What world do you live in? Do you make decisions from emotion and feelings?… Is all you are feelings and thoughts? Automated features that work out of you and make decisions for you?
Do you have a choice or are you just a collection of software, a continuation of your dad and mom?!
The natural state of man is awake. To be awake is to be me 100% authentic, to be real. Who you really are who expresses yourself in full, this is wakefulness.
To be the absolute emanation from oneself into the world, to be a source of influence. Waking up is a spontaneous moment of full reminiscence and a return to your true nature.

Once you stop explaining yourself to people, then you know that you, the "authentic you" no longer have to sell yourself to anyone and you don't care what others think of you. You will abandon the old, programmed "fake self" based on what other people think of you. The authentic self is not the expected software that you have read "I" all your life, it is spontaneously emanating from within you that cannot be predicted. And when you're present and you're yourself and you don't care what other people think of you, you start to exist when you do what's important for you to do most.

Allow other people to think what they want about you, for them to say what they want and for you it won't matter. It's their software that's talking out of their throats. Deal only with the real things in life.

Sleep is based on what people think of each other – "if I behave this way and that way they will think I'm successful" =software.Authentic is simply being who you are!.
Authenticity will restore unity within you, the authentic self will always want unity because it remembers itself and knows that there is only one who is currently speaking from within him, he prefers to remember now. When you are truly authentic you will already know what you have forgotten, because you will give up the guilt you carried when you were not who you are, when you gave up your true existence. When others tell you something bad about yourself you will listen, examine it and not respond, maybe even laugh at seeing another aspect of yourself, then you will know that you are in a place of full authenticity. The authentic does not live in response to others, it acts from the inside out, emerging as a spring from it into the world. The authentic self does not need the external to tell him who he is, the outer will never be able to do so.
The sleeping people ask the others "I'm good, am I nice?" Ask the environment if they are already good enough, afraid that others will say bad things about them, then they will always be trapped in some kind of role, they will give up authenticity in favor of what others think of them.
The others can't tell them who they are, because they don't remember either. They will tell them what they have been taught, they will caress those who are afraid so that they do not interfere with the general year of the honest.
When you are authentic you are emanating, you are giving yourself, giving everything to the world, everything you have inside. Sometimes it's not nice, like having a storm outside it's not nice, authenticity doesn't tell you to always be nice, it also doesn't tell you to be the opposite of that. So you kill this nice software that has made you miserable until now and you're back to being yourself, sometimes nice and sometimes not, sometimes you're like that and sometimes like that = man.
Am I good or bad?
Each person has a set of values that should lead him to achieve in reality what is most dear to his heart. But look at this BUG and the value system that most people live by at the moment is influenced by things like: television, gossip conversations, consumer culture, advertisements, politics, religion and all the junk that parents have poured into the child's head throughout his life. These are all programming. Automated software that runs us. The basic software says that there is good and evil and we must act according to the lists that are fixed within us of what is good and what is bad. This basic software uses judgment to determine our identity in the world. Am I good? Am I bad? Where am I located on the "good" scale compared to others?
This judging software creates a clear division in our inner world, there is a separation between everything that is good and everything that is bad. There is a separation between me and the rest of the world because I am always in comparison with the world, I am in contrast to the world.
When you wake up you will see that there is no good and there is no evil, you will leave duality, give up the division and see that there is only what is in the world. Your division of reality stemmed from ignorance of the world and you fell into the illusion you created when you fell asleep, believing that the dream was the necessary reality that existed.
So the thing that will lead you will be something that is beyond emotions and judgment of good and evil. You will still feel, only that you will not let emotions lead you anymore, you will no longer run away from places where you will feel bad and you will not be instructed to chase after where you feel good, but will act from another place and choose your actions from a conscious decision.

The awakening discovers that he has a program that tells him that he is divided, separate from the world, separate from himself. There is me and there is myself, there is duality in his existence. The truth is that there is no separation, there is only one who observes, sees and thinks.

Author:Ilan Aviv Student of the Universe    

Comments from the previous site:

  1. I was excited
    By: Milka

    January 26th, 2015

    Thank you very much New World for the depth and strength you conveyed in the words you wrote!
    I want to ask you about your comment to Ruth about 'how to become authentic',

    You wrote, "The price of being an authentic person in a world of liars must be taken into account, it is an everyday price that most people will not pay even if they live in terrible suffering… ״

    What price is this about? Does an authentic person live with the feeling that he is paying a price for it?

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    • The price of being authentic
      By: Ilan Aviv

      January 26th, 2015

      Hello Milka,
      Every choice of a person will have a price and a reward, and so will the authentic person pay a price for choosing to be who he is. Of course, there will also be a tremendous reward for this, if only because man has gained back his sanity.
      I see the absurdity of a person paying a price for being who he is, and I also ask about the justice of that, and the answer I give myself is that this is not a matter of justice, only how things happen in our world.

