Our world is a collaborative world, separated by the partial vision of individuals.
Brian Miller is a successful magician who tells the audience about the day his world turned upside down the moment he tried to perform magic on a blind man.

He managed to get out of his personal point of view and show magic to the blind man, which completely moved the audience and opened up a new dimension to the world he didn’t know.
Brian says in his lecture that the real secret of magic is to understand the other person’s different point of view by accepting a different perspective and acting from it.

People left my life saying I didn’t invest enough in them, although that wasn’t entirely true, but it didn’t change the fact that people kept leaving me and I was left alone. Then I realized that it is not enough to invest in people, but it is important for them to feel that we are investing in them, to see that we care about them.

When we fail to see the other’s point of view, they will remain unsatisfied and experience rejection or disregard from us.

If you want to know the other’s point of view, just ask! Then listen carefully to his answer. Not only asking questions but also listening to the answers fully to understand the answers without judgment.
This special listening changed my life dramatically.


Transcribed from the lecture that Ilan Aviv gave to the group at the People Forever meeting