Awakening Community in India

Namaste people of the world
I am about to reveal to you the most amazing vision of humanity, which will begin with my personal story and continue all the way in and try to touch the heart of whoever reads these words.

15 years ago I experienced an awakening that turned my whole life upside down, and from that moment I began to learn the world anew and connect to the universe in a direct way that I had not known before.
The first knowledge I received when this happened is that the only way to reach true enlightenment is together with people and not alone, recognizing that I am an inseparable part of others in the face of the persistent “I” illusion.

I sent an invitation and people joined in creating a group of pioneers that operated in Israel for about 12 years and strove to raise awareness and provide ground for people to awaken to full life and connect our hearts and body cells.

We always knew that the world and our region was going in a negative direction and that one day we would have to move to another region, and so it happened that life led me to come to my beloved India and create a transformative center in a stunning place located in a green forest.

In the late 2024 I started establishing the Center for Self-Awareness and Transformation in Auroville – India, which arose from a vision to create a community of people who live conscious lives outside the matrix and together create transformation in the world.

For two years, volunteers and friends came to the scene to help establish and develop the vision, and after a challenging study I moved the center to an amazing place called Auroville, and i’m about to share my insights with you so that you can see if there is a deeper reason why you are reading these words now.

Auroville Matrimandir - India

Auroville Matrimandir – India

โ‹ The vision in brief: a group of people who are conscious and connected in an eternal bond, living in close proximity and working to promote life and bring the light of awareness to all living beings.

It is first about a vision of human connection and awakening as a main value and only after that comes the connection to the physical place on the planet, which is an important point that will accompany everything that will be written here later.
The energy center of the nuclear group is in a physical place that is its home while the connection and human love between the people allows us to move around the planet and do our work if we are required to do so.

Frequency healing and technology
In the dimension in which I live, spirituality and technology go hand in hand and I have always been fascinated by the connection between them. One of the exciting projects that I am developing is a device for healing the body using frequencies that is based on ancient knowledge that has been forgotten by humanity and is directly connected to the forces of nature and the world in which we live.
The language of the universe is frequencies of information that create the harmony of life, and wherever a disease is signaled, a disruption of the code of life can be seen, which led me to delve deeper and explore the possibility of restoring the harmony of life through technology.
Through an electronic device and the use of certain geometric structures, I saw a significant improvement in the health of the body and the healing of diseases, as well as a significant improvement in the thinking process and creativity of people who participated in the development.

The “People Forever” movement promotes physical health as an integral part of mental health and clarity of mind. We promote vegetarian/vegan eating and use food supplements to strengthen cell regeneration and increase life energy in the body

Connection to nature
Since time immemorial we have been and remain a part of nature that a correct and healthy connection to it can teach us what no human can ever teach us.
We do not kill living creatures and preserve the vegetation that gives us oxygen and cleans our water, and in general we see the plants as part of our precious life.

Love between people
I already shared that the first message I received was together and maybe it’s time to say that the other is the fastest way out of the individual’s own prison of the ego, which always tells a person that he is the most important thing that exists.
Because as soon as we make the other more important than us and love him as he is, something magical and huge expands in the consciousness of the individual who begins to remember what is really important in this life.
This is something that happened to me and I do my best to share it with others from a personal example, because in any case it is not something that can be conveyed in words or knowledge.
Love begins the moment we choose to be with others and see them as part of ourselves, that’s where the true path to self-esteem and self-love begins.

Action to raise awareness
Over the years I have established and facilitated hundreds of awareness and transformation workshops and activities that are open to the general public.
The workshops are focused on the process of an inward consciousness journey and include group experience, sharing, writing, guidance with questions, and training within the group.
The topics of the workshops: communication between the sexes (men and women), awakening to freedom (becoming the master), listening (opening the other senses), community life (from “I” to “we”).

Implementation and accession
Starting in 2024, the project is focused on inviting permanent members who wish to come for a long period and take part in the establishment of the vision that begins with a trial period after which he can request to join as a permanent member.

At the same time there is also a volunteer program that invites people to join the creation of the vision with a willingness to come for long periods and contribute their part while participating in some of the activities.

