People make up endless stories about what will happen to them after death, but the only reality that exists is that people die and disappear for good.
It is a psychological necessity of the person to justify the direction in which his life is going, otherwise he will have to face his greatest and most repressed fear – the fear of death.
The whole story of the cycle of birth and death is just a story.
It has no realistic references.
Religions have sold this story to people so that they do not freeze in the face of the terrible truth of their extinction, and this story has become an all-human faith, indispensable to all who see no other option.
After all, if people dare to face the truth of their disappearance from the world in suffering and anguish, their souls will hesitate to seek a solution and resist the verdict,
And it can wake them up from their sleep,
What will become chaos in the face of the customary order of control of the planet Earth
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