal life

live for ever - eternal live

Welcome to the fountain of life. Don’t wait for something to come from outside and save you from death but choose your life now as eternal life is only possible if you think it is.

A host of articles and studies on life extension and eternal life, when science is already beginning to recognize death as a fatal disease and not as a predictable natural phenomenon

Some of the articles are about the relationship of the aging state of mind as a reason for aging and death, and ways to reconnect with the path of life.
You are invited to jump into the spring of continuous life.


Being Forever – love thoughts outside the box

From being locked in time, people try to understand eternity, like looking out of a box and understanding the "no box," like a fish trying to understand the water it swims in and realizing that there is such a thing as air. All observation is from a pattern of thinking to a place where there is no thinking, where there is an experiential "being" that cannot be understood or seen. To be without time in [Read more...]

By |2024-03-30T22:00:41+05:30September 27th, 2015|Eternal life, People-writing, Ilan Aviv, Awakening, Together|0 Comments

Meet the living creature that doesn’t age and can’t die

The cycle of life and death is perhaps the greatest puzzle facing humanity. However, we are not here to delve into philosophical questions about life after death, but rather to address a much more down-to-earth question than we thought: Do eternal life exist? In short, the answer is yes, or at least with a very high scientific probability. The creature that likely challenges the notion that all organisms die at some point is the hydra, [Read more...]

By |2024-01-22T14:00:31+05:30June 20th, 2018|Eternal life|0 Comments

How is eternal life going to change the way we think?

Silicon Valley, Dreamland, a futuristic utopia, and the generations' new search for immortality - eternal life. Dying of old age is simply not natural. Aging is a disease. Zoltan Istvan feels strongly that there is a cure for death, because he is the first transhumanist to ever run for president. His ideas may seem unconventional, while the wealthy founders of companies like PayPal and Google are pouring millions of dollars into life extension research. And [Read more...]

By |2018-05-02T18:07:04+05:30May 2nd, 2018|Eternal life|0 Comments

A conversation with the priest about eternal life

The questioner: Tell me, priest have you been near a lot of beds tend to die what do people crave the most when they face the end of their lives, more time? Priest: I guess the questioner: Exactly I guess they will give almost everything for one more year, imagine what they will give for the whole of eternity. Priest: Lord, I don't quite understand, what are you ... The questioner: You will understand. Priest, [Read more...]

By |2022-12-21T00:07:54+05:30February 17th, 2018|Eternal life, Films|0 Comments

7 Ways to Become Timeless The 7 Ways to Become Immortal

Human beings have sought the elixir of life in any period of history, and soon it may happen ... GMOs - We know that cell aging is encoded in DNA, as defined by the Hayflick restriction... This means that a normal human cell replicates itself and divides 50-60 times, and does not continue to do so anymore.When telomeres become too short, the chromosome cannot replicate itself anymore, and the cell becomes old and dies.There are [Read more...]

By |2017-08-04T23:37:34+05:30August 4th, 2017|Uncategorized, Eternal life|0 Comments

5 Eternal Creatures on Earth 5 Immortal Species

They say that the only 2 definitive things in life are death and taxes, but this is not necessarily true. Aging, and its elaboration by death, are caused at the most basic level by the fact that the cells inside our body lose their ability to repair themselves. And yet this problem does not exist in all living organisms. Currently, there are at least 5 species on this planet that do not play with the [Read more...]

By |2017-08-04T23:20:55+05:30August 4th, 2017|Uncategorized, Eternal life|0 Comments

Fight for Your Life – Eternal Life – Strive for Immortality

Life has only one purpose. Get more time, if I could buy an eternity at a price I would pay twice. We struggle for eternal life and we are not ashamed of it. The universe doesn't care if we survive or not.Eternal life is our survival. We must continue as individuals and as human beings.Aging is an asterisk rule. is a tragedy. Scientists are trying to cure the disease of aging and we need to [Read more...]

By |2017-05-13T16:15:24+05:30May 13th, 2017|Uncategorized, life, Longevity, Eternal life|0 Comments

The Search for the Immortal Garden

In many cultures there are stories and legends that try to explain why man is mortal. In Africa, for example, legend has it that God sent a chameleon to bring immortality to mankind. But the chameleon crawled so slowly that the lizard in its mouth caught up with the death row. The seductive humanity received the message of the lizard and thus lost immortality. Throughout the ages, philosophers have tried to answer the question, why [Read more...]

By |2017-02-18T19:00:21+05:30February 18th, 2017|Uncategorized, Longevity, Eternal life|0 Comments

Can you stay young forever?

