What is awareness?
Who we are without our fears and forgetfulness, who we are at the deepest level of recognition of our being.
Awareness is a carrier frequency for knowledge The light of consciousness that can free us from our deepest fears and forgetfulness.

What is unawareness, what is no awareness? And what or to whom can we be aware?
Awareness is a tool for bringing light to its rightful place within the mind, we can search for and memorize the knowledge found in books, which comes through channeling, we can listen to what is being said, but without the ability to absorb the light of consciousness possible for every person on the planet, we cannot bring knowledge to its proper place so that it can awaken us from our deep sleep and our forgetfulness of who we really are.

The light of consciousness is possible only for humans on the planet, consciousness contains within it the human mind, our mind, the same mind that differs from the opinion of the universe. This knowledge separates us from the one, from the universe, from the divine.
A full awareness of who we are will connect our mind with the mind of the universe, of the One.

When we learn and develop within the process of awareness that takes place in the world, we tend to make the mistake of thinking that the more knowledge we accumulate, the higher our awareness will be.
True awareness is total awareness of who we are, at the level of the deepest possible recognition of us as a human species.
The knowledge we seek is the knowledge that will allow us to free ourselves from our ignorance and unawareness, that knowledge or awareness that can connect us to who we are, beyond our human form.
In this way, we will be imbued with a mystery until the full consciousness of the human being recognizes the illusion of the conscious mind to understand and complete, that every form observed in the universe in which we live is an invention, one of the thoughts of that observing consciousness.
Every form, every thought is a kind of distancing from our true essence.

What is a conscious person?
who can observe what is happening and be present.

And what is it that prevents man from understanding, from seeing, and from being present?
Those filters of consciousness, our physical senses, our human minds, our opinions, our memory, our fears and all the conditioning that we have adapted to ourselves over the years, have distorted the present moment and created within us the same image, the same thought, which we consider to be pure truth.
And what is full awareness if not pure observation of those filters, seeing them and recognizing that we live within human bodies and we have limits and limitations that produce the absorption of the truth and force us to observe only part of what is happening.
We tend to think that the picture that emerges within us as we perceive the world through our physical senses and our mental understanding, this is the full truth.
This world in which we live is a world of concealment, this world hides the truth from our eyes and we are busy with our lives discovering that truth.
The deepest yearning of our hearts is to discover the truth, to discover the divine that is hidden from our eyes.
Awareness is total alertness to what is happening.

What is unawareness if not deep sleep, the same dream that we dream of as a living reality while life moves on!?
And can we now at this moment wake up from the dream and be fully present?
Are we aware that we are asleep?

the ability to listen, that moment in which we assume all our knowledge, our opinions and our judgments,
That moment when we are ready to absorb into us something different, different, new
Even if we are afraid that this knowledge that enters into us will change us
We will breathe this moment into our being

We are afraid of change
We are afraid to fulfill our love in an imperfect world
We are afraid to fulfill ourselves in this limited world
We are afraid of disappearing, of ending with the dimension of matter
A full awareness of who we are will reveal the illusion of the world of form in which we live and free us from our deepest fears that threaten our decay.

There is no force in the universe that can consume our observing consciousness.

All our fears that tell us that we will become extinct, disappear or die, are fears that come from ignorance, forgetfulness, the earthly mental part and the human ego, which are afraid of ending and disappearing, as we grow into the dimension of light and awareness to which we yearn.
Every growth, every change of our consciousness threatens the lower parts, the dark parts within us, they threaten to destroy them.
Can we now observe our bodies, listen to the flow of energy in the body, listen to the places that are afraid within us now?
Can a word, a sentence or a knowledge kill who we are? Is who we are the human body that we are watching?
Are we the thought that goes through our heads now?

Who is the observer self? Who is listening to these words now?
Between beats and beats, between word to word, between breathing and exhaling – there is the truth that we seek in books.
In the quiet moments between thought and thought we can find what we have come to look for here now
Are we ready to let the search go now?
And get… And just to be. Who we are from time immemorial

With love


Author: Ilan Aviv