Being Forever – love thoughts outside the box

From being locked in time, people try to understand eternity,

like looking out of a box and understanding the “no box,” like a fish trying to understand the water it swims in and realizing that there is such a thing as air. All observation is from a pattern of thinking to a place where there is no thinking, where there is an experiential “being” that cannot be understood or seen.

To be without time in eternity is to have a divine qualities,
Wanting to be really a live is wanting to live forever and return to our primordial form, to return to being God.

The perception of the end in the material world – From a momentary look at the physical dimension, we see that matter changes shape and it seems that the dimension of time influences it to crumble and return to the earth.Out of no choice, indeed any matter will crumble and return to the earth, this is the nature of the world, a basic code that is embedded in the system of existence when there is no observing consciousness that fulfills its choices.

Life is a point in the infinite that proclaims sustainability and presence. Any physical existence is a “disorder” to the infinite dispersion of the universe by investing energy to collect the scattered atoms in order to be a defined physical form. The choice to live forever is an opposition to the dispersal of the universe particles, it is the absolute audacity to face it, and yet it is the only one that will sustain the infinite. Any other finite state of existence will be saturated with submission to existing nature, while slowly disintegrating in the direction of extinction. Human nature naturally draws us to the old order, to death.

When we make a true choice in life, it will go against our human nature. Actions taken from nature and automatic habits will continue to draw us downwards to the earth. On the other hand, actions that are carried out with eternal awareness will properly withstand the infinite dispersion of the universe and promote life itself, which aspires to expand and exist.

Two forces in the universe – the force of convergence (attraction, desire to receive) and the power of expansion (rejection, influence outwardly). The willpower to receive is the power of reducing the Light that strives to receive into itself all the Light that exists, to take life and swallow it into itself, until it eats and forecloses all of it, including its own sustainability.

When this force appears in man we call this will the “human ego”, which sees itself as the center of the universe that wants to associate the universe with itself and make it an absolute tool of its own existence. In this situation, the ego will see itself as the center of the universe and will tend to think that the universe exists around it and for it.

The power of expansion is the force that wants to give out of it and spread to infinity, it is the force that wants to create the universe, to give vitality to other things that are not itself. This force will want to spread everywhere and sustain in everything else the power of life itself, the eternity of consciousness, the universe light.

This state of mind is not limited or finite, it is eternal. Sustainability does not refer to a time dimension, it simply exists within itself and does not need anything to survive. It will want to spread throughout the universe and exist within every worthy material dimension, it will want to project itself into every possible dimension.

The material dimension, is like a projection screen for eternal awareness, is the dimension in which life is realized, the screen on which the eternal life story is projected

I am God

From a long stay in the world of ignorance living in a consciousness of end ingrained from childhood, we forgot our divinity, we forgot that we are an eternal observing consciousness. At some point we began to believe that things have a beginning and an end until we forgot that we are the creators of a dimension, this is from a limited perception.

We believed that our life story had a necessary end, and since then we have been living like vigorous slaves waiting for the day of death when the period of slavery will end, with which we too will end. Since there is no person who will consciously admit that he wants to end (otherwise why doesn’t he do it), we have invented an imaginary sequel while telling ourselves that there is another life after the deaths in which we will have true freedom.

We convinced ourselves that after death there is life and we clung to this absurdity to sustain for ourselves a human hell, a spherical battlefield, the earth. We have turned this life into a camp of disciplined slaves to which laws, morals and stipulations apply, and an inaudible promise to the ear and a belief that if we follow the laws, we will be free when we die.

Human madness incarnate, to live to die and to be free

if there is such freedom, then why isn’t it here? Why don’t we realize this freedom while we are still alive? Who is the terrible God who keeps us busy, and why do we even listen to this God? What would happen if we violated the basic law that we invented when we were asleep, what would happen if we chose the only possible choice, to live always, to live forever!!!!?

The key story

Nissim Amon tells about people who lived for years in a cave with a locked iron door, until one day a man came to the cave and gave them a key to get out of it into the world, to go to freedom. They took the key excitedly and started chatting among themselves about the key, and because they believed with all their hearts in the power of the key and wanted to keep it in a safe place, they framed it and hung it on the wall and began to worship it and talk about it among themselves in a whisper.

