Much has been said about this jellyfish, so I bring it up again so that we can look it well in the eyes.
It does not speak or think like humans, but it is an organism with living cells that are similar to ours and all living beings on Earth.
This primitive creature knows how to heal itself continuously (overcomes its code of death) and in simple words = lives forever!
You don't have to look for yogic fathers who live in caves, and you really don't have to look for proof outside.
For me, the equation is simple:
Whoever wants to live forever must give up the world of death. It is impossible to catch this stick at both ends.
And this is not a simple concession, because it has many gains that must be waived if one wants to jump into the world of the living.
It is not enough to think that wanting to live forever, and also being vegan and healthy will not bring anyone to eternal life (to stop killing is basic of course), because even the healthiest who do sports and eat only what is necessary – if they do not undergo a reversal of direction, will eventually die.
It's a reversal of consciousness, a 180-degree change of direction in life.
Jellyfish doesn't have a world of death to give up, so it just keeps living,
But we as human beings have a whole world of habits, wars, desires, lusts that we don't want to give up so quickly.
Yes, there is a price to this choice, like any other choice in life.
True, no one will promise those who have chosen to live forever that it will indeed work for them, and the environment will defend and ridicule this choice and repel, because human beings must justify their way, and those who are on the path of containment will have to tell themselves and others that there is no other option but the possibility that they are bound to it. (Self-justification is the basis of survival)
I've heard people say that "living forever is now."
Agree with the statement, but it is also much more than that.
This is the direction our lives are going, and are the choices we make harnessed in that direction?!
It is not enough for a person to tell himself that he lives forever and continues to participate in the game of reproduction and the habits of death that the rest of the world is trapped in, but it is a serious change in life that touches every aspect.
Some people will want to make the change in stages and there are those who will want to jump and go all the way (personally I connect with jumpers and totals), but first you have to make an unequivocal decision that has never been made = live at all costs.
Because we are paving a path in which humanity has never followed it, and humanity is on a path whose final results are known in advance, an internal and external force of resistance is exercised to this choice from the very first moments in which it was made. For those who made the choice to live forever (I hope you did or will do), surely know the resistance of the mind and the thoughts that come with it, and having dared to share with the people around him, surely remember the opposing reactions.
At some point (after getting tired of ramming the walls) we stop trying to convince the people around them that they should choose life, and an insight emerges that it is impossible to really do it for the others, and that it is worth at least trying to save ourselves from the terrible end. At this point something important happens to the person, in which he begins to look inside himself and agrees to start looking at the programming of his own death within him, at his subconscious desire to end and disappear. (see The Death Impulse according to Freud) It is a challenging stage that can even make the choice according to it, so it is strongly recommended to be in the company of people who have made a choice to live forever in order to pass through it and come out of it strengthened.
Looking inward is an important and necessary process in order to find the "thief of life" who has slipped in and found a home in the shadow of our fears. We must recognize it and then awaken the infinite life force within us (and in the universe), until the whole body is filled with a life force that will not leave the thief a place to be. It is not necessary to fight a thief nor to try to expel him, because he feeds and lives on the fears that will make us want to expel him. Just recognize it, and work to empower the life force.
Yes, there are also people who hear the idea and say: "I want to live forever", and then continue to live normally as if death would escape them just by the mere declaration.
This is just another northern complacency – to take this wondrous life for granted, until it is no longer there.
Connect with our quantity
People forever are among the pioneers in the world who chose to live. One of the first insights that happened to us was that we realized that we needed to come together and connect with other people in the same direction, in order to increase the life force in and around us. We realized that we humans act like any other plant and animal on the planet, we are part of something bigger than ourselves and our base is a flock. We are pack animals that need each other to survive and develop. We have seen that the story of the individual they have told us is a baseless lie, and the more we have tried in our lives to become special and better than the others, the more we have weakened our true strength – the power of togetherness.
So from the moment we realized this we began to tell others about our choice, and since then with each passing day we see more and more people connecting and remembering their desire to live, and we all become stronger.
Now is the only time to wake up, and realize that any thought or action we do in our lives will be meaningless if we do not exist. And the only existence is a continuous existence!
This means that if there is a true existence, it exists forever, without limits and without any conception of end or insolvency. Just be and always stay.
The jellyfish is just a reminder of what we know deep within its contents, because beyond the programming of the end (a subconscious mindset that tells a person that he must cease to exist and also states that it is inevitable) – we know that our true nature is eternal, and that this body is the most miraculous thing that has been created in the universe.
Religions have taken this simple knowledge and made an ingenious move. They took eternal life out of reality (there islands in an unknown place in the cosmos called paradise) and told people that they would go to heaven after they died, and they would come to it if they only obeyed the laws that the religion invented. And since we were born into a world with a basic belief that everyone would eventually die (our parents instilled in us this belief in every possible way), we had to adapt this belief to ourselves as a basic worldview, otherwise we would go against the tribe that sustains us – which is impossible to create as small and dependent as a baby or a child.
Our body is not a tool, nor is it ours. This body is the self that is reading these words now, your body is you!
Your body is everything you are, and it's way beyond what you can perceive right now.
Welcome to Reality
Welcome home
Heaven has been, and always remains, here on Earth.
Ilan Aviv
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