
DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide

DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide DMSO, or dimethyl sulfoxide, is a byproduct of paper production. It comes from material found in wood. DMSO has been used as an industrial solvent since the mid-1800s.Approximately since the mid-20th century, researchers have examined its use as an anti-inflammatory substance.The FDA approved DMSO as a prescription drug to treat the symptoms of painful bladder syndrome. It is also used under medical supervision to treat a number of other conditions, including shingles. DMSO [Read more...]

By |2025-02-04T20:40:11+05:30November 2nd, 2021|Covid-19, Health, MMS CDS|0 Comments

Dr. Temple of Manbarsa USA

One of Dr. Temple's fascinating lectures from Nebraska USA, in which he declares that he did not wear a mask and has never been infected with the "disease" He says there that the US is the only country that advertises medicines on TV!! If a person wants to be healthy he must eat well, sleep well and move. It is strongly recommended to take a few minutes and listen!!

By |2022-12-16T07:26:00+05:30January 21st, 2021|Covid-19, Health|0 Comments

A police officer addresses all officers and warns them to respect the rights of civilians

A police officer addresses all police officers in the U.S. and all over the world and talks about human rights. We are in a time when things happen quickly, and our rights are being denied. We must remember our basic human rights and the simple fact that the people give power to the government, and not vice versa. Please watch this video and share it with all your friends It's happening now in the U.S. [Read more...]

By |2022-12-05T15:03:36+05:30May 9th, 2020|Awareness, Covid-19, Awakening|0 Comments

WHO-China Joint Mission Report on Coronavirus 019 (COVID-19)

Google Translate - no editing Page 1 1 WHO-China Joint Mission Report on Coronavirus (Coronavirus 019 (COVID-19 16 - 24 February 2020 Page 2 2 toc Mission 3 DestinationsGOAL and O 3 M EMBERS & M ETOD OF W ORK 3 In. Great finds 4 T HE Virus 4 T hacked HE 5 T HE TRANSMISSION DYNAMICS 9 T signs,symptoms,diseases progression and severity 11 T HE C in response to henna 14 K Nobel gaps [Read more...]

By |2022-12-04T15:02:48+05:30March 1st, 2020|Covid-19|0 Comments

מי אנחנו

המעוניינים לחיות את חייהם במלואם, לאוהבים את החיים שרוצים לחיות לנצח בגופם האנושי. אנו רואים את החיים כדבר המופלא, היפה והטוב ביותר שיש ביקום, ובוחרים להישאר בחיים בשיתופיות ובחיות מלאה. כמונו יש עוד רבים ברחבי העולם, ומדי יום מצטרפים אנשים נוספים שגילו את תשוקתם הבסיסית והבלתי מתפשרת = לחיות!

פוסטים אחרונים

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