Roen Horn Speaks at People Unlimited – Rowan Horn is hosted at the People Without Borders House in the US, here is the essence of his words translated from English: It's like a breath of fresh air to be among people who really want to live forever. You have no idea, I interviewed so many people and asked if they wanted to live forever and most of them said no!! Many of them told me they wanted to die. And I thought to myself "if you want to die then you hate yourself?". You here love yourself, I feel the energy. I love myself so much that I won't be willing to accept death. Not just 500 years, not some temporary life, I am not satisfied with a temporary existence but want a total and permanent life. I say that temporary existence is meaningless, if you are going to die and cease to exist then what is the point? What's the point of being born at all if you're going to end up in the ground? In our culture, we have been trained and brainwashed to accept death as a predetermined thing and that we will never be able to live forever. When we were children, we experienced stress when we were first taught about death and then our parents told us stories about the afterlife and the rest of the fairy tales. The truth is that we were scared because we knew something was wrong here. We do not know if there is an afterlife and it has never been proven, an imaginary thought, and therefore we want physical eternal life. I am so tired of people talking about other kinds of spiritual eternal life of some spirit that is not me, because I am a physical being. It is entirely possible to live forever, this is the message that I want to send you people for some time. I started the Eternal Life Club, a group of people very similar to you friends. You should know that you are my heroes, you are all my heroes. Anyone who wants to live forever and spreads the rumor to others is my hero, because that is what the world needs to hear. There was enough death in the world already. Imagine a time in a world of millions of years from now, how cool could that be? Living forever is a never-ending process and that's what makes it exciting. I don't know for sure that I'll live forever, I hope and hope for it, I'll do everything I can to live forever, but I'm not in a place where I can say for sure that it will happen. Some of you have told me that you know this for sure, and I don't know how you know it for sure. It must be really fun. I'll be honest with you here, I'm definitely afraid of death a lot, every day I experience a strong fear of death. But you know, the fear of death gives me motivation, the fear of death gives me the strength to demand life forever in the body and brings me to be serious about it and improve my health. Because I know I'm going to fail if I don't get serious about it, I might die and end up in the ground, and I'm not willing to let that happen. I will end my remarks by saying: Love yourself! Because there are enough people in the world who hate themselves and want to die. You can definitely live forever if you believe in it and work for it. Do everything in your power, because living forever is a very challenging goal, you know. It may take time and hard work, but if we don't give up and work as a group, we can do it. We're going to have fun winning.
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