Chlorine Dioxide MMS is a simple compound of a substance called chlorine dioxide (chlorine dioxide) that received the name MMS because of its healing properties (Miracle Mineral Solution).


הצטרף לקבוצת הטלגרם הגדולה בישראל – “מ.מ.ס ישראל”

MMS CDS ISRAEL Chlorine Dioxide

הצטרף לקבוצה

  شعار טלגרם   רכישת ממס אונליין

רכישת ממס אונליין כלורין דאוקסיד

הזמנה אונליין ממס כלורין דאוקסיד



This information is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment, and is submitted by the site’s editorial staff as essential information for readers only!!
MMS is known for its healing abilities all over the world, and has been used for years to purify and improve water.
For treatment the substance comes in 2 vials that are mixed a few drops in a ratio of 50 to 50 and after a minute are diluted with water and drank according to treatment protocols. The base material is “sodium chlorite” and the second substance is hydrochloric acid that activates it (hydrochloric acid is the same as the acid found in lemon. The sodium chlorite can also be activated with a few drops of lemon and the same substance will be obtained)

Source of MMS

The method was invented by a man named Jim Humble (in Hebrew, the humble Jim, interesting…) Many years ago, he cured hundreds of thousands of malaria patients all over the world with the help of MMS. He then discovered that this compound was effective for a variety of other diseases, and this is how the method evolved and spread all over the world.

During a gold search project in Guyana, 400 miles from every hospital in the middle of the jungle, his team contracted malaria. After not being warned of this possibility, the staff did not carry medication to treat malaria.

The only thing Jim Humble had was a water purifier and disinfectant known as stabilized oxygen. In the end, he decided to give a few drops to his team, who suffered from fever above 40 degrees, hallucinations and a rash all over the body. Imagine his surprise when four hours later he found everyone sitting together in front of the campfire healthy and recovering from one of the worst infectious diseases in the world, as if nothing had happened! Later, he also got malaria and the same formula worked on him as a magic! Jim Humble is true to his principles and has the pure intention of helping humanity. We must recognize that this person probably saved more lives than anyone else on this planet.

Chlorite (NaClO²) reaches the stomach containing hydrochloric acid (also known as HCL, moriatic acid, hydrochloric acid…), a reaction occurs between the two substances, which releases a gas called “chlorine dioxide” (CLO²). The mixture of sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid forms chlorine dioxide gas. This gas, which is easily absorbed by water (and therefore also by the mucous membranes and serum in the blood), is responsible for these “wonder drugs”. For this reason, Jim Humble first gave it the name “miracle solution”, because he not only worked on malaria, but also managed to cure other diseases, initially without a clear explanation.

This is Jim Humble’s website for those who want to get to know and learn

What does Chlorine Deoxide MMS do in the body?

Miraculously and generously in the universe I met one of the most active people in the world to promote MMS, a man named Andreas Kalcker, who told me about some of his activities in recent years in healing using MMS.
Andreas sat with me for hours for a chat (and he is a very busy person) and told me the MMS theory. It is also the one that deepened my understanding that the main form in which MMS works in the body is the one, that it enriches our blood with oxygen and gives a boost to the immune system to come to life. And since viruses, bacteria and parasites do not like oxygen, they simply do not tolerate it, the process of their replication in the body stops and they weaken.
This is exactly the opportunity for our immune system to attack them, and this is how our body cleanses itself naturally and without dangerous chemicals.

An enhanced version of MMS called CD

MMS is the name that Jim Humble gave to the combination of chlorine dioxide (NaClO²) activated at the time with citric acid. Andreas Styrofoam improved the formula and found a way to avoid the side effects of the previous one, and today we no longer use 50% lemonic acid, but use hydrochloric acid (HCL) at a concentration of -4% that less increases the level of acidity in the stomach, which in the past caused some people nausea. To avoid confusion between the old compound and the new one, Andreas calls it CD, which stands for chlorine dioxide (an acronym for chlorine dioxide). The CD is a much milder and more effective compound than the old MMS that is activated with 50% lemonic acid, and has almost no side effects.

