We are happy for this communication that has returned to us every time, and here we are again chatting
What would you like to ask?
Interested in inquiring about the recent events and information that has arrived about the disconnection of Internet communication that is expected to occur soon on certain dates
Is there any truth to this information?
Do we need to prepare?
Well, communication is possible between the parts as often as they come in communication in the physical-telepathic dimension
The physical Internet is an electromagnetic wave that travels inside a metallic conductor, and they have a parallel (but completely different) quality from the waves of thought between humans.
The planet Earth is currently undergoing a major change when it comes to communication between its parts, as an emergency action in the face of its possible extinction.
The stage you are currently in is the work of clearing the communication frequency disturbances of the star (these are frequency disturbances that have been carried out for ages by the disruptors you call the dark ones) that have brought life on Earth into real danger.
Many of you have recognized the danger of continuing humanity to march towards the existing, and have warned of a real danger of extinction for life.
Well, the consciousness of the Earth is currently entering a cleaning state, which has been joined by many of the humans who act in synchronization and perform cleaning operations on various physical levels.
Remember, friend, that you are an integral part of this consciousness, and all you have to do is listen to the gentle whisper that speaks to you in the quiet times. This listening will give you and your friends the full intelligence you need at every stage, and magic wands will pave your way into the bright future.
Asking for clarification regarding the disconnection of internet communications, is there a high chance that it will happen?
There is indeed a chance that physical communication will disconnect, but the point in time and duration of the disconnection are unknown.
The forecast of the 1st-15th date is a translation of a possible future message that reached one of the members of the planet of the earth, and beyond calculating a high probability we will not be able to give you an exact point in time.
After all, you have already received the message of cutting off communications at the beginning of the spread of the pandemic, and you have also made the necessary preparations for it. Be prepared and waiting for a situation where the only communication will be telepathic, and hint to your friends to develop this ability in these times.
You can also highlight to them the similarities between this type of communication that we are currently having, and the differences that exist in telepathic communication between humans.
And in any case, you are facing a global change of consciousness whose signs have just begun to occur, and the quality of the exchange of services and trade in the planet of the earth are also going to take a turn.
I will ask for more on that. What does it mean that trading will change?
See it so that all true trade on the planet Earth took a twisted turn decades ago, and the simple and authentic trade between humans has been distorted beyond recognition.
After all, trade between people is an excellent and extremely necessary service, which expresses man’s desire to serve his fellow human beings. And from a pure source it became trade as an exaggerated and unnecessary act of survival, which too served the low frequencies and not the service code of the universe.
Human commerce is a wonderful game to play, which teaches the giver and the recipient about themselves more than any other game.
It is, of course, also a necessity for the existence of a human society, but this fact does not impair the enjoyment of it, not even for a moment.
Look at the ants and learn through them,
See the full service that each ant gives its companion on the way to the nest.
You will not find there long conversations of persuasion to lift the leaf to the nest, because everyone remembers the purpose of the game.
Has it happened that you have asked yourself where does the high motivation of that ant that ant that struggles with a heavy leaf all the way to the nest come from?What incentive did her employer give her to act with such fervor?
Yes the smile raises the question, as there was no motivational conversation there.
And so humans are made of the same service material as the ant, encoded to serve each other as inseparable from the rest of the universe. The cleaning operation that is currently taking place is wide-ranging, and exacts the price of giving up the existing structure.
Is the value of money going to change? Will the banks collapse?
Indeed, the value of money will change as humanity continues to grow, but not from the existing direction in which it is determined by those who determine its value.
People will begin to contemplate the value of money in general, versus the value of life itself.
After all, this bias of the human being to assess the power of money in the face of the power of life, in advance, could not last long. The very fact of a person staying at home will give him time to reflect on the direction of his life, when the number that appears in the bank account and the urge to succeed financially in a game he never chose, will be dwarfed by his desire to live life itself.
Indeed, the need to hold the trading game will be the same as it has been since the dawn of history, but the rules will change in favor of the real service providers.
The illusion of the large companies will collapse and be submitted for reconsideration by the residents, who will give renewed value to many services that were taken for granted until this stage.
And as with any transformative change transmitted to all humans, there will be those parts that will have to become extinct for it to occur. Those who forcibly hold the previous structure will thereby give up their existence in the face of the new conditions that are currently emerging.
Are you part of the behind-the-scenes workers on Earth? What is your role?
We are the executors of some of the messages that come from the entire universe to Earth.
But please from you, dear friend, understand that we are working together with you in complete coordination.
There is not a single action that does not receive your full approval to perform it.
And we are not talking here about individuals who sign forms, but about all the human minds that are in sync with the consciousness of change of the earth, who encourage and ask us to join it for one remedy or another.
Those who are not in sync with the consciousness of change will see us and others who come to help as external forces that influence what happens, and it will be a complete bias and non-identification that is happening, because we are you who are making this change.
It’s just that any maford that will set us apart from you, because for ages we have been connected to you as if there were not a single thin veil between us, existing only to allow such communication.
And here you have an anecdote and another understanding gift,
See it so that we are constantly connected by an invisible communication thread.
We chat all the time, even if you are not fully listening.
And in order to create this communication, the act of connecting that you are doing is more like a “differentiation” action than a “connecting” action, because it requires you to move from the continuous communication into a frequency that I understood, and break down the continuous communication into built-in mental words and patterns.
This requires a lot of energy from you, and it will also be a clarification to why you do not like this communication so much.
Thank you very much for this enlightenment.
It did close a few corners for me about it.
Amazing insight into what really happens in the channeling operation.
Towards the end, I would love a general message if you have any to me or anyone reading this communication
As has already been said, sit back and watch what is happening with the ability to re-observe what is happening
These times are the beginning of a change that many of you have long wished for
And yet this change also holds an opportunity for the hidden fears to rise to the surface, which can also be a springboard to the next level that humanity is going towards.
During this time it will be effective to let go of the existing structure, thoughts and existing way of life
If it’s time to let go of occupation, work, line of thought or even worship of faith,
After all, she is presented with an opportunity to let go and accept what may come soon
Focus now on human communication and the connection with nature
Remember that you are an integral part of the land on which you are stepping
If possible, go outside and re-see the sky and vegetation
are your source that speaks to you all the time
Now listen
Rejoice in the world
He’s always always there
and never went
The Earth Sings to You
Please listen
A big thank you to all of you friends
Really exciting
You too dear friend
Thank you for being here
Accepted by Ilan Aviv
24.3.2020 13:35
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