

If I would like to suppress the human spirit

If I would like to suppress the human spirit I would make the humans feel insecure about how they look I would put children in closed classrooms, away from nature, with no possibility of movement for most of the day, under comparison, criticism, and give them grades on who they are. I would make people work from morning till night so that they would have no time for their family I would tell them that [Read more...]

By |2024-07-13T14:08:12+05:30July 13th, 2024|Awakening, Awareness|0 Comments

The clash of the sexes

Only Two forces in the universe that create all reality. The force of expansion and giving versus the force of contraction and attraction. ย  In our human world these forces appear as male and female - man and woman. From the infinite to the dual, the universe is split within itself to maintain a relationship, to sustain what we know as life on earth. When we are connected to our male or female nature, we [Read more...]

By |2025-03-05T11:30:40+05:30December 5th, 2023|Ilan Aviv, Awareness|0 Comments

When we wake up

When we wake up, the past is not erased from our memories but simply returns to being a dream.ย  In the sleep state, the past is very real; what happened yesterday seems so real that some people live it as if it is happening now.ย  The past is indeed just a dream, but it has serious consequences on our reality, just like a powerful dream we had at night has an impact on reality,ย It can [Read more...]

By |2023-04-20T14:25:17+05:30April 9th, 2023|Ilan Aviv, People-writing, Awareness, Awakening|2 Comments

Internal Conversation – Insights for Life

~ Speak the truth at all costs - Be true with you and others. ~ Keep your word you give people - walk your talk. ~ Focus on the present and talk about the future - remembering the past is only for the purpose of learning. ~ Do now what is necessary - do not postpone after that, because will never come. ~ Keep close the people pushing you up, and release the tackers. ~ [Read more...]

By |2025-02-14T00:30:21+05:30March 22nd, 2016|People-writing, Ilan Aviv, Awareness, Awakening|0 Comments

Are you loved?

In the thoughts I had today about love, I wondered with myself how much I love people in my life and how much I allow others to love me. After all, in the encounter between two or more there is a physical relationship - emotional - energetic and conscious, when these together create for the person the experience for which he happens love. We tend to interpret our positive thoughts about others as love, which [Read more...]

By |2023-04-20T14:58:17+05:30October 10th, 2015|People-writing, Ilan Aviv, Awareness|0 Comments

The Power of Feedback

- **Feedback as a Gift:** Feedback is the greatest gift people can give us, enabling growth and helping us become who we want to be in the world. Understanding Feedback - **Interpreting Feedback:** Some feedback may be unpleasant, causing feelings of rejection or self-doubt. However, these reactions are automatic and not reflective of reality. - **Purpose of Feedback:** True feedback focuses on behavior and its impact on achieving goals, rather than personal judgment. Giving Effective [Read more...]

By |2025-01-28T15:12:04+05:30January 28th, 2025|Ilan Aviv, Awareness, Awakening|0 Comments

The third language between men and women

Are we intelligent enough to speak to the opposite sex so that he understands us? Men talk to each other in codes and women talk to each other in hints, there is an excellent understanding. Women talk at length to men and explain their inner world, and men explain themselves to women in a thousand ways, the discourse of the deaf is in full swing. After all, when a man talks to his friend, he [Read more...]

By |2025-03-05T11:50:46+05:30April 9th, 2023|Uncategorized, People-writing, Ilan Aviv, Awareness|1 Comment

Find a relationship as a cure for loneliness

We tend to think that the partner will solve our fears and therefore choose partners that are suitable for the person who hurt us in the past, or for one of the parents with whom there is an unresolved issue. Such a connection perpetuates the inner drama of the damaged child within us and sticks the couple in a place they do not want to be. It is important that we take care of our [Read more...]

By |2025-03-05T11:50:57+05:30April 9th, 2023|People-writing, Ilan Aviv, Awareness|0 Comments

The search for the other side

Looking for a relationship? A search is a declaration to the universe that a person lacks something specific, thereby challenging this lack and beginning the path of change and correction of desires. The search basis relay on the understanding that there is something hidden from ones eyes and he must discover the reason for the concealment and muster the courage to remove or move from this concealment. When a person searches, he cannot find, and [Read more...]

By |2025-03-05T11:51:07+05:30April 9th, 2023|People-writing, Ilan Aviv, Awareness|0 Comments

What is a real guide – how to recognize a master

A true master is the one who will tell you what you do not want to hear Is the one who will stand in front of you courageously and will be your mirror Is the one who will not leave you who will teach you how he got to his place and implore you not to copy his way, to find yours May he ask you unbearable questions and will not let go until you [Read more...]

By |2022-12-16T11:11:08+05:30October 21st, 2020|People-writing, Ilan Aviv, Awareness, Awakening|0 Comments

A police officer addresses all officers and warns them to respect the rights of civilians

A police officer addresses all police officers in the U.S. and all over the world and talks about human rights. We are in a time when things happen quickly, and our rights are being denied. We must remember our basic human rights and the simple fact that the people give power to the government, and not vice versa. Please watch this video and share it with all your friends It's happening now in the U.S. [Read more...]

By |2022-12-05T15:03:36+05:30May 9th, 2020|Awareness, Covid-19, Awakening|0 Comments

What is awareness?

What is awareness? Who we are without our fears and forgetfulness, who we are at the deepest level of recognition of our being. Awareness is a carrier frequency for knowledge The light of consciousness that can free us from our deepest fears and forgetfulness. What is unawareness, what is no awareness? And what or to whom can we be aware? Awareness is a tool for bringing light to its rightful place within the mind, we [Read more...]