What can MMS handle?

Any viral or bacterial disease, parasite cleaning, weakness, chronic diseases, skin infections, burns, and definitely diseases such as cancer and diseases that medicine faces helplessly.
It can be used as an internal treatment by drinking water with MMS drops in them, or when applied topically to the affected area.
It can also be used as a prophylactic treatment and regular maintenance, for those who are infested with keeping their body free of diseases.

Purifying and cleaning vegetables and fruits in MMS

One of the effective uses for MMS is for washing vegetables and fruits, or in general for cleaning and removing parasites and pests from our food.
Add about 50 drops of activated solvent to a large bowl of water, soak the vegetables and fruits in it for 15 minutes, and you get fresh food free of pests and without any toxic substances at all.MMS oxidizes microscopic organisms and the contribution to our health only increases.

That’s how I met MMS

After meeting people who recommended me the MMS treatment, I started researching and learning about it and immediately realized that I had come up with something interesting. I decided to try this treatment and did a 21-day process with excellent results. Quite a few people around me also got similar results.
It was a time of various health problems in which I found myself with general weakness, acute dental problems, digestive problems and a variety of parallel phenomena.
I started with a very small dose to see how my body was reacting, and after seeing no side effect, I continued with a low-dose treatment for 21 days. I was surprised to find that on the first day of the treatment, I received an energetic push and my body grew stronger.
Later, my energy level increased and within a few weeks I was back to full health.
Since the end of the treatment, I continue to use MMS for brushing my teeth and treating my gums, and the results are that my teeth are whiter and my gums have healed from severe inflammation. Today my mouth is healthy, and if I had known this substance a year ago I would have avoided the extraction of 2 teeth and stopped in time the rapid deterioration that happened to my mouth in the last two years (the main reason for the deterioration of health was because I lived 50 meters from a cellular antenna. I ran away at the last minute).
From personal experience I will say that this treatment has no side effects (at least me and the people around me did not) and it does an amazing job when needed.
It puts a lot of energy into the body and does an excellent cleaning job.

Is MMS chlorine?

Many people tend to make the mistake of thinking that chlorine dioxide MMS is a disinfectant (bleach) because its name (and smell) resemble the smell of chlorine, but it really isn’t.MMS is not a chemical that kills viruses like other chemical drugs (various chemical drugs), but enriches the body with oxygen, which is why it is friendly to the body even in high doses.
Chlorine dioxide is not chlorine. Not at all. It has one of the elements that chlorine has, but it is a completely different substance.
Those who understand a bit of chemistry know that if you just take one molecule out of the compound, you get another substance, so these are completely different substances from each other.

Reputation and bad name that came out of chlorine dioxide MMS

Of course, if you search on Google for information, then you get serious warnings against MMS and other blackened articles designed to keep the population away from using this cheap substance instead of expensive drugs. Suggests not to get excited about these scares, and if someone wants to treat himself with MMS then he should investigate a little more in depth to understand what it is.
(Anyone who wants to send me a message through the site and I will be happy to share detailed information and also how to get it)

Other Uses in MMS Chlorine Dioxide

It is important to know that unconsciously we all use this substance, because it is commonly used in the improvement and treatment of drinking water. This means that there is a great chance that if you open the faucet in your home and do a laboratory test, you will discover chlorine dexide in the water

The mode of operation of MMS – a little more in depth (for those with an understanding of chemistry and a little bit in medicine)