What have we already achieved?
In the process of building – a community space in Orville in a large area of โ€‹โ€‹green forest land, we are building a place to host a number of volunteers and newcomers with a toilet-shower and a comfortable covered outdoor kitchen. A website rich in information, WhatsApp groups, Instagram, groups and a Facebook page, rich marketing content, requests to join on a regular basis, prepared workshop content, a lot of experience and learning from mistakes, support from many good people.

Something to think about
I know that a transformative life that touches on human limitations is not suitable for everyone and I respect each person in the way of life he chooses to live, and it is important for me to clarify that this is a project that is suitable for open-minded people who think outside the box and are also ready to live such an unconventional life.

It’s a dream come true and if you have found logic and you are curious, you are welcome to contact me and we will check together if it is possible for us to succeed together.

Please read some of my articles to get to know me better

__-_-_- Who Can apply to join? -_-_-_-_

People who want to be an integral part of the community and see themselves as living a life of awareness and transformation together with others, who are looking for their conscious family and want to live in Auroville or live near by.

Permanent members are people who are tired of life inside the matrix and realized that this is not the life they want to live, with enough maturity and willingness to do it together with like-minded people.
This group of friends is made up of people who do awareness processes within it, give service to each other and stay together through good and bad.

People in the search and learning phase with an affinity for self-awareness and spirituality who are looking for more people to accelerate their awakening process.
Those who are curious and open to connect with a new way of thinking and outside the box, who are looking for a place to grow and learn about themselves while helping and providing service in building the centre in India.

These people are called “volunteers” but I see all of us as friends who are here to provide service to each other, when some come to stay and others come to help for a certain period.

– Individuals only (no couples, pairs or a groups).
– No pets, children or families.ย 

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

– Vegan food only during the entire stay (also off-site).
– The hosts may voluntarily shorten the stay if there is no compatibility.
– 25 hours a week providing service to the place (make your own daily schedule) .
– Use your phone only when necessary (Less is better).
– Take care of cleaning and organize the place.
– Adults only – minimum Age 20 years old.
– No violence, drugs, alcohol or pets.
– Be in a service mode

* Keep a clear and honest communication with the people.
* Share your thoughts and be honest. don’t hide or lie.
* Stay open to receive feedbacks and give some to others.
* Take at least one personal challenge to practice in your stay.
* Listen, Listen, Listen



You’ll get accommodation in a shared dome placed in the community land attached to the development laberatory and the hosts living place.
the space is comfortable with mattresses, clean bed sheets, pillows, lights, and a mosquito net.

– Equipped outdoor covered kitchen
– Closed shower
– Fast wireless internet
– laundry dryer stand
– Chairs and desk

ๅฝก FOODใƒŸ
– You can buy basic food ingrediencies (vegan only) and cook, or eat in many good local restorants.
– Drinking water provided, excellent tea and coffee
– Cook together in a group or cook for yourself in you have a preferred menu
– The outdoor kitchen includes a gas stove, dinnerware, a table, chairs for people to use

_-_- How to join? -_-_

This link will direct you to the volunteer registration form to fill out, from where a video call will be arranged to get to know you a little better.
Note: After submitting the form our communication will be by email, so please continue to check your mail.

โฐโฐโฐโฐ Join as a community visitor โฑโฑโฑโฑ
(Status: Visiting Orville)

Join the community for one month of helping us while getting to know the project and connecting.
After successfully connecting and liking the project, you can apply to join as a guest and join the member program.
As an Auroville visitor you will receive temporary accommodation (in a geodesic dome) and cover your food and other costs.

โฐโฐโฐโฐ Join as a community guest โฑโฑโฑโฑ
(Status: Orville Gast)

After 1 month of visiting and wanting to stay, you can join the community to volunteer for 3 months while staying in the permanent member program.
As an Auroville Gouest you will register and contribute to the Auroville Foundation with a maintenance fee of 150 rupees per day
You will get discounts at all Auroville businesses and if you use an Aurocard (magnetic card available only for registered people), you will also get access to buy subsidized food and services at “Aurovillians Only” places.