By |2023-02-14T19:21:45+05:30October 21st, 2020|People-writing, Ilan Aviv, Awareness|0 Comments

Stop for a moment

I met a friend who told me that he had a lot of money, a beautiful woman and everything he wanted in life. So I invited him to sit with me for a cup of coffee. He told me he didn't have time. So I asked him: "How is it possible that you are connected to abundance and still worked of time?". And you dear person, do you have enough time to observe life? A [Read more...]

By |2022-12-05T14:45:23+05:30November 4th, 2019|Awareness, Awakening|0 Comments

The Lamb and the Lion

The Lamb and the Lion I have come to the conclusion that the concept of "unconditional giving" does not exist in our world. By living in a dual world, we are made up of 2 extremes, one end being receiving and the other giving. If one end is blocked, the other end is also blocked and we get closer to a state of complete stagnation, we will approach the end, on the contrary of the [Read more...]

By |2023-02-02T23:33:29+05:30October 21st, 2020|People-writing, Ilan Aviv, Awareness, Awakening|0 Comments

Interview with Gabi Gazit on the choice not to have children – Renana Oren

There is a question that most of you do not even give your opinion on, and I will now drag you into a discussion about a topic that you will think I am crazy, that there is something wrong with me in my head but no problem. It is necessary once or not always to ask this question. "Why do we want children? Why do we think that life should always be as parents? Why [Read more...]

By |2022-12-05T13:38:32+05:30June 30th, 2019|Awareness, Antinatalism|0 Comments

I am authentic – the awakening of the true self

What world do you live in? Do you make decisions from emotion and feelings?... Is all you are feelings and thoughts? Automated features that work out of you and make decisions for you? Do you have a choice or are you just a collection of software, a continuation of your dad and mom?! ย  The natural state of man is awake. To be awake is to be me 100% authentic, to be real. Who you [Read more...]

By |2019-06-06T23:12:46+05:30June 6th, 2019|People-writing, Awareness, Awakening|0 Comments

Five Reasons to Do What You Say You Will Do

Do you mean what you say? Do you say you will do something and then not do it? I experience this often. Someone says they will call and they donโ€™t. Someone says they will follow through on a project and they donโ€™t. Someone says they will get something important finished by a particular time and they donโ€™t. How do you feel about someone who says they will do something and they donโ€™t do it? Before [Read more...]

By |2023-03-06T07:35:03+05:30October 17th, 2018|Awareness|0 Comments

Movie frequencies (2013)

In an alternative reality, children learn how lucky they will be (their 'frequency'), and how much knowledge they will acquire that shapes their destiny. One of them, the unlucky boy had to analyze the mystery of free will to continue the forbidden love of the lucky girl. The meeting between the two led to a shock to reality, as well as a rare opportunity to change the laws of the universe, as they were known [Read more...]

By |2018-09-24T17:33:13+05:30September 24th, 2018|Awareness, Awakening, Films|0 Comments

Telepathic messages and Channeling

We must separate our supersensory ability to receive messages coming from other people and the ability to communicate with other dimensions. The ability to pick up emotions from other people is an energetic sensing of the energetic field they are transmitting at that moment. This is a continuous absorption of subconscious information transmitted to the environment and absorbed only by the sensitive among us. The ability to receive the thoughts of others is a telepathic [Read more...]

By |2023-04-09T17:53:51+05:30April 9th, 2023|People-writing, Ilan Aviv, Awareness|0 Comments

Only 10 minutes of ads a day needed – Andy Paddycombe

Our fast pace of life, we always do something. When did you laugh and do nothing??Not reading, without watching TV, without surfing on the phone? We are talking here about our most important organ. Our mind. And even though it's so important, we don't give it enough attention and it becomes too busy, in constant tension. We miss the moment, and everyone thinks that's how it should be. But it must be so.

By |2017-02-25T17:09:29+05:30February 25th, 2017|Awareness|0 Comments

ืžื™ ืื ื—ื ื•

ื”ืžืขื•ื ื™ื™ื ื™ื ืœื—ื™ื•ืช ืืช ื—ื™ื™ื”ื ื‘ืžืœื•ืื, ืœืื•ื”ื‘ื™ื ืืช ื”ื—ื™ื™ื ืฉืจื•ืฆื™ื ืœื—ื™ื•ืช ืœื ืฆื— ื‘ื’ื•ืคื ื”ืื ื•ืฉื™. ืื ื• ืจื•ืื™ื ืืช ื”ื—ื™ื™ื ื›ื“ื‘ืจ ื”ืžื•ืคืœื, ื”ื™ืคื” ื•ื”ื˜ื•ื‘ ื‘ื™ื•ืชืจ ืฉื™ืฉ ื‘ื™ืงื•ื, ื•ื‘ื•ื—ืจื™ื ืœื”ื™ืฉืืจ ื‘ื—ื™ื™ื ื‘ืฉื™ืชื•ืคื™ื•ืช ื•ื‘ื—ื™ื•ืช ืžืœืื”. ื›ืžื•ื ื• ื™ืฉ ืขื•ื“ ืจื‘ื™ื ื‘ืจื—ื‘ื™ ื”ืขื•ืœื, ื•ืžื“ื™ ื™ื•ื ืžืฆื˜ืจืคื™ื ืื ืฉื™ื ื ื•ืกืคื™ื ืฉื’ื™ืœื• ืืช ืชืฉื•ืงืชื ื”ื‘ืกื™ืกื™ืช ื•ื”ื‘ืœืชื™ ืžืชืคืฉืจืช = ืœื—ื™ื•ืช!

ืคื•ืกื˜ื™ื ืื—ืจื•ื ื™ื

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