Only 10 minutes of ads a day needed – Andy Paddycombe
Our fast pace of life, we always do something. When did you laugh and do nothing??Not reading, without watching TV, without surfing on the phone? We are talking here about our most important organ. Our mind. And even though it's so important, we don't give it enough attention and it becomes too busy, in constant tension. We miss the moment, and everyone thinks that's how it should be. But it must be so.
Wayne Dyer – How to Be a No-Limit Person
Wayne Dyer in a fascinating lecture on how to become and be an omnipotent person - lacking limitations
What is death?
Death is the main dream from which all illusions arise. Isn't it a craze to think of life in terms of birth, aging, loss of vitality, and ultimately death? This is the one and only permanent and unchanging belief of the world, that all things in the world are born only to die. This is considered the "way of nature," not to come up as a question, but to be accepted as the "natural law" [Read more...]
Protection against electromagnetic radiation / cellular radiation EMF
100 years ago people defended their homes with swords for fear of road robbers. Nowadays, the enemies enter us through the window without us seeing or knowing that they have entered. These are transparent enemies that are found almost everywhere, even inside your living room. Prevention of damage from electromagnetic radiation: There can be several sources of electromagnetic radiation (radio waves of different lengths) throughout the house. 1. Wi-Fi - a wireless network - one [Read more...]
Ten Useful Ways to Have Better Conversations – Celeste Hadley at Ted Talk
0:11Ok, I want to see hands:How many of you deleted someone from Facebookbecause they said something offensive about politics or religion, childcare, food? 0:22(Laughter) 0:24And how many of you know at least one person you avoidbecause you just don't want to talk to him? 0:29(Laughter) 0:31You know, once, to have a polite conversation, we would follow the advice of Henry Higgins in "My Fair Lady":Stick to your weather and health. But these days, with climate [Read more...]
Everything You Need To Know – Jed Mckenna
If you ever have a choice between a million dollars and enlightenment, take the million dollars. Because if you take the million dollars there will be someone there who will enjoy the money, unlike what will happen if you get the enlightenment.The pursuit of enlightenment is hopeless, another illusion in the mask of self-deception, because no person who has reached this state of mind calls it enlightenment. Spiritual enlightenment is a state in which the [Read more...]
Dental & Gum Health – Body Health – Self-Healing – From Life Experience
Happy to shar ethe conclusions from the research I have done regarding dental health, including trial and error of several years. After receding gums and losing some teeth, I learned and applied a few things that made a big difference in me and stopped the withdrawal and caries. This article may just be in a nutshell and there may be other things I haven't learned yet, but it's comprehensive enough and a finding to bring [Read more...]
Awakening conversations
When a person begins to doubt oneself thoughts, there a door opens for oneself to discover the truth. At this point, the inner investigator who has fallen asleep wakes up and begins to find out his way back to reality, while making his way through the maze of illusions that trapped one in the darkness in the first place. At this stage, many questions will begin to arise about oneself, his life and the environment [Read more...]
Be the change you want to see in the world
There is no more time left to take inspiration, it's time to be the inspiration! (From Jack's words - People Unlimited). After watching People Unlimited talk/share/video call, I got inspired to inspire people around us and in general. show ourselves that we are capable!!!! Able to love in a big way! Able to live the life we want - a life worth living! A good friend once told me... "Live life as if you have [Read more...]
Eternal non parenthood – a life that lasts without childbirth
It is interesting that in all the conversations about nursing aging of my parents that I participated in online, no one talks about a community of people who take care of each other and stay together, or, Heaven forbid, about the possibility of beating the disease of old age. (Dictionary: Child-free, non parenting, antinatalisem = people who have chosen to live outside the circle of reproduction. do not make children and are not interested in [Read more...]
Jim Carrey in a moving speech to university graduates
You are a new wave in a vast ocean of possibilities, on the other side of this door there is a universe hungry for new ideas, for new leadership. Fear is going to be a major player in your life, and you will decide how much. You can see ghosts and worry all your life about what is going to happen in the future, but all that will ever happen is only what is in [Read more...]
If someone is stupid enough to Leave You
If someone is stupid enough to Leave You, be smart enough to let them go.
The answer given by magic mushrooms to solving the world problem Terence Mckenna
With unparalleled eloquence, Terence McKenna dives deep into the ability of psilocybin mushrooms to solve problems that man cannot reach on his own. Over the centuries, the mysterious fungus has provided shamanic body-mind researchers with a change in the direction of thinking and has given them a non-human perspective to human problems, which we as a species alone will only perpetuate. After being sarcastically asked Terence "why doesn't he just ask the psilocybin mushroom [Read more...]
Is it possible to live Forever?
The main question that people ask themselves when they encounter the idea of eternal life, and perhaps one of the biggest questions that each of us here in the group asks ourselves, is it possible? Because if it's not possible, then why even try?! Most people on the planet are 100% sure that no human has a chance of living forever. They will say it's a delusional dream, scoff and reject the idea outright. [Read more...]
The Invention of Lying 2009
An unusual film that tells about a town where everyone would tell the truth to each other, with a surprising and embarrassing sincerity, who never knew how to lie. The protagonist of the film is solved from work and falls in love with a beautiful woman, and a moment before they are about to throw him out of the apartment because he could not pay the rent, he flashed in his mind an idea that [Read more...]
How not to see a dentist more in life – the truth is that we are not told
Every time we eat fresh fruit we clean our teeth. The human body is designed to eat fruits at room temperature. It is recommended to brush your teeth before eating and not after it, not to use toothpaste but only water. An inspiring and eye-opening video about the world of dentistry that has taught us to stay dependent on it.
The Man Who Knew How to Think – A Book of Correct Thinking by Aviad Good
In the middle of his expected and relatively successful life, Shaltiel, the protagonist of the story, awakens with a sense of unfulfillment and missed opportunity and begins to look for a purpose for his life. He signs up for a gym, eats organic food, studies yoga, reflexology, controlled breathing, relaxation, dance and even decides to devote himself to building a family and a career, "but despite all this, Shaltiel felt that something was missing... " [Read more...]