The therapeutic action of chlorine dioxide is obtained by selectivity regarding the pH in the body. This means that this molecule detaches and releases oxygen when it is in contact with another acid. The reaction becomes sodium chloride (salt) and simultaneously releases oxygen, which in turn oxidizes (creates combustion) pathogens (bacteria) of an acidic pH is present, transforming oxides (“ashes”) into alkalinity. Thus, chlorine dioxide releases oxygen into the blood, as erythrocytes (RBCs) through the same principle (known as bohr effect) which should be selective to acidity. Similar to what happens in the blood, chlorine dioxide also releases oxygen when it is lactic acid or pathogenic acidity. Its therapeutic effect is intended, among other things, to help in the recovery of many types of diseases by creating an alkaline environment, while eliminating small pathogenic acids, in my opinion, through oxidation, with an electromagnetic overload that can not dissipate by unicellular organisms. Multicellular tissue has the ability to disperse this charge and is not affected in the same way. Biochemical turnaround defines cytotoxic protection using the sulfhydryl group
Join The Telegram MMS Israel Group
MMS CDS ISRAEL Chlorine Dioxide ממס ישראל

What’s the point of MMS?

As for the taste of it. Well.. I have already tasted tastier drinks.
You can add a little sweet concentrate to the water for those who do not tolerate the taste. I get along with its taste and the profit from it exceeds the price of the taste.

Treating COVID 19 Coronavirus with MMS

Regarding the treatment of coronavirus with MMS, I am almost convinced that it will do a great job and eliminate the virus, and it seems that this is why now a drug with a name very similar to this wonder compound is being marketed. After all, if he heals people from malaria, which is a very deadly disease, then why not do a great job in curing corona as well.
If any of the readers of this article have covid-19 or know someone who is sick with covid-19 and is willing to treat themselves with MMS, I would be happy to give guidance in treatment protocols and help in the matter so that we have proven results in the field.
On Anras Kalkar’s website, he details the ability of MMS to treat the coronavirus, with text in English and 2 videos with all the medical information on the matter.
If among the readers there are people who are interested in treating themselves with MMS, or if you or your acquaintances are diagnosed with coronavirus (or any other virus), feel free to send me a message and I will be happy to help in the process of treating MMS
MMS can be purchased at the following link
DMSO can be purchased at the following link DMSO MMS dimethyl sulfoxide 30 ml – dimethyl sulfoxide
DMSO MMS Dimethyl Sulfoxide 30 ml - dimethyl sulfoxide
You can contact us by sending a response to the article or by email

1814: Chlorine dioxide was discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy, when he added sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to potassium chlorine (KClO3). It is a microbial biosid that was recognized at the beginning of the twentieth century.Since it is well known for its antiseptic properties.

The 1930s:The beginning of more frequent use of chlorine dioxide to disinfect areas.A major advantage of chlorine dioxide is that as a real gas it expands evenly to fill the void it disinfects.Due to concerns about the logistics of transporting gas safely, sodium chlorite began to be produced as a relatively safe substance, and the industries that use chlorine dioxide would then produce the gas as needed. Because of the solubility of chlorine dioxide in water, it began to be used as a water treatment.

1944: First commercial application.Used to control biocid/taste and aroma in household water in Niagara Falls in the USA.

1950s: Widespread use of chlorine dioxide begins in water treatment plants and swimming pools in the U.S. It is also discovered that chlorine dioxide destroys biofilm, the algae slime collected in cooling towers, among other things, and sustains harmful bacteria. Chlorine and bleach, on the other hand, cannot kill a biofilm.

1956: Brussels, Belgium, switches to chlorine dioxide for its drinking water disinfection operations. This stage marks the large-scale use of chlorine dioxide for the treatment of drinking water.

1967: The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registers chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant and disinfectant for the first time.Registration is for chlorine dioxide in liquid form.Intended uses include food processing, treatment and storage plants, plant bottles, washing fruits and vegetables, disinfecting water, controlling odors and treating medical waste.

1970s:EPA begins to recommend using chlorine dioxide instead of chlorine bleach to treat water.Hundreds of urban water systems are successfully converted into chlorine dioxide. It happens throughout the United States and Europe; More so for the latter.The conversion is accelerated by a safer environmental profile of chlorine dioxide over chlorine, because chlorine dioxide does not produce harmful byproducts, such as chlorine bleach.

1977: Three thousand urban water systems that achieve control of biological impurities through chlorine dioxide.

