When a person begins to doubt oneself thoughts, there a door opens for oneself to discover the truth. At this point, the inner investigator who has fallen asleep wakes up and begins to find out his way back to reality, while making his way through the maze of illusions that trapped one in the darkness in the first place. At this stage, many questions will begin to arise about oneself, his life and the environment in which he lives, and if he only learns to leave the questions unanswered for a while, the process of emptying of the known and familiar will begin within oneself, and from there the truth that man has been looking for all his life will be revealed.
A cognitive leap into a awake state
requires a moment of feeling out of control, like the earth is falling off and there is an empty space around us. And although the moment itself is a liberation from the grip and an opportunity for a new life, it is perceived by the intellect as an extremely frightening moment, which it will try to avoid with all its might.
I do not see a particular way of waking up because the matter is not related to a specific way, but is connected to the sincere desire of the person to see the illusion that no longer serves him and to face it with courage, while clarifying the truth about his life and hidden desires, which he may still be ashamed to tell about even to himself.
This is similar to a thorough research work in which 99% of the irrelevant must be sift through to reach the 1% that one wants to find, so that the true investigator will find himself facing a huge illusion that seems very convincing, which he will want to disassemble and refine out of his uncompromising love for the truth.
Is there one truth?
When people say “my truth – your truth”, they mean the personal version that everyone has of absolute truth. And because the general truth is a continuous and uncompromising change, the investigation of the truth presents us with a difficult and fascinating challenge.
Truth = reality.
This is the greatest simplicity of itself, yet it challenges the human mind every time, because it is accustomed to seeing the world through pre-embedded filters, and through opinions that may be stronger for it than the truth itself. As a basic truth exercise and to find out the connection to reality, I suggest placing an object on the table and looking at it for a minute. And then ask: does this object exist absolutely? Do I create it in one form or another? Is this object real?.
These questions will open a fascinating internal conversation about the nature of reality, and I strongly recommend not to try and lock in on one particular answer – but to stay with the questions and continue to explore other situations in life that we consider real.
Who is the awakend person?
It is he who sees the illusion, and acts from an authentic reaction to reality! Taking full responsibility for himself and the world around him. He lived his life out of planetary context and was in the service of all.
If so, wakefulness is related to vision?
Indeed it is. Seeing reality is the first and basic step for the person who wakes up to do with himself, and from there the authentic reaction to reality will naturally grow. It is impossible to channel the way back to our true nature without a clear vision of the way, and removing the filters that hide the way is a necessary process for all of us to do.
Is waking up scary?
Before waking up, it can be scary as much as you’re sure your sleep is real. Like the fear of being taken away from the apple, and then you find out that you have a basket full of apples.
It sounds simple. So why doesn’t everyone do it?
Waking up is the simplest thing you can do. Wakefulness is the naked simplicity of human existence throughout its generations. But it turns out that man is in such a deep sleep within his private world that attachment to illusion has become a deep and faithful contract that he will not be willing to break even if the truth offers him its generous gifts. Yes it is simple to wake up, but we do not know what to do with this understanding, because it is not about an action to be done, but it is about releasing the illusion that we hold so tightly – and also that we are learned and have achieved many successes in our lives, we have never yet learned how to let go – to let go. Like the fish that took a risk and bet on its new life with its friends, there is a moment when you are in the air, and most people do not like to be out of control.
If so, then what can be done?
It is necessary to achieve a good look, learn, absorb inspiration and practice.
Isn’t learning exactly the same as trying to gain more and more knowledge? Because just a moment ago you said that we must let go and not achieve more?
This is indeed the case. In the first stage we must follow in the footsteps of the intellect who is interested in obtaining more knowledge, and the teaching will be partly fascinating and interesting – what will be valuable to our precious intellect.In the next stages of learning we will begin to practice certain parts of our waking phases, which will accustom us to starting to think differently about reality.
We will learn to add another perspective on things that we thought were absolute, and from there the thought will be flexible and we will have the opportunity to jump into a lively way of thinking of our true nature. All our lives we have learned that we must achieve things in order to advance where we want to go in life, and here we are talking about the opposite process. Emptying ourselves of existing knowledge in order to remember the authentic self. There is nothing here to achieve, but only to peel off who we are not.
That sound too easy for me? I’ve been practicing meditation for 3 years and can’t get out of my mind fuck
I’ll give you a question: Is it easy to ride a bike? I suppose as an adult you will answer “yes – it’s simple”, but if a 2 year old tries to ride a bike he will have a completely different experience in this experience – which can also be painful.Naturally, he will try to control the balance of the bike and direct it in the direction he wants it to go, and anyone who remembers his first few times on a bike knows, that this is exactly what needs to be done to fall off it.
It will take the child many trials to understand that he needs to find his natural balance when he is on the bike, and that he needs to let go of what he knows about body equilibrium.He will eventually discover that only when he lets go of control does he find the balance he was looking for. We are not talking here about mental learning at all, but rather, it is the study and recollection of the body from a direct experience.