      Unfortunately, we live among lots of people who are asleep and hungry for blood, who must live in a lie in order to continue doing what they are doing. When a person who lives in a lie recognizes someone who is not like him (he will not realize that he is a real person), he will usually experience an existential threat and act in one of the ways: either he will move away from him, or he will try to change the different so that he becomes like him, and if he thinks / feels necessary he will also resort to violence (physical, verbal or energetic). The intensity of the attack will usually depend on the level of threat that the different person poses to him, even though in reality there is no threat at all.

      The authentic lives his life without accountability to anyone, with full respect for the people around him, and this conduct tends to annoy and infuriate those who live inside the prison of desire and the customs they have acquired from the environment.
      The authentic will not tolerate gestures such as tiring shadow games of domination, and therefore will respond to them with the proper assertiveness, even if he will have to sacrifice the positive opinion of others about him.

      I would fine-tune the "authentic person lives with feeling" question you asked, and direct the answer to the fact that the authentic is in a healthy relationship with the reality in which he lives, with sensations continuing to pass through his body, while knowing that he is not made of sensations and thoughts, but of real and existing matter that makes up his body.

      Good days
      Ilan Aviv – People for the World

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  2. Authenticity = Loyalty to the Original
    By: doreet

    September 27th, 2010

    The words "real people" "practical actions in life" these are points of view. Are people who live in a practical way and are surrounded by people who they think are genuine authentic?" Which means authentic = true to the original. Be true to the source of your feelings – here and now. Be true to what you are in this moment without striving for another moment without regretting a passing moment.
    Be true to your present moment: to the taste of the food, to the posture of the body, to the expression on your face, be faithful to the sensations that befall you in the here and now and learn them, about them and about you. This is how you will learn to be authentic….

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  3. Do you live what you say?
    By: Hi

    May 31st, 2010

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    • Yes!
      By: Ilan Aviv

      December 25th, 2014

      I live what I write!

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  4. How to be authentic
    By: Ilan Aviv

    April 29th, 2010

    The decision is the first step we must take on the path to full authenticity.
    And the stage that follows is the implementation of the decision by practical actions in life,
    This is the most important training stage in the whole awakening process,
    Back to a full life, back to authenticity.

    Some people realize how much they have distanced themselves and are afraid to start the return because they are afraid of failure.
    I recommend that every person make the decision and start taking actions,
    Or maybe even, start accumulating failures :-)

    Because as long as you know that you are accumulating failures, you know that you are taking action, and if you stick to it, you will succeed.

    You can gather around you real people who will be in your sight and declare to them that you want and ask them to tell you the truth, to be honest and honest, even when you don't like what they tell you.
    And in this regard, you must be dedicated to your purpose of returning to being authentic and not giving up even when you want to escape most of all.

    Good luck
    Ilan Aviv – People for the World

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  5. question
    By: Ruth

    April 28th, 2010

    Love the idea of authenticity – not clear to me despite my many studies
    How? How to get there. Knows that life is in mutual fertilization with society. And society has an impact on us… I agree that there are moments when we are authentic. I would love to understand more about how to increase the moments of authenticity.

    Thank you
    And all the best
    Ruth – Personal Mapping in Color

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    • How to become authentic
      By: Ilan Aviv

      December 25th, 2014

      Hello Ruth,
      As in sleep, as in lying, so in inauthenticity.
      It is necessary to clarify and discover the "inauthentic" behaviors, the false behaviors, and bring them to awareness.
      The nature of lying is to hide, to hide its face, and therefore, when the hidden is raised to awareness, the rest already happens.
      This will happen when a person is fed up with lying, when he has come to the realization that the price is higher than the return. Until then, he will continue to lie to himself and behave as he was programmed to behave.

      For those who choose to be real: the price of being an authentic person in a world of liars must be taken into account, this is an everyday price that most people will not pay even if they live in terrible suffering.

      Programming means being a nice person, playing the "company" game (which doesn't really exist, there are only people in the world, there's no such thing as "company") and telling myself that I'm a good person, being authentic means going against the grain, thinking original (opposite to the accepted opinion of the herd) hearing the herd of the frightened trying to stop the authentic in every possible way, and seeing myself doing things that I'm not proud of.

      The authentic way is a true way, it has a price, and it has a value.

      Ilan Aviv – People for the World

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  6. Liked the article
    By: Orna Ben-Shoshan

    April 27th, 2010

    Ilan Aviv –
    I love reading your articles and communications.
    The latter came to me at the right time.
    Thank you-

    Reply H. Dasha

    • Pleasure!! Thank you
      By: Ilan Aviv

      April 26, 2016