1980s: Chlorine dioxide is gradually replacing chlorine in many industries – in the pulp and paper industry as a bleaching agent, in industrial water treatment as a biocide and as a source of odor prevention, in food processing as a disinfectant.

1983: EPA recommends chlorine dioxide as a solution for THMs.When chlorine is used to disinfect water and make it drinkable (chlorinated), THM is produced as a by-product. THMs have been linked to cancer (i.e., they are carcinogenic). Chlorine dioxide does not produce THM.

1988: EPA registers chlorine dioxide as sterilizer (antiseptic). This means that chlorine dioxide is safe and effective for use in hospitals, health facilities and laboratories.

1990: The use of chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant and sterilization has increased in many industries and countries. Some of the industries are the beverage industry, fruit and vegetable processing plants, pulp and paper industries, and industrial waste treatment sites.These industries are dispersed throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe.

2001: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other government agencies use chlorine dioxide to purify anthrax-contaminated structures.The chlorine dioxide was completely effective against the tiny anthrax spores.The buildings, walls and furniture were not damaged by the treatment.

2005: FEMA again uses chlorine dioxide.It is used to eradicate mold lesions in homes affected by the floodwaters from Hurricane Katrina.After a 12-hour treatment, a New Orleans restaurant was able to remove all the mold inside without rebuilding the restaurant.

2010:The Food and Drug Administration of the United States issues a warning about the use of MMS according to Jam Humble’s protocols.They label it as industrial bleach.But at the same time, they approved the use of chlorine dioxide for use in mouthwash, toothpastes, and as a disinfectant in the food service among other uses, citing it as a better alternative to chlorine.

2014: The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) registers ProKure V and PERFORMACIDE® as disinfectants against the Ebola virus.Both contain chlorine dioxide.ProKure V claims that it “starts killing pathogens in a matter of seconds, while other, more common traditional disinfectants take minutes.The fast speed at which ProKure V kills pathogens makes it the product of choice by helping to prepare outbreaks of infectious diseases and keeping public facilities cleaner and safer for everyone. ” PERFORMACIDE® “is a unique generator and supply system for chlorine dioxide.Chlorine dioxide is a powerful virucide.

This is a tendentious article designed to paint MMS black and scare the public, but President Trump seems intelligent enough to think for himself
An excerpt from the article is translated into Hebrew:
Mark Grannon wrote to Trump telling him that chlorine dioxide “could get rid of the COVID-19 pandemic” a few days before the president promoted MMS as a treatment.
In his letter, Mark Grannon told Trump that chlorine dioxide is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body.” . He added that it “can get rid of Covid-19.”
A few days after the letter, Trump appeared on National Television in his daily briefing on the coronavirus at the White House and promoted the idea that MMS could be used as a treatment for the virus. To the astonishment of medical experts, the US President said that the MMS “kills him within a minute. One minute!” (the virus)

He went on to say: “Is there a way to do anything, using a shot or a clean? Since you see that it enters the lungs and it does tremendous damage to the lungs, then it will be interesting to check it out. “
Trump did not specify where the idea of using MMS as a possible cure for COVID-19 came from, and the source of his perception remains unknown. However, the Guardian has learned that marketers of chlorine dioxide have been seeking direct access to the White House in recent days.

In response to the spread of MMS in the U.S., the FDA (The American Health Organization) also instructed a student of Genesis II, Kerry Rivera, to remove from its website the claims that MMS cures the coronavirus.

Last August, the FDA issued an urgent warning to Americans not to buy or drink MMS, which it said was “dangerous bleach that caused serious and potentially life-threatening side effects.” Drinking MMS can cause nausea, diarrhea, and severe dehydration that can lead to death, the federal agency said.
The Guardian contacted the White House to ask whether Grannon’s letter influenced Trump’s antiseptic remarks, but did not immediately receive a response.
Another supporter of MMS as a panacea who seeks to interest Trump in therapy is Alan Keyes. He is a former ambassador and advisor to Ronald Reagan who ran unsuccessfully as a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate and on three occasions for the US presidency.

