God and Goddess making love
sexuality It is one of the most sensitive topics among humans because it comes from a survival need and is loaded with a painful past of enslavement, mutual exploitation of the sexes and multi-generational violence. On the physical level, human sexuality symbolizes the force of attraction between the sexes that wants to be realized as an expression of love between humans and attracts the individual to get physically close to another person in order to create physical intimacy with him.
It is an animal and unbridled force at its core that influences the way of thinking, sometimes to an extreme, to allow physical closeness to exist even when distracted, and when beliefs and thoughts oppose the act of closeness. (Moral prohibitions, fears and negative opinions about the person they are attracted to).
its physical purpose is the culture of the human race, and as can be understood from observing the world suffering from a population explosion, it seems that most people have no control over their sexual urges.
Sexual attraction guarantees us to reach physical closeness quickly and from an unconscious perception within us that physical closeness is the fulfillment of spiritual closeness, we would like to create this closeness as quickly as possible in order to reach inner perfection and unity. We connect within ourselves the physical closeness with mental closeness and our constant aspiration is an aspiration for unity because we long to return from where we came.
The sexual urge is the fulfillment of the spiritual separation of humanity that longs to be united again.
Our purpose as humans is, to connect the heart to sexuality and bring the divinity into the physical human separation, so that duality can rise from its inferior place into a connection between God and Elohim who want to make love through humans.
The sexual challenge The main thing facing us as human beings is to overcome the instinct and lead it into a connection of love.
The challenge we face is to eliminate instinct because it is the basic life force and from it come the most beautiful creations on the planet. The fusion power between the male and female gives birth to the creation of the reality we live in, which is a creation of love. All of nature in its entirety is the product of a fusion between these forces, this is a divine consequence that is realized in the human world.
Human sexuality must be seen as it is, the fulfillment of the inner longing for unity within the physical world.
The transformation of the animal instinct and its elevation to the Divine will transform it into creation.
The power of overcoming
If we liken sexuality to a wild horse, we can understand it more deeply and we can also relate to it when it erupts from us or within us. Sexuality is the life force that erupts from an attraction to the opposite force, we must channel this force so that it can fulfill the power of love between human beings and not prevent it from moving, not stop the life force but channel it.
The task of overcoming this force is difficult for most humans because sexuality guarantees us physical contact and the embrace of a loving moment with another person. Even if she doesn’t always keep this promise, in sexuality we reach full physical exposure, and when we are naked in front of another person an inner revelation that we long for can take place, we wait for the moment when the other will see our insides and recognize the piece of God that we are, who will reveal our one essence.
As sexuality currently exists in the world, it erupts without restraint and overpowering at all, the governments encourage the culture and the sexuality industry celebrates in the world. Sexuality has always been the most marketed topic, only that its marketing is wrapped in the beauty of the female body which has become the symbol of sexuality in our world, which separates men from the femininity within them and creates internal division. Sexuality in its essence is far beyond a naked human body.
A conversation about sexuality brings up in us contrasting attitudes that reflect the internal conflict in which humanity is.
On the one hand, it makes us feel ashamed, the need to hide our bodies and keep our sexuality in private rooms, and on the other hand, our great need to express our sexuality at every opportunity with as many people as possible.
This conflict comes out of the fear we have of this life force, which threatens to take over us from time to time, and so it does when we oppose it. We must develop our power of overcoming from a true longing for true spirituality and then we will find the strength to direct the life force towards the same purpose that gave birth to it in the first place.
The story of heaven
The subject of sexuality began in our early days, in the story of the Garden of Eden and the Serpent, when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, they immediately recognized their sexuality and shame arose in them (known as the “flaw of shame” because at the higher level of consciousness there is no shame at all) because they recognized their separateness when they noticed that they had different bodies and were opposed to each other, also On the physical level as well as the internal level, these forces are opposite to each other.
The story of Adam and Eve is a parable for our spiritual separation and the shame that accompanies this separation. Since forever, sexuality has been accompanied by the shame of separation that reminds us on the one hand of separation, and on the other hand of the spiritual journey we must go through towards unity in the heart. We must move towards each other through the love that will guide this journey.
Since shame is a painful and constricting feeling, humans repressed shame and thus the power of sexuality erupted in the world and was cut off from the spirituality that created it. These forces are currently running rampant in the world and are creating further divisions in humanity.
God and Goddess is making love
The forces of the universe are in opposition to each other and are continuously making love.
The sun symbolizes masculinity in the world, the straight and unchanging power of light, the straight line moving continuously towards the shape of the circle. The power of giving bursting into the power of receiving. The masculinity that longs to be contained within femininity.
The earth, Mother Earth is the feminine force of the world. The shape of the circle that rests in its place and waits for the light to illuminate and warm it. The power of inclusion, the desire to receive into it a love that is missed, is the house where the light of knowledge resides, the house of God.
The light will always want to enter the innermost point of the circle shape, to reach the depth of the being of the shape.
The earth will always want to contain within itself the full power of the light, to serve as a home for it and to contain the divinity in the most dignified way it knows how to do.
The story of creation We are told that since time immemorial the forces of the universe make love, it is only us humans who have forgotten our divinity and gone from the game of love to the game of “catch as much as you can”, in order to empower the ego that wants to control love.
When we remember who we are, We represent the forces of the universe with respect and serve as a form and a way for love to be fulfilled through us in the world.
It is a great responsibility to have sexual communication with one another because each such encounter shapes the image of the great encounter between God and Goddess, who are eagerly awaiting our awakening and the beginning of the age of love beyond form.
Ilan Aviv
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