Good day, [full-name] !Thank you for contacting us by People Forever Community website and we look forward to reading your inquiry.We usually reply within 48 hours, and in any case we will respond as quickly as possible. |
We have collected the information you provided in the Contact Form below. | |
Main subject: Start volunteering date: [_format_start-volunteering-date “d-m-Y”] – [flexible-arrival-time] Some Text If flexible dates: [text-arrival-date-flexible] Citizenship: [live-in-india] Your Name: [full-name] Where are you now? [Where-are-you-now] |
Your Message: [message-about-yourself] |
Volunteer agreement[rules-agree-checkbox] community rules & Agenda and by sending this request I agree to all the community rules & Agenda, and am obliged to abide by them. |
Your reference has been sent to “People Forever” Team to process its details, And as soon as we do, we will contact you within 48 hours. |
Thank you for contacting us ! |
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Community Workshops Ilan Aviv Awakening Contact us | |
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