Case presented Genesis II bleach products as a panacea on his conservative online television show, Let’s Talk America.
It is not known whether Case discussed MMS with Trump. But both men have overlapping interests.

Not only did they both participate in the Republican Party and presidential politics, but both were leading supporters of Birther’s conspiracy theory that wrongly suggested that Barack Obama was born outside of America. The Keyes TV program is hosted on IAMtv, a right-wing web-based channel. The other leading anchor of IAMtv is Bob Sisson, who also released Genesis II bleach products on the air.

On one of his Daily Live shows, Sisson picked up two bottles of Genesis II MMS and said, “I’m going to meet Trump, it’s only a matter of time. President Trump is going to invite us there, when he finds out something like this. “

Comments from the web to an article condemning the use of MMS
Authors praise the use of MMS to cure diseases and improve health:

Original Source Article

Comments translated into Hebrew (Google translate)
Solace Freedmont March 30, 2020 at 10:21 am
It stopped my osani in 2 days.
When my regular GI specialist could only suggest biologics and steroids with weighty side effects, I have been taking MMS for more than a year and my lab results have shown a decrease in lactoferrin and stable potassium levels, salts and sugars for the first time in a long time. People can trust the FDA anything they want. Anything that is called a “remedy” is always considered dangerous and “repressive”.

Tabugo Mottelhalla, March 26, 2020 at 1:06 pm
When you talk about chlorine dioxide under the brand MMS, you are blatantly referring to it as “bleach” without any qualification or no mercy in warnings about its clean hazards! But then all of a sudden when you recognize that chlorine dioxide is used to purify the water we drink in order to turn it into pure water {and it’s safe for us to drink}, all of a sudden you don’t want to bluntly say and keep that “this commercial industrial measure is dangerous Tincture” used to purify the water we drink so that this water is pure and safe for us to drink? Can I get up to ?? Regarding the chlorine dioxide that was used to purify our drinking water, in a very cool way, you suddenly know how to artificially verify your statement to imply that the concentration is probably low, as if such low concentrations suddenly make it more and more garlic to be the opposite toxic industry in a class league! How did “toxic industrial toxic economic aspects/properties” mysteriously disappear when they were used to purify our drinking water? Can I get a witness? Artist!
Teresa Cardswell March 19, 2020 at 12:23 pm
Healed me of malaria 20 years ago
Worked when I thought I was going to die! I believe it can cure corona virus!
Have never had any malaria symptoms since then!

Lena March 19, 2020 at 12:06 pm
MMS is not bleach. I mean people here comment with such condescension that they say their sleds etc. A simple search will show you that it is not bleach. How difficult is it to do?
Some people actually use it and they have amazing results. So everyone should be leveled then? Chalk it until just a placebo? Come on. Who paid you to spread such information?
Do better.

Pam 23 February 2020 at 20:23
I had my sixth attack on cellulite partly caused by lymph node removal of the lymph nodes.
A few times I managed to get on it but in the late 70’s of the 20th century I was exhausted from trying.
So I went for antibiotics because it spreads on both legs again and I was so tired to get up at nights every hour and a half to put ice packs in two towels to tie my legs so I could go back to sleep. But when they warm up the pain and the burning itching was back and had to get up and renew them. I was very skeptical that MMS1 drops would work after I finished an oral dose of antibiotics 10 days followed by four days intravenously but I ended up with other medications.
To my absolute amazement that taking 3 drops an hour for the first day I slept that night no ice packs were required.
I started the drops again the next day but at the third dose felt so nauseous stopped. I didn’t realize at the time that you should always start with one drop dose because dying or removing toxins can overload you and that’s what results in nausea or diarrhea plus. Please educate yourself to use them things are amazing and used all the time in the food industry. We take a dose every night now as a prevention, but if something strikes will not hesitate. The sprays you can make are really just amazing in relation to the useless things that the big pharma brings Dr. to prescribe.
Some excellent books there “Forbidden Health” by Andreas Kalkar “Biophysicist is tremendous, but I could only find it in English in Spain, so it cost a lot to get here. Elsewhere it was removed like many others plus recommendations from peoples. Amazon, YouTube, book companies. You have to ask what they are afraid of? Mike Jenkins February 8, 2020 at 4:44 pm
I have been using MMS for several years now. It’s truly a wonder. Websites like the one that are lagging behind lies and scams should be brought down. The snooze bags that these sites have placed online will probably do anything for money. They don’t care about anything but filling their pockets. Absolute rubbish!
George Kramer January 29, 2020 at 4:53 am
I have been using it for years with no negative side effects. Whenever I feel the flu or a cold approaching I take it. It works 100 percent of the time for me. I used it once on my goats when they had a severe infection. The vet tried antibiotics without improvement. He said that if it didn’t get better, we might have to put them down. I gave them MMS. It healed them. As far as the FDA is concerned, I would say there are more reasons not to believe them than to believe them. Big Pharma wants this product removed because it works very well and they can’t patent it. It’s that simple. Large pharma is interested in making money, not in helping people.