Imagine that you would always stay in your best years. It is worth in your soul abundant health and sharpness that will never fade away. Does such a brilliant hope seem like a daydream to you? So, consider this curious fact: although some species of parrots can reach the age of one hundred, it is rare for mice to live longer than three years. The differences in life lead biologists to conclude that there must [Read more...]

By |2017-02-18T18:56:14+05:30February 18th, 2017|Uncategorized, Longevity, Eternal life|0 Comments

Why do we age?

You probably imagine that all living things end up wearing out and that there is no avoiding it. Cars and vacuum cleaners used daily end up bringing life to life. On the face of it, animals seem to age and die in a similar way. But Steven Osted, a professor of zoology, explains: "Living beings are completely different from machines. The most essential characteristic that distinguishes living beings is their ability to repair themselves." The [Read more...]

By |2017-02-18T18:45:13+05:30February 18th, 2017|Uncategorized, Longevity, Eternal life|0 Comments

Dr. Jacob Ben Shaul on Eternal Life

Will we live eternal life in the future? What is gerontology? Dr. Jacob Ben Shaul in Galileo , Educational 23, Season 4 Episode 4. Moderator: Hila Korach when humanity transcends biology" (Ray Kurzweil), it is the least likely to have eternal life. The higher chance of eternal life lies precisely in conventional biological research. 1

By |2017-02-18T01:04:11+05:30February 18th, 2017|Uncategorized, Eternal life|0 Comments

Live at all costs

Much has been said about this jellyfish, so I bring it up again so that we can look it well in the eyes. It does not speak or think like humans, but it is an organism with living cells that are similar to ours and all living beings on Earth. This primitive creature knows how to heal itself continuously (overcomes its code of death) and in simple words = lives forever! You don't have to [Read more...]

By |2017-02-17T23:11:50+05:30February 17th, 2017|Uncategorized, Eternal life|0 Comments

What is death?

Death is the main dream from which all illusions arise. Isn't it a craze to think of life in terms of birth, aging, loss of vitality, and ultimately death? This is the one and only permanent and unchanging belief of the world, that all things in the world are born only to die. This is considered the "way of nature," not to come up as a question, but to be accepted as the "natural law" [Read more...]

By |2017-02-09T14:44:40+05:30February 9th, 2017|Awareness, Eternal life|0 Comments

Why does death make life meaningless?

If life ends in a grave, it means that you will die the meaning and all the thoughts that have accompanied the person throughout his life. A temporary life is meaningless, because it will cease to exist when there is no longer me. No matter how long the equation of your life is, because if its result will be zero - it is just like you have never been born.

By |2017-01-30T20:07:42+05:30January 30th, 2017|Uncategorized, Eternal life|0 Comments

Marina and the Diamonds – I want to be eternal

I want to be eternal like God in heaven, I want to be a silk flower as if I would never die, I want to live forever - forever in your heart, and we will always be together - from the end to the beginning. That's what we do it for - to reserve a place in history, it's just another role of the human race, I'm forever chasing time - but everyone dies, dies. [Read more...]

By |2016-12-27T14:57:55+05:30December 27th, 2016|Uncategorized, Eternal life|0 Comments

Forever Young – Alphaville Alphaville – Forever Young

Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while Heaven can wait, we're only watching the skies Hoping for the best but expecting the worst Are you gonna drop the bomb or not? Let us die young or let us live forever We don't have the power but we never say never Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip The music's for the sad men Can you imagine when this race is won [Read more...]

By |2023-04-05T12:17:57+05:30November 6th, 2016|life, Eternal life, Inspiring music|0 Comments

We are fans of eternal life We are fans of Eternal Life

People answer the question of eternal life: if there is a possibility, I would certainly want to live forever. Why? Because I love life, yes. I will be forever young and experiment with as many things as possible, wanting everything to go on and on. I want to see the future, mankind has been designed to live forever. If you can take a pill that will allow you to be healthy and live forever, will [Read more...]

By |2016-11-06T19:40:30+05:30November 6th, 2016|Uncategorized, Eternal life|0 Comments

מי אנחנו

המעוניינים לחיות את חייהם במלואם, לאוהבים את החיים שרוצים לחיות לנצח בגופם האנושי. אנו רואים את החיים כדבר המופלא, היפה והטוב ביותר שיש ביקום, ובוחרים להישאר בחיים בשיתופיות ובחיות מלאה. כמונו יש עוד רבים ברחבי העולם, ומדי יום מצטרפים אנשים נוספים שגילו את תשוקתם הבסיסית והבלתי מתפשרת = לחיות!

פוסטים אחרונים

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