The key became sacred and they remained imprisoned in the dark cave. After a few years, the man returned to visit his free friends and was shocked to find crowds of people trapped in a cave and worshiping a key that hangs on the wall. He asked them why they didn’t use it to open the door, and they started shouting at him that he was offending their dignity and desecrating the holy place. Key morality has become an enemy.

Do you want to live?

When I asked people if they wanted to live forever, I received different and surprising responses, all of which I saw fear in the eyes of the respondents. People seem to be so totally and thoroughly committed to the code of death that they do not see that they are defending the greatest prison ever created in human history. After all, the ideal prison is the prison where the prisoners do not know that they are inside, serve their sentences for crimes they have never committed, and wait patiently for the execution of the terrible sentence that has been imposed on them from the moment of their birth.

Why are people committed to self-punishment?

Why don’t we put the freedom key in a lock hole and turn twice to the left? Why are we so afraid of the light coming through the keyhole? Isn’t it an amazing dream to live life to the fullest, to be an eternal being on earth, to be with people we love and to stay with them forever? After all, if we are doomed to die, then we are doomed to say goodbye to all those people we love.

How much can a prisoner of time love, how much can he bond and fall in love with all his heart and soul if he knows that the day of parting is approaching?

When we live within a limited time consciousness, we live within a consciousness of separation and work frequently to sustain the separation in every single moment of our lives. In a temporary state of mind, a person will live life partially because he will be afraid to devote himself to the eternal love for the other, because then he will sentence himself to tremendous pain when it goes away from him. From this concept we create temporary relationships and from the outset we put into them the concept of the end, like sowing ourselves the seeds of destruction and death as we build our dream.

The seeds of destruction grow in parallel with the seeds of life and eat every good plot, life becomes a place of compromise and anticipation of the verdict waiting in fear for the angel of death to come and rob us of our loved ones. And if he has not arrived yet, somewhere on the unconscious (and sometimes conscious) level we know that he wrinkles us every day in his direction, the angel of the end and parting waits patiently for the people of the end. In such a reality, we would like to prepare ourselves for a separation in advance, and the preparation process has already begun a long time ago and we are in the midst of it, ready for a separation at any moment we will create it within ourselves, in our being.

Repression as an existential need

people will repress the thought that separation is approaching in many and incredibly creative ways of repression. Obsessive work, a race for achievement, uncompromising competition, and mutual exploitation of the people we love and the planet we live on.When the time is up, people will want to drink from the other all the good things inside him, and if at some point it becomes a bitter taste, they will replace it with another with a sweeter taste and so it repeats.

Do we allow ourselves to dream of a reality in which the people we love always stay with us and never leave?

Who is the Angel of Death and is he inside or outside? How can we expose it and return it to its rightful place?

If we make the boldest and only choice in our lives – to live, we can create a world in which we connect with people in our hearts and souls, allowing ourselves to be total in our love for others.

In full life, in physical eternal life, we can allow ourselves to open up to others and connect with them on a cellular and spiritual level. Such a world will allow us to open up to true and infinite love and to fulfill our divinity here and now on earth.

You don’t have to wait for the Doom’s day to enter paradise, you can bring paradise back home to your life,
back to where we expelled it in the first place.


Author: Ilan Aviv


    • Comments from the previous site:

      1. Your opinion and outlook on death
        By: Ran

        July 22, 2015

        It is interesting to hear your view of death. However I am still a student and how Socrates said “what I know is that I do not know”, in other words never even a grain of sand out of the vast knowledge base.

        In any case in my humble opinion there is nothing after death, we completely cease to be.
        In my opinion, to come and say that I actually don’t exist and therefore there’s basically nothing to be afraid of death is a pun, a cheap philosophical trick that doesn’t lead to anything. We and everyone we have been and will ever be inside this body, including the “soul”, there is really no soul, it is all one with the material. And so when our time comes, we will cease forever. There is no afterlife and nothing afterwards. How is it possible to be happy in such a realization of insolence?