D. Barashko, January 14, 2020 at 11:59 am
Using this material now. Mmm 5 drops to start. An hour later 6 drops. I’m not lightweight. Truly a gift from God in this sick evil world. Shut up the only cracked caption ur connector with 0 attempt. Weak article.

N J K Jan 12, 2020 at 11:59 pm
Dishonest article said one drop? No, one drop in a glass of water! Nothing more than chlorine in the drinking water of your city. Take straight from urban chlorinated water, and there will also be kidney damage, which is a cheap substitute for chlorinated water purifier. I saved many of my living animals, bloating, even tumors after a dog attack. Pervo in 5 dogs, sometimes with only water purified with 2 drops of chlorine dioxide. Tell my neighbor who sprayed it on his politikitis to avoid a painful scalp itch that he is lying, it is also good to spray on bed wounds and shingles! I could have sworn under an oath when I was still an eye. It made a lot of my neighbors happy summer camps. In real life, I can’t prove anything, because they don’t get sick on Q in a test study, so there’s no way to be a controlled group. It didn’t cost me more than five cents to immediately help these sick and dying dogs, instead of hundreds of dollars for treatments and infusions. I don’t charge anything, and I have nothing to gain in any way. I know I’m not lying and that’s all that counts!

Stella January 2, 2020 at 6:25 pm
I totally agree with Patricia, a friend’s dog had a severe ear infection, he saw MMS drops properly used for severe pneumonia, with a 9 month old tooth abscess in a few days, so he tried it on the dog, I had suggested that he offer a bowl of water with drops and one without the drops and let the dog choose, amazingly he said the dog chose the drops and the ear infection was not left without consequences. I myself saw a case of hard belly flour being cut off on the first day within 24 hours. For one chlorine it is the most common element, and chlorine dioxide is what meat packing plants spray on the meat, because after killing pathogens all that remains is common table salt as a metabolite. If I remember well it is even used in some hospitals in some southern countries. No patented patent (sodium chlorite is a molecule found in nature, relative of salt, citric acid or vinegar are anti-dalouilles that are not patentable and unpatented = no dollar
This witch hunt is similar to iodine phobia, cover-up burekas, L-Tryptophan censorship (FB didn’t get me to post the link to the CPS entry for him and complex injections B IV IV can be found just now from China, who is the kwak here ??? yes, a person enjoys your protest and bon apatite with antipsychotics distributed like candies, the third best-selling pills on the planet…. Need to say more?

Jaron Tyler November 4, 2019 at 7:46 am
I never entered the MMS just because it smells like bleach. However, I have gum disease so I use it as a mouthwash. My dentist doesn’t understand why my front tooth didn’t fall out because of the amount of bone loss around the tooth. I believe that thanks to her I faithfully use this material. By the way I only use it once a week, sometimes people who are there because of this maybe that’s why the deaths occur.