.. Everyone wants to be awake, but only a few are willing to give up sleep.
So what will actually change in me when I wake up?
This is not a foreign country you are going to. You stay, only the context changes and so does the mindset. The place from which you will begin to act will be from a general and impersonal context, with you of course being part of it. You will probably get up the next morning and do things similar to those you did the day before, but the place from which you will operate will never be the same, and it is only a matter of time before you change many of the actions you used to do in the past. You may find that many of the things you do in life are no longer relevant, and change them by choice. Within sleep, the life context is personal: “I, myself, my desires, my passions and whatever I want”. The awakened feels humanity within itself and works to serve the whole. He experiences himself as a pawn of the world, and at the same time conducts his personal life like any other person.
How do I know I’m not already awake? Could it be that I woke up without me knowing ?
The situation is similar to a person walking down the street and suddenly not sure if he is really walking there or maybe he is dreaming of walking. This is exactly the time to pinch hard and find out if it is a dream or a reality, and sometimes to find out that it was another dream. The waker knows that he is awake, just as you know that you are reading these words now. If you’re in doubt about the veracity of reality, this is a great time to start exploring where you are, and where the bright awareness of your life has gone.
To be practical, what do I have to do to live in ignorance?
The accuracy of the question of “living in aware consciousness state” is the key to the matter. Do not seek the glory of the awake person, because from a vague state of mind there will always be an illusion that being awake is being in a shiny and fun place, which will turn out to be another illusion that will be shattered later on.
And in answer to your question,
we need a good mirror to mark for us where we are, and a group practice framework. In the encounter with other people in the same direction something internal happens to us that cannot be verbally described, which later becomes the main tool of the awake person. Group practice also offers us our own commitment to discovering the truth, and the way to do so by being inspired by at least one person who has already woken up, or if you are lucky enough to find several such people in the group.
The mirror the group offers is a great ground for self-discovery, but it will always be left for you to do your personal work and let go of what no longer serves you in life.
Sometimes, watching another person who is in exactly the same loop as you are and trying to get out of it can be the main key for you to open the door to the subconscious, and from there many possibilities will open up for you to make a new choice about who you are in the world.
What do you do in the group sessions? Please give a summary
The sessions that are different from each other and surprising each time, because the sessions are created by the members of the group through the subconscious of those present. In most of the sessions, a topic is raised for work (the topic is always related to awareness and awakening) and we explore it together through questions that each of us takes for ourselves.Although the session has guidance, it often happens that the questions are addressed from me to the participants and not the other way around.
The purpose of the sessions is to open us all to a new dimension of thinking and seeing, and the question is the best friend of the one wamt to awake. It happens during the meeting that one of the participants enters a work process with the facilitator, and from the process that happens to him personally, he contributes to everyone seeing themselves through him and gaining insights into their lives. The sessions are energetic and interesting and the investigation deepens as you progress at the level of awareness.
Who can attend the meetings? Do you need some experience or track record?
Usually those who are fed up with the long search that did not bring them results in life come to the meetings, or truth-seekers who read the invitation and connected to the frequency of the words. Since the concept of “wakefulness of mind” tells each person something different, what remains to be done is to come and see if this is the right place to be. There is no need for previous study or knowledge, although previous awareness work can be extremely helpful – but the most important thing is to arrive open and curious – to come and ask questions from real researcher state of mind.
About the writer.
For the past 20 years I have been engaged in the study of human consciousness and the transfer of transformative knowledge for the sake of conscious wakefulness. During these years I received and published a lot of information that came in communications about the human soul and the path of humanity, led channeling and awakening workshops and was part of the establishment of several groups that worked to promote awareness and awakening.
In personal work, I met on the way many seekers who came to the talks to clarify their way. In the last 7 years I have retired from studying and devoted myself to being a student of nature, having accepted the signs and agreed to enter a study track of listening to the laws of the universe and understanding them. What I have learned so far from animals, plants and nature, I cannot concentrate here into written words, but I will tell you that this is one of the great lessons of my life, which also eventually led me to the realization that I need to go back and work with the people along the way, inviting the truth seekers in the world of illusions to reconnect and work together.
In ‘Awakening Talks’ sessions I will offer you, my friends, the exploration and love of truth until it becomes a better friend than the illusion that surrounds our human world. In our waking conversations I will share my simple approach to a lively life, and my experience of a life connected to reality, and together we will conduct an exploration through questions, practice and guided discussion. Some of the questions will find answers in the meeting, and others will remain as gifts that I hope you will agree to take home with you. In this evening I will be at your service.
Articles I have written:
Be a Disciple of the Truth / Ilan Aviv
I am authentic – the awakening of the brave self/ Ilan Aviv
The Human Sleep Situation / Ilan
From Sleep to Enlightenment / Ilan
Abandonment and Rejection / Ilan
Please send an email for clarification regarding the upcoming meeting
– All mental researchers and truth-seekers are invited to Join.
Good Days Ilan Aviv – A Disciple of the Universe
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