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        • My view on the matter of death
          By: Ilan Aviv

          July 23, 2015

          Hello Ran and a big thank you for a challenging and deep question.
          Honestly, I don’t know if there’s any other human existence besides existence in a human body, and the last of the opinions I had on the subject also dropped out once I agreed to accept that I don’t know.
          I do know that we live in a human body, flesh and blood. Physical and real that only a morbid mind would want to challenge its existence.
          In recent years, the belief of “quantum energy” has been marketed that has sowed in the minds of many people the idea that physical reality is only in their heads. Those caught on the web of illusion were given another reason to believe that they did not exist, and this is only the beginning of the story.

          I don’t know what death is, but I know what life is and I want it to last forever!!

          The whole “afterlife” story was invented to mask a person’s basic (and healthy) fear of death, of the end of his life. After all, any sane person who thinks that every day that passes brings him forward to the day of his death, will be afraid of the impending decree, and ‘God forbid’ new desires will arise within him to avoid the day of the decree, which will not awaken to eternal life!!
          (There are many reasons why some people would want humanity to be amazed at a rate of 70 years, and I can expand on this in another article or in the answer to those who ask)

          I don’t know where the great deception of humanity began, but I can tell you that this is the greatest deception in human history, in which people are sold the most terrible horror story, which everyone believes in today.

          More than 7 billion people believe with all their hearts that they must die a torturous death, and right at this moment are marching to their deaths. A small handful (literally few) are currently working to change this, they are the weirdos who have woken up and realized that they want to live, live and live. We look for and find out how to do it, trying to remember the basic code of life.

          It seems that death has become the insurmountable thing, the absolute certainty of human beings on the planet of choice – Earth. (Hope this absurdity in you too brings a smile).

          It is important to understand that in order for people to be willing to accept such a terrible decree, it was necessary to tell them a story that was convincing enough (at least for the first generations, because after them they passed the faith on to their children automatically) for them to agree to walk to their vessels and not try to change it.
          Today, the most intelligent Western people, tell their children the story of the horror, programming them to be part of the final lineage of survival.

          The story of the afterlife is a story that manages to calm the death row inmates (and I still do not determine whether there is truth in it or not, it is beyond my knowledge = I do not know) and allow them to maintain a reasonable lifestyle (usually low life) while counting the years they have left (birthdays). You know?) and brand each other according to age group and time left on earth.

          You asked me about what happens after death, and I answer you, my friends, that for me, life is the most important thing in the universe, above any belief or thought of a mind!!
          Life is holy, it is the splendor of the creation of the universe (God for those who fit it), it is the realization of the wonder that occurs every second. Life is all there is.
          (Only the dark mind invents nothingness, lack, end, containment, etc., in reality there is only there!).

          I chose to promote life and put it at the top of the importance of existence, and I pray every day to meet people who have completely given up death and chosen life. who chose eternal life.

          Just note a friend, that the relationship of man with death is deep and long-lasting, and many bonds have been made in the mind of the individual with this concept so that he does not give it up so easily. Even though the individual cannot really explain this concept (beyond the physiological explanation that he observed happening to others and acquired beliefs about what happens “after”) he has a deep subconscious connection to it, although based on fear but also related to his close environment and the next generations (parents, children, grandchildren, etc.), which means = survival.

          In the world of fear in which we still live today, if a person raises the idea of eternal life, he will often suffer condemnations and attempts to return him to the “beneficiary”, back to the path of containment.

          There is another way, it is not new but has been forgotten from the world, and now we get the opportunity to re-choose it. The way of life offers a person to cleanse himself of the grip of death and awaken to life. It offers a person to live in an infinite world, as it really is. Eternal

          Ilan Aviv – People Forever

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      • Reply to a comment
        By: Ran