โฐโฐโฐโฐ Join as a community member โฑโฑโฑโฑ
(Status: Auroville Newcomer)

After 3 months of volunteering as a guest and wanting to stay in Auroville you can choose to join the community for 12 – 18 months of volunteering by applying for an X visa (entry visa), while staying in the community’s permanent member program.
As an Auroville volunteer you will register and contribute the maintenance fees to the Auroville Foundation.
You will get the right to live inside Auroville in subsidized accommodation and discounts in all Auroville businesses if you use Aurocard (magnetic card available only to registered people), you will also get access to buy subsidized food and services at Aurovillians only. “places.

โฐโฐโฐโฐ Join as a core member of the community โฑโฑโฑโฑ
(Status: Aurovilian)

After 12 to 18 months of being a newcomer to Auroville and wanting to become an Aurovilian, you can join the community for permanent residence as a core member.
This will involve moving to the newcomer process (click here) while providing a successful service and developing the community projects together with us.
As an Aurovilian you will receive a 5-year X visa (entry visa) upon renewal without the need to leave India, while joining the community’s core members program.
As an Aurovilian you will get accommodation + all newcomer rights, and other rights that will develop as you go through this process.

To be an integral part of Aurovilian is a great privilege that enables life in a lovely place in nature in connection with a great community vision of life without differences of religion and countries, personal prosperity and contribution to the transformation of humanity.

โค If you’re a people lover !
โค If you see yourself waking up in the morning with dedicated people weaving together a community vision.
โค If you have a pioneering streak and are one of those people who like to plant seeds and watch them grow.
โค If you are looking for your home and it’s time for you to stop the search and find it.
โค If you are an open-minded person who’s interested in developing yourself and seeing different perspectives.
โค If you are already in an “awakened” state or like to be with the assistance in opening your mind more.
โค If you have a clear intention to create long lasting life in a community and transform yourself with others.


โฎโฎโฎโฎโฎ THE COMMUNITY’S VISION IN A NUTSHELL โฏโฏโฏโฏย 
__โ‹ Stay together forever, Awakening, Commit to life, Give service to the people โ‹__

โ‹ Live close to nature while keep the land and the animals safe.
โ‹ Enjoy and appreciate life. do not kill or participate in taking life.
โ‹ Leave the past behind and connect to this moment. be here and now.
โ‹ Listen to yourself and others while living your life in a meditation state.
โ‹ Love your body and the other people bodies. touch others and be touchable.
โ‹ Be Self-aware in communicating with oneself and others. see them as your mirror.
โ‹ Explore yourself to get out of your personal matrix, then help others get out of theirs.
โ‹ Give service to others and practice of moving from your selfishness to caring for others.
โ‹ Handle your emotions and thoughts, while giving space to others to think and feel theirs.
โ‹ Live a healthy lifestyle by eating vegan food and moving your body. don’t hurt your body.
โ‹ Be a self-sufficient being with energy exchange, while keeping balance with being together.
โ‹ Be a student and stay open, while you rediscovering yourself and releasing you from the ego.

If you are tired of the way the world is going and
looking for a way – to get Out Of The Matrix,

Come and meet more people like you.

|ย Ilan Aviv Articles |ย Volunteers | Accommodation | Registration |ย 

If you’re interested in Joining as a member or volunteering,
here’s the service you can give.

โ˜† Help in the construction of a “light structure” of a residence in the community area.
โ˜† Construction of a geodesic dome to accommodate guests and volunteers.
โ˜† Construction of an outdoor community kitchen.
โ˜† Planting plants and preparing an area for planting trees.
โ˜† Joining the development of a healing project using frequencies and water purification
(if you have the required knowledge)
โ˜† Help with cleaning, cooking and organizing the community space.
โ˜† Inviting the right people to join and bring this vision to the world.
โ˜† Give your healing to others, the massage or any other treatment you want to give.



Iย believe that if each person gives from within himself what he most enjoys giving to others, greater development will occur and we will all enjoy the process more. Of course, there are daily tasks such as cleaning the space and preparing food, but these should be secondary to the main thing that we enjoy doing.

It is important for me to know what you enjoy doing and giving the most, and that you promote this as your primary tasks during your Volunteer stay with us.

A unique Transformative community project
is happening in Auroville – India!