M B 2 November 2019 at 2:41 pm
Sodium chloride? MMS is sodium chlorite. It should be used in a certain way and when used correctly it is very effective and safe. Of course, violations occur, but it is not as deadly as pharmaceutical drugs that misuse and are fatal.

MMS / CD / Chlorine Deoxide / Solvent Wonder Drug


comments from the web, supports the use of chlorine dioxide to cure diseases
Solace Freedmont March 30, 2020 at 10:21 am
It stopped my ohns in a matter of 2 days.
When my regular GI specialist could only offer biologic drugs and steroids with hefty side effects, I have been taking MMS for over a year and my labs results have shown decreased lactoferrin levels and stable potassium, salts, and sugars for the first time in a long time. People can trust the FDA all they want to. Anything that is labelled “cure” is always considered dangerous and “quackery.”
Tebogo Motlhale March 26, 2020 at 1:06 pm
When you speak of chlorine dioxide under the brand of “MMS”, you blatantly refer to it as “bleach” without ANY qualification or any mercy on the warnings about its CLEAR DANGERS ! But then suddenly when you acknowledge that chlorine dioxide is used to PURIFY the water that WE DRINK to make that water PURE {and SAFE for us to drink}, suddenly now you NO LONGER want to blatantly say and maintain that “this DANGEROUS INDUSTRIAL GRADE BLEACH SOLUTION” is used to PURIFY the water that we drink so that this water is PURE and SAFE for us to drink ? Can I get a witness ?? About chlorine dioxide used to PURIFY our drinking water, in a very sneaky way, you suddenly know how to craftily QUALIFY your statement to insinuate that apparently the concentration is LOW, as if such LOW concentrations suddenly make it to NO LONGER be the SAME TOXIC INDUSTRIAL GRADE BLEACH SOLUTION ! How did its “toxic industrial grade bleach aspects/properties” mysteriously disappear when it is used to PURIFY our drinking water ?? Can I get a witness ? Amen !
Teresa Cardwell March 19, 2020 at 12:23 pm
Cured me of malaria 20 years ago
Worked when I thought I was going to die! I believe this could cure coronavirus!
Never have had any malaria symptoms since!
Leena March 19, 2020 at 12:06 pm
MMS is not bleach. I mean people on here are commenting with such arrogance saying its quackery,etc. A simple search would show you it’s not bleach. How hard is that to do?
There are actual people who use it and have amazing results. So all of them should be discredited then? Chalk it up to just a placebo? Come on. Who paid you to spread disinformation like that?
Do better.
Pam February 23, 2020 at 8:23 pm
I was having my 6th bout of cellulitis in part caused by lymphedema caused by lymph nodes being removed.
Several times I managed to get on top of it but I late 70’s and exhausted from trying.
So I went for antibiotics as it was spreading up both legs again and I was so tired of getting up at nights every 1 1/2 hrs to put ice packs in two towels to tie round my legs so I could get back to sleep. But when they warmed up the pain and burning itching was back and had to get up and renew them. I was extremely sceptical that MMS1 drops would work after just finishing an oral dose of antibiotics 10 days followed by intravenous 4 days but was at my wits end with other remedies.
To my absolute amazement taking 3 drops an hour for the first day I slept that night no ice packs required.
I started the drops again the next day but by the 3rd dose was feeling nauseous so stopped. Did not realise at that time you should always start with 1 drop doses as the die off or removal of toxins can overload you and that is what results in the nausea or /plus diarrhoea. Please educate yourself on its use the stuff is amazing and used all the time in food industry. We take a dose every night now as a preventative but if anything strikes won’t hesitate. The sprays you can make are really just awesome compared to the useless stuff big Pharma gets Drs to prescribe.
Some excellent books out there “Forbidden Health” by Andreas Kalcker” a Bio-Physicist is tremendous but I could only find it in English in Spain so cost a lot to get it here. Elsewhere it has been removed as have many others, plus peoples testimonials. Amazon, YouTube, Book companies. You have to ask what are they scared of? Mike Jenkins February 8, 2020 at 4:44 pm