        July 24, 2015

        I didn’t ask what you thought happens after death, I asked how you deal with the knowledge of the insolvency. For me, death is a very simple thing to understand (but difficult to accept), I am just as alive as any other animal that exists on Earth: all animals have the same dianae mechanism, organs with the same functionality (such as the heart, the eye digestive system, etc.), when I am stabbed I will bleed, I am an animal. It’s just that in my case my sex called Homo sapiens also controls this pill at the moment. Why did this happen? There are a lot of theories for this. In any case, death is a fact of life and it sustains life. Life without death is not life. For example, cancer cells do not know how to die and this brings death. Death is necessary in order for the strong to survive in their lives and the fact is that a human cell in the body is programmed to die. A zebra that goes to drink and eats her crocodile very cruelly, her life is over at that moment. For her the meaning of life is survival , to get through the day. For man, survival has gone out of the equation because he has transcended it. And so he was able to develop meanings other than what nature dictated to him. Man is by and large a biological robot. A robot that has evolved over 4 billion years. How do I know that there is no “soul” and no life after death? With a simple thought experiment and looking with good eyes at what is revealed from it. The experiment is to think of terminally ill patients as Alzheimer’s or AIDS. You realize that their personality ends along with the biodegradable substance and here you immediately negated the story of the soul which is “a spirit separate from matter”

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      • Thank you for answering!!!!, I will delve into it during a weekend
        By: Ran

        July 24, 2015

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        • It is worth delving into
          By: Ilan Aviv

          July 26, 2015

          Ran, suggest you delve into my answer, you will find there what you are looking for.
          It will challenge your mind the most, so suggest you read several times.

          I am not dealing with the thought of insolence, but choose to go in complete reversal. I choose life and am willing to change as much as necessary to make it happen. (Note this statement.)

          Indeed the way of animals is to degrade, and it is a natural and predetermined cycle of beings that do not have a choice, but exist as they are without any desire to be something else. The world of animals and nature are the background of consciousness, which happens naturally and cyclically.

          Man is an animal on a physical and behavioral level, he is a “biological robot” like any other animal, except that he has the possibility of changing his behavior according to his understanding and development, he has the right to choose.

          According to the general level of human awareness in these times of the world, indeed most people will never reach the place of choice, and will live their entire lives automatically. Thoughts – passions – emotions, fear preventers – pleasure.

          Only those who have developed enough and awakened, and have fully seen their automatic nature, will be able to choose to rise above their nature.

          At the moment there are a very small number of people in the world, who have chosen to go against the mass movement of certain degradation, who have chosen to live against the mass influx.

          I guess you’ll soon be asking “how do you do it?”, But this is not the question to be asked before making such a substantive and irrevocable choice.

          The question of “how” is a predetermined mental act, and is irrelevant at this stage.

          Ilan Aviv – People Forever

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          • And I still haven’t figured out….
            By: Ran

            July 26, 2015

            Are you claiming that you will live eternal life?

            Let’s leave the quibble and move on to the real thing… Do you agree that in another 50 years plus or minus we will be in the earth, that is, what remains of our dead body and the whole story was a one-time journey with no past and no future?

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            • understanding
              By: Ilan Aviv

              July 26, 2015

              I said in advance that the mind would refuse to accept it.
              Programmed is pre-pulsed and time-limited
              Please read again what I wrote, the answers are there.

              Here’s something to help you, some of the handful of people who have chosen to live forever on Earth Video Eternal Life – People Without Borders

              Ilan Aviv – People Forever

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              Amazing text, well done

              By: Ran

              July 20, 2015

              Don’t leave a real email sorry, don’t want to be bombarded with spams
              Anyway amazing text and well done

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              • Larne
                By: Ilan Aviv

                July 20, 2015

                Know that the writers’ emails are hidden and encrypted within the site’s system, so there is no chance that they will end up in the wrong hands. There will be no spam from emails in the comments, they are only for internal use of the site to send messages to the writers and announce a written reply.

                Thank you for the paragon regarding the article, welcome to send to friends so that more awakenings will connect.

                Good day
                Ilan Aviv – People Forever

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By |2024-03-30T22:00:41+05:30September 27th, 2015|Eternal life, People-writing, Ilan Aviv, Awakening, Together|0 Comments

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About the Author:

Ilan Aviv, founder of the "People Forever" movement for awakening to life and transformation, researcher and frequency healing technology developer, for the regeneration of the human body and exit from the human matrix. Ilan founded an awareness and awakening center in Israel, wrote dozens of articles to promote awareness while conducted hundreds of workshops in parallel with in-depth work with people. In recent years, Ilan has been promoting his work in India while establishing a frequency technology development and awakening center. People Forever website:

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