In what ways might the volunteers grow and develop on this collaboration?
Benefits to Volunteers in awareness Community – Auroville

  • – Joining the pioneers who build this transformative centre means being in the company of special people who strive for excellence, while growing rapidly and learning yourself from a new and unique angle.
  • – While doing the physical work, I would be happy to teach you to work with different materials, build and create things in space while using work tools.
  • And if you are a person with a tendency and desire for self-transformation, you will find this place a paradise for mind and body.
  • The establishment of the community is the first step in creating a modern community life based on self-awareness and mental alertness, combined with financial independence and personal freedom.
  • In the environment we’re creating, which is vegan and based on a healthy, plant-based diet, I have no doubt that you’ll also pick up some tips on how to prepare a tasty vegan dishes.
  • We believe in the natural healing and natural flourishing of the body, and we use technology to help us, so one of our projects involves developing a frequency-based therapeutic approach and water purification with geometric structures, which you can learn more about if you’re interested.

Type of accommodation

ๅฝก sleeping and eating space ใƒŸ
Overnight in a large, closed tent (dome) placed on the land.
The space is comfortable with mattresses, clean sheets, pillows and a mosquito net.
We provide drinking water, excellent tea and coffee.
The outdoor kitchen includes a gas stove, dinnerware, a table, chairs for people to use.


Share Our Community Story With Friends!


โ‹ Weather

Auroville, located in Tamil Nadu, India, experiences a tropical climate with three main seasons: summer, monsoon, and winter.
The weather in Auroville is warm to pleasant most of the year with most nights being pleasant.

Summer (March to June)

  • Temperature: 25ยฐC to 40ยฐC (77ยฐF to 104ยฐF)
  • Weather: Hot and dry, with temperatures often soaring above 35ยฐC. Humidity levels can be high, making it feel even hotter.

Monsoon (July to October)

  • Temperature: 25ยฐC to 35ยฐC (77ยฐF to 95ยฐF)
  • Weather: The monsoon season brings heavy rainfall and thunderstorms, particularly in July and August.
    The rain can be quite intense, leading to lush greenery and cooler temperatures compared to the summer months.
    The humidity remains high during this period.

Winter (November to February)

  • Temperature: 20ยฐC to 30ยฐC (68ยฐF to 86ยฐF)
  • Weather: Winter in Auroville is mild and pleasant, with lower humidity and cooler temperatures.
    Itโ€™s the most comfortable season for outdoor activities and exploring the area.
    Evenings and early mornings can be relatively cooler, so light jackets or sweaters may be needed.

Auroville’s tropical climate makes it a year-round destination, with each season offering a unique experience.

โ‹ Transportation

The place is in a peaceful area surrounded by trees and is located 20-30 minutes drive from the Pondicherry city in Tamilnadu – the east cost of India.
You can take a nice rickshaw ride or a bus to the visitor center of Auroville.

By Air:

  • Nearest Airport: Chennai International Airport (MAA), 135 km away.
  • From Chennai: Take a taxi (2.5-3 hours) or a bus/train to Puducherry, then a taxi to Auroville.

By Train:

  • Nearest Station: Puducherry Railway Station, 12 km away.
  • From Puducherry: Take a taxi or auto-rickshaw (20-30 minutes).

By Bus:

  • From Chennai: TNSTC and private buses to Puducherry, then a local bus or taxi.
  • From Bangalore: Direct buses to Puducherry, then a local bus or taxi.

By Road:

  • From Chennai: Drive via East Coast Road (ECR), about 2.5-3 hours.
  • From Bangalore: Drive via Hosur, Krishnagiri, and Tiruvannamalai, about 6-7 hours.

Local Transport:

  • Bicycles and Scooters: Available for rent.
  • Taxis and Auto-rickshaws: Readily available.

What Volunteers can do with their time off?

Activities for Volunteers in Auroville

Auroville offers a wide range of activities for volunteers to enjoy during their free time. Here are some popular options:

1. Explore Nature

  • Matrimandir Gardens: Visit the beautiful gardens surrounding the Matrimandir.
  • Auroville Beach: Relax or take a swim at Auroville Beach.
  • Botanical Gardens: Explore diverse plant species and serene walking paths.

2. Cultural and Spiritual Activities

  • Matrimandir: Meditate inside the Matrimandir, the spiritual center of Auroville.
  • Temples and Ashrams: Visit nearby temples and the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Puducherry.