I’ve been using MMS for several years. It is truly miraculous. Sites like this one who spew out lies and deceptions should be brought down. The sleaze bags who put these sites online will probably do anything for money. They don’t care about anything but filling their pockets. Absolute trash!
George Kramer January 29, 2020 at 4:53 am
I’ve been using this for years with no adverse side effects. Every time I feel the Flu or a cold coming I take it. It works 100 percent of the time for me. I’ve used it on my goats once when they had a serious infection. The vet tried antibiotics with no improvement. He said if it did not improve we may have to have them put down. I gave them MMS. It cured them. As far as the FDA is concerned, I’d say there are more reasons not to believe them than to believe them. Big pharma wants this product taken down because it works very well and they cannot patent it. It’s that simple. Big pharma is interested in making money, not helping people.
D. Brasco January 14, 2020 at 11:59 am
Using this stuff now. Mmm 5 drops to start. Hour later 6 drops. Im no lightweight. Truly a Gift from God in this diseased evil world. Shut up author ur the only crack pot writing with 0 experience. Weak article.
N J K January 12, 2020 at 11:59 pm
Dishonest Article said 1 drop? No, 1 drop in a glass of water! No more than chlorine in your city’s drinking water. Take city water Chlorine straight, and there will be kidney damage too, which is a cheap substitute for chlorine dioxide water purifier. I have saved many of my livestock, bloat, even gangrene after a dog attack. Parvo in 5 dogs, sometimes with just water purified with 2 drops chlorine dioxide. Tell my neighbor, that Sprayed it on his foliculitis to avoid painful scalp scraping that he’s lying, also good to spray on bed sores and shingles! I could sware under oath as I was an eye witness. It made a lot of my neighbors happy campers. In real life, I can’t prove anything, because they don’t get sick on que in a test study, so there’s no way to have a controlled group. It cost me no more than 5 cents to immediately help these very sick and dying dogs, instead of hundreds of dollars in treatments and transfusions. I charge nothing, and I have nothing to gain either way. I know I’m not lying, and that’s all that counts!
stella January 2, 2020 at 6:25 pm
I totally agree with Patricia, a friend s dog had a severe ear infection, he had seen MMS drops used properly cure severe pneumonia, with a 9 months old tooth abscess in a couple of days, so he tried it on the dog, I had suggested he offers a bowl of water with drops and one without the drops and let the dog choose, amazingly he said the dog chose the drops and the ear infection cleared with no consequences. I myself saw a case of severe stomach flue nipped in the bud on the first day within 24 hours. For one chlorine is the most common element, and chlorine dioxide iis what meat packing plants spray on the meat, because after killing pathogens all what s left is common table salt as a metabolite. If I remember well it is even used in some hospitals in some southern countries. No patent aka not patentable ( sodium chlorite is a molecule found in nature, relative of salt, citric acid or vinegar are ante deluvian non patentable and no patent=no buck
this witch hunt is similar to the iodine phobia, the borax cover up, the L-Tryptophan censureship ( FB won t let me post the link to the CPS entry for it and the B complex IV injectables can only be found now online from China, who is the quack here ??? yeah man enjoy your cheque and bon apetit with the antipsychotics distributed like candies, 3rd most sold pills on the planet….need I say more ?
Jeron Tyler November 4, 2019 at 7:46 am
I have never ingested MMS simply because it smells like bleach. However, I have gum disease and so I use it as a mouth wash. My dentist doesn’t understand why my front tooth hasnt fallen out due to the amount of bone loss around the tooth. I believe its thanks to me faithfully using this stuff. By the way I only use it once a week, sometimes people over due it perhaps thats why deaths are happening.
M B November 2, 2019 at 2:41 pm
Sodium chloride? MMS is sodium chlorite. It is meant to be used in a particular way and when used properly it is effective and very safe. Of course abuses occur, but it isn’t deadly like pharmaceutical drugs that are abused and are deadly.
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