3. Workshops and Classes

  • Yoga and Meditation: Join yoga classes or meditation sessions.
  • Art and Craft Workshops: Participate in pottery, painting, or other creative workshops.
  • Dance and Music: Attend dance or music classes and performances.

4. Sports and Recreation

  • Sports Facilities: Use facilities for sports like basketball, volleyball, and tennis.
  • Cycling and Hiking: Rent a bicycle or go hiking on various trails around Auroville.

5. Community Events

  • Cultural Programs: Attend cultural events, movie screenings, and music concerts.
  • Community Gatherings: Join community dinners and social gatherings to meet other residents and volunteers.

6. Wellness and Relaxation

  • Massage and Therapy: Book a session at one of the wellness centers for massage or alternative therapies.
  • Cafรฉs and Restaurants: Enjoy meals and beverages at various cafes and eateries in Auroville.

7. Learning and Volunteering

  • Library and Learning Centers: Spend time at the Auroville Library or other learning centers.
  • Additional Volunteering: Engage in different volunteer projects and community activities.

Auroville provides a unique blend of cultural, recreational, and spiritual experiences, making it an enriching place for volunteers to spend their time off.

Volunteers are invited to take a part in a transformative Community in Auroville

The host shares what led him to create a community in Auroville (the long story)

If you ask me what I love most in life then my honest answer would be “people”. Yes, I also love nature and animals, but humans are by far the most interesting and complex creatures I’ve met, and somewhere inside me I’m still trying to solve the human puzzle. Read More

Questions and answers about the community life

Is this a community in the rainbow’s spirit?

We apply many of the Rainbow Community’s principles, but in a more organised and orderly manner when it is connected to daily life. We adhere to the Rainbow circle principles of veganism, love of the land, talking stick as a form of communication, building with natural materials, music, eating together, and sitting around the fire.

Despite this, we use electricity, surf the Internet, and are connected to the matrix world in a controlled and responsible manner, rather than being disconnected as in Rainbow Gadering.

What is the attitude toward marijuana or other drugs?

Read More

I‘m interested in Volunteering at the community, what are the next steps?

If you are interested in volunteering with us, all you need to do is send us a request through our website, specify the dates on which you would like to visit, and provide some background information about yourself and the capacity in which you would like to contribute to the local community.

We will acknowledge receipt of your request and get back to you as quickly as we can with a response pertaining to the dates that you have requested.

…………. โ†“ โ†“ โ†“ Please fill out the form below. โ†“ โ†“ โ†“ ………….

Volunteers Registration Form


    *ย Select The Reference Topic From The Drop-Down Menuย 

    * Start volunteering Date*


    * End volunteering Date FlexibleSolid

    If you marked "Flexible" please expand

    * Arrival in India date:

    * Leaving India date:

    *ย Where are you now?

    *ย How did you get here?

    *ย Select your Home Country:

    * English level

    *ย Full Name:

    * Gender

    * Age :

    * Astrology sign:

    *ย Have you traveled before?

    *ย Email:

    * Gmail Account:

    *ย Mobile phone (with country code):

    * WhatsApp (with country code):


    * Your Facebook profile:

    * Instagram:


    Profile on some Volunteer website (if any)

    *ย Traveling companion

    *ย Physical fitness

    * Have you volunteered before?

    *ย  Please tell us a little more about your Communal experience (even if not as volunteer)

    * Diet

    * Do you take psychiatric medication?

    * Romantic relationship in your life at the moment?Yes, long oneYes, just startingJust broke upmarriedSingle

    *ย What appeals to you most about our community project?

    * One thing you don't like

    * One thing you really like

    * Service you like to give to the community?

    * Your favorite occupation or hobby?

    * How do you describe yourself?

    Treatment method you have learned

    profession or skills

    *ย Considering relocation to India?

    *ย Please Upload Your Photo
    (format: gif, png, bmp, jpg, pdf -- Stay private with us only)

    *ย Please tell us about yourself.

    Volunteer agreement

    I have carefully read All thecommunity rules & Agenda and by sending this request I agree to all the community rules & Agenda, and am obliged to abide by them.



    ย  ย  ย 

    Volunteers are invited to help establish awareness Community in Auroville

    ย  People